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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / lang / ghc7 / bootstrap.mk (download)

Revision 1.16, Fri Feb 6 06:57:13 2015 UTC (9 years, 2 months ago) by pho
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.15: +24 -6 lines

${MAKE} bootstrap: Build bootkits with -static-libgcc

We don't want our bootkits to have a run-time dependency on libgcc. In
fact GHC's implementation of Haskell exception handling does not
depend on libgcc's facilities so it is attractive to do the same for
"normal" build... but we can't. This is because Haskell programs may
call C functions via FFI, and those C functions may call C++ functions
in turn, possibly in a different shared library.

But on some platforms, gcc automagically inserts a dependency on a
shared libgcc when -lpthread is given, which is seemingly unavoidable.

# $NetBSD: bootstrap.mk,v 1.16 2015/02/06 06:57:13 pho Exp $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Select a bindist of bootstrapping compiler based on a per-platform
# basis.
#   This variable is set to the name of compressed archive file of a
#   bootstrapping compiler for the current platform.
#   Similar to BOOT_ARCHIVE, but "*.tar" not "*.tar.xz".
.include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386" && ${OPSYS} == "FreeBSD"
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=	${PKGNAME}-boot-i386-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz

.elif ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386" && ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=	${PKGNAME}-boot-i386-unknown-netbsd.tar.xz

.elif ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "powerpc" && ${OPSYS} == "Darwin"
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=	${PKGNAME}-boot-powerpc-apple-darwin.tar.xz
# Existence of libelf makes LeadingUnderscore being "NO", which is
# incorrect for this platform. See ${WRKSRC}/aclocal.m4
CONFLICTS+=	libelf-[0-9]*

.elif ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "x86_64" && ${OPSYS} == "Linux"
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=	${PKGNAME}-boot-x86_64-unknown-linux.tar.xz

.elif ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "x86_64" && ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=	${PKGNAME}-boot-x86_64-unknown-netbsd.tar.xz

.elif !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MSunOS-5.11-i386)
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=  ${PKGNAME}-boot-i386-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz

.elif !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MSunOS-5.11-x86_64)
BOOT_ARCHIVE:=  ${PKGNAME}-boot-x86_64-unknown-solaris2.tar.xz

PKG_FAIL_REASON+=	"internal error: unsupported platform"

# current bootstrap binary kit for SmartOS is built with ncurses5
.if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MSunOS-5.11-*) && !empty(OS_VARIANT:U:MSmartOS)
BUILD_DEPENDS+=	ncurses>=5.0:../../devel/ncurses


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The "pre-configure" hook
# Install a bootstrapping compiler directly into TOOLS_DIR so that
# ./configure can find it.
USE_TOOLS+=	gmake xzcat xz

	${FAIL_MSG}  "Put your trusted bootstrap archive as ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${BOOT_ARCHIVE}"

	@${PHASE_MSG} "Extracting bootstrapping compiler for ${PKGNAME}"
	${RUN} ${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-extract
	${RUN} cd ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-extract && \

# It is important to install the stage-0 compiler with our rpath flags
# configured, otherwise it will produce executables with no rpath and
# fail in the configure phase.
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Preparing bootstrapping compiler for ${PKGNAME}"
	${RUN} cd ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-extract/${PKGNAME_NOREV}-boot && \
		${PKGSRC_SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} ${SH} ./configure \
			--prefix=${TOOLS_DIR:Q} && \
		${MAKE_PROGRAM} install

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# An unusual target "bootstrap"
# Build a bootstrapping compiler using an already installed GHC. This
# can certainly impossible if you don't have one. It's absolutely
# important to build it with the fewest possible run-time
# dependencies, otherwise the resulting binary can easily get
# unusable.

# We don't want our bootkits to have a run-time dependency on
# libgcc. In fact GHC's implementation of Haskell exception handling
# does not depend on libgcc's facilities so it is attractive to do the
# same for "normal" build... but we can't. This is because Haskell
# programs may call C functions via FFI, and those C functions may
# call C++ functions in turn, possibly in a different shared library.
.include "../../mk/compiler.mk"
.if make(bootstrap) && !empty(CC_VERSION:Mgcc-*)
# But on some platforms, gcc automagically inserts a dependency on a
# shared libgcc when -lpthread is given, which is seemingly
# unavoidable.
LDFLAGS+=	-static-libgcc

# Gather information about packages on which bootkit depends. It will
# be used in the post-bootstrap phase.
BOOT_GHC_DEPS:=		curses iconv
.for pkg in ${BOOT_GHC_DEPS}

# NOTE: pkglint(1) complains for including these builtin.mk files,
# telling that we must include buildlink3.mk instead. But then how do
# we get variables like USE_BUILTIN.${pkg} defined before including
# ../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk, given that ../../mk/bsd.buildlink3.mk isn't
# protected against multiple inclusion?
CHECK_BUILTIN.${pkg}:=	yes
.  if ${pkg} == "curses"
.    include "../../mk/curses.builtin.mk"
.  elif ${pkg} == "iconv"
.    include "../../converters/libiconv/builtin.mk"
.  endif
CHECK_BUILTIN.${pkg}:=	no

# BOOT_GHC_PKGSRC_DEPS is a list of packages whose pkgsrc version is
# preferred over native one, either by user or ../../mk/platform
.  if ${PREFER.${pkg}} == "pkgsrc"
.  endif

# Compiler wrappers must not remove -I/-L flags for the installed
# GHC's libdir, otherwise the GHC we are going to use for building our
# bootstraping kit will not work at all. Ideally it should be added to
# BUILDLINK_PASSTHRU_DIRS only .if make(bootstrap), but then running
# "${MAKE} wrapper" before "${MAKE} bootstrap" will result in a
# cryptic error which we can't easily catch.
BOOT_GHC_LIBDIR_CMD=		ghc --print-libdir
.if !defined(BOOT_GHC_LIBDIR)

# Default values for BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.<pkg> are only generated in the
# barrier. See ../../mk/buildlink3/bsd.buildlink3.mk and
# ../../mk/bsd.pkg.barrier.mk
.PHONY: bootstrap
.if make(bootstrap)
.if !defined(_PKGSRC_BARRIER)
bootstrap: barrier
bootstrap: pre-bootstrap .WAIT ${WRKDIR}/${BOOT_ARCHIVE} .WAIT post-bootstrap

.PHONY: pre-bootstrap
pre-bootstrap: wrapper
.if empty(BOOT_GHC_LIBDIR)
	@if ${BOOT_GHC_LIBDIR_CMD} 2>/dev/null 1>&2; then \
		${ERROR_MSG} "Running \"${BOOT_GHC_LIBDIR_CMD}\" has failed during wrapper phase."; \
		${FAIL_MSG}  "Plase run \"${MAKE} clean\" and try again."; \
	else \
		${ERROR_MSG} "Failed to run \"${BOOT_GHC_LIBDIR_CMD}\":"; \
		${ERROR_MSG} "You don't seem to have a working GHC in your PATH."; \
		${FAIL_MSG}  "Please install one and then run \"${MAKE} clean bootstrap\"."; \
# ${_COOKIE.configure} is not defined yet so we can't use .if here.
	@if ${TEST} -f ${_COOKIE.configure}; then \
		${ERROR_MSG} "You have already configured the package in a way\
		that building bootstrapping compiler is impossible."; \
		${FAIL_MSG}  "Please run \"${MAKE} clean\" first."; \

	@${PHASE_MSG} "Building lndir(1) to duplicate the source tree."
	cd ${WRKSRC:Q}/utils/lndir && \
		${PKG_CC:Q} lndir.c -o ${.TARGET}

${WRKDIR}/stamp-lndir-boot: ${WRKDIR}/lndir
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Duplicating the source tree for bootstrapping ${PKGNAME_NOREV}"
	${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot
	cd ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot && \
		${WRKDIR}/lndir -silent ../${PKGNAME_NOREV:Q}

${WRKDIR}/stamp-configure-boot: ${WRKDIR}/stamp-lndir-boot
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Configuring bootstrapping compiler ${PKGNAME_NOREV}"
	${MKDIR} ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot
	cd ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot && \
		${CP} -f ${FILESDIR:Q}/bootstrap.build.mk mk/build.mk && \
		${ECHO} >> mk/build.mk && \
		${ECHO} "libraries/terminfo_CONFIGURE_OPTS += \
			--configure-option=--with-curses-includes=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.curses:Q}/${BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.curses:Q} \
			--configure-option=--with-curses-libraries=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.curses:Q}/${BUILDLINK_LIBDIRS.curses:Q}" \
			>> mk/build.mk

${WRKDIR}/stamp-build-boot: ${WRKDIR}/stamp-configure-boot
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Building bootstrapping compiler ${PKGNAME_NOREV}"
	${RUN} cd ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot && ${BUILD_MAKE_CMD}

${WRKDIR}/${BOOT_TARBALL}: ${WRKDIR}/stamp-build-boot
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Creating binary distribution of bootstrapping ${PKGNAME_NOREV}"
	${RUN} cd ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot && ${BUILD_MAKE_CMD} binary-dist
	${MV} -f ${WRKDIR:Q}/build-boot/${BOOT_TARBALL} ${.TARGET}

# This can take up half an hour. Memory usage is also very high, about 680 MiB.
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Compressing binary distribution of bootstrapping ${PKGNAME_NOREV}"
	${XZ} --verbose -9 --extreme ${WRKDIR:Q}/${BOOT_TARBALL}

.PHONY: post-bootstrap
	@${ECHO} "=========================================================================="
	@${ECHO} "Done creating ${BOOT_ARCHIVE}"
	@${ECHO} "  in ${WRKDIR}"
	@${ECHO} "Now you can copy it into ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR} to use it as your"
	@${ECHO} "bootstrap kit. You may want to take a backup in case \"lintpkgsrc -r\""
	@${ECHO} "removes it."
	@${ECHO} "Your bootstrap kit has the following run-time dependencies:"
.for pkg in ${BOOT_GHC_DEPS}
	@${PRINTF} "  * %-8s" "${pkg}:"
.  if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.${pkg}:M[nN][oO])
	@${ECHO_N} " pkgsrc ${BUILDLINK_PKGNAME.${pkg}}"
.  else
	@${ECHO_N} " native"
.    if empty(BUILTIN_PKG.${pkg})
	@${ECHO_N} " (version/variant unknown)"
.    else
	@${ECHO_N} " ${BUILTIN_PKG.${pkg}}"
.    endif
.  endif
	@${ECHO} "Please note that it is generally not a good idea for a bootkit to depend"
	@${ECHO} "on pkgsrc packages, as pkgsrc tends to move faster than operating systems"
	@${ECHO} "so your bootkit may bitrot more quickly. You may want to rebuild it"
	@${ECHO} "without setting PREFER_PKGSRC to \"yes\"."
	@${ECHO} "=========================================================================="