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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / lang / npm / Attic / distinfo (download)

Revision 1.42, Tue Aug 2 17:30:34 2022 UTC (20 months, 2 weeks ago) by abs
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: pkgsrc-2023Q1-base, pkgsrc-2023Q1, pkgsrc-2022Q4-base, pkgsrc-2022Q4, pkgsrc-2022Q3-base, pkgsrc-2022Q3
Changes since 1.41: +4 -4 lines

Updated lang/npm to 8.15.1

v8.15.1 (2022-07-27)
Bug Fixes

    9905d0e #5197 fix: don't fail immediately if cache dir is not accessible (@lukekarrys)
    0e3660e #5206 fix(init): allow for spec on scope-only arg (@wraithgar)
    62b95a0 #5122 fix: allow hash character in paths (@AgainPsychoX)


    f9abee7 #5205 docs: update commit-ish default branch (@dijonkitchen)
    77bf2e1 #5218 docs: update npm-ls.md (@MapleCCC)
    de40c31 #5207 docs: sync ci params with install (@wraithgar)
    4d1d8a9 #5221 docs: describe implicit workspace and prefix configuration (@fritzy) (@lukekarrys) (@wraithgar)


    3bbb293 #5223 deps: @npmcli/arborist@5.3.1

v8.15.0 (2022-07-20)

    5ef53ee #5160 feat: accept registry-scoped certfile and keyfile as credentials (@jenseng)
    c8bdb4a feat: Support pure web authentication for commands (@jumoel) (@ljharb) (@hfaulds) (@sandeepmeduru)

Bug Fixes

    9c590fa #5172 fix: disable progress bar on publish (@wraithgar)
    2fa3271 #5196 fix: add missing ` in adduser warning (@MylesBorins)


    7efad06 #5168 docs: Update audit signatures cmd (@feelepxyz)
    8ab5fca #5171 docs: correct bundledDependencies -> bundleDependencies (@nlf)


    64fe64b #5187 deps: @npmcli/config@4.2.0
    51b12a0 #5187 deps: npm-registry-fetch@13.3.0
    3ae1b81 #5190 deps: make-fetch-happen@10.2.0

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.42 2022/08/02 17:30:34 abs Exp $

BLAKE2s (npm-8.15.1.tar.gz) = 2700761541db1b25f0cdcba4457b8564df596504eebd584460cf9ccf74c29d9a
SHA512 (npm-8.15.1.tar.gz) = 3829bd779343046af5146e87df6d5cd0bb871ea0b12bba5138bc2da60706d3d968678844a6f0612887aefb0a9ff9f82a71e22f4ebe8c83350d089073db918e78
Size (npm-8.15.1.tar.gz) = 92919058 bytes
SHA1 (patch-Makefile) = 07b3b31fc3171aa688242ced7ba9eeadd943aee3
SHA1 (patch-node__modules_@npmcli_config_lib_index.js) = 10565ad4a1eee79dc962e00d1c8d486fceb073cd
SHA1 (patch-node__modules_bin-links_lib_man-target.js) = ece52effb0d44a0fb5252bd67f8e503c1c6ea602
SHA1 (patch-node__modules_node-gyp_gyp_pylib_gyp_generator_make.py) = 291e079fb48caea7501ab864c19ef26672b76bc5
SHA1 (patch-node__modules_node-gyp_gyp_pylib_gyp_xcode__emulation.py) = 282ff62c368a0c6b73d6da83b76a20899a7cbb55
SHA1 (patch-node__modules_node-gyp_lib_configure.js) = 65e9e19fcf984bc7f5c100b2a280cc2a2406e30d
SHA1 (patch-scripts_resetdeps.sh) = e28eb3e3644cc73098ca60f0831d714eff6bc66f