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gegl: update to 0.4.48. GEGL=0.4.48 2024-02-11 Core: GeglColor extended with GBytes API, and space aware accesors for RGB and CMYK. Better runtime handling of mismatched GEGL ops in graphs. Build: Use gi-docgen Updated vendored libraries ctx has been updated from upstream. Operations: • dropshadow: Fix shrinking with negative-grow radius. • mantiuk: opt out of OpenMP when building with clang. • voroni: fix crash. • shuffle-search: in progress (in workshop, not built by default) brute-force dither optimizer.
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.131 2024/02/22 09:03:53 wiz Exp $ DISTNAME= gegl-0.4.48 CATEGORIES= graphics MASTER_SITES=${PKGVERSION_NOREV:R}/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.xz MAINTAINER= HOMEPAGE= COMMENT= Graph based image processing framework LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3 MESON_ARGS+= -Dlibv4l=disabled MESON_ARGS+= -Dlibv4l2=disabled # Some binaries that are required to generate docs # are built with RPATH $ORIGIN. Disable docs explicitly. MESON_ARGS+= -Ddocs=false USE_LANGUAGES= c c++ USE_TOOLS+= bash pkg-config xgettext MAKE_ENV+= LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${WRKSRC}/output/gegl # For Darwin MAKE_ENV+= DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${WRKSRC}/output/gegl PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+= PYTHON_FOR_BUILD_ONLY= tool .include "../../mk/" PLIST_VARS+= darwin notdarwin .if ${OPSYS} == "Darwin" PLIST_SUBST+= SOEXT="dylib" PLIST.darwin= yes .else PLIST_SUBST+= SOEXT="so" PLIST.notdarwin= yes .endif PLIST_VARS+= x86_64 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "x86_64" PLIST.x86_64= yes .endif PLIST_VARS+= neon .if ${MACHINE_ARCH:Mearmv[67]*} PLIST.neon= yes .endif # ../gegl/opencl/gegl-cl-color.c:32:10: fatal error: opencl/ No such file or directory # race condition in meson? pre-build: cd ${WRKSRC}/opencl && for file in $$(ls -1 | grep '\.cl$$'); do \ ${PYTHONBIN} "$$file" "$$file".h \ ; done .include "" .include "../../devel/meson/" .include "../../devel/pango/" .include "../../devel/SDL2/" BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.babl+= babl>=0.1.92nb1 .include "../../devel/gobject-introspection/" .include "../../graphics/babl/" .include "../../graphics/gdk-pixbuf2/" .include "../../graphics/lcms2/" .include "../../graphics/openexr/" .include "../../graphics/png/" .include "../../graphics/tiff/" .include "../../graphics/libwebp/" .include "../../lang/vala/" .include "../../lang/python/" .include "../../textproc/json-glib/" .include "../../mk/" .include "../../mk/" .include "../../mk/"