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Current directory: [] / pkgsrc / graphics / tex-chemfig

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
[BACK] Parent Directory        
[TXT] DESCR 1.1 5 years brook tex-chemfig: initial commit The package provides the command \chemfig{<code>}, ...
[TXT] Makefile 1.10 10 months markd tex-chemfig{,-doc}: update to 1.66 - when "bond join" is "true", Cram bonds "<"...
[TXT] PLIST 1.3 3 years markd tex-chemfig: update to 1.6a * deprecated maros \lewis and \Lewis removed * new ...
[TXT] distinfo 1.10 10 months markd tex-chemfig{,-doc}: update to 1.66 - when "bond join" is "true", Cram bonds "<"...

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