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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / graphics / cairo / Attic / Makefile.common (download)

Revision 1.8, Fri Nov 6 11:15:51 2015 UTC (8 years, 5 months ago) by wiz
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +2 -2 lines

Update cairo* to 1.14.4:

Release 1.14.4    (2015-10-28  Bryce Harrington <bryce@osg.samsung.com>)
Just in time for Halloween we see another bug-fix release for Cairo.
This brings a few dozen straightforward bug fixes with no API changes.

In addition, this includes a typical assortment of fixes to tests,
cleanup of warnings and memory leaks, correction of misspellings,
updates to documentation, etc.

For a complete log of changes since 1.14.2, please see:



API Changes

Dependency Changes

Performance Optimizations

Bug Fixes
* Avoid appending empty slots to user data arrays.  Fixes a memory
  consumption regression since commit 9341c254a.

* Return a better error (file-not-found) when setting up pango on
  devices where the font files don't have read permissions.

* Fix regression in the font size of canvas text in Inkscape when
  compiled with the Quartz backend.  (Bug #84324)

* Fix _cairo_gl_shader_bind_matrix() to maintain compatibility with
  OpenGL ES 2.0.  Manually transpose the matrix.

* Fix incorrect font descriptor conversion when the font matrix yy is
  negative. (Bug #90538)

* Fix crash when using a complex path for clip and stroke due to
  discarding the intersection exactly at the top edge.
  (Bug #74779)

* Fix cairo_get_locale_decimal_point() on Android

* Fix compilation problem on AIX due to conflicting usage of symbol
  'jmpbuf'.  (Bug #89339)

* Fix broken rendering with XCB due to snapshotting of uploaded part of
  surfaces.  (Bug #67505)

* Fix loss of alpha when copying a mask for a cairo recording surface,
  resulting in a double copy.  (Bugs #73038, #73901)

* Fix incorrect recording of certain paths with script surfaces.
  (Bug #91054)

* Fix typo in definition of MAYBE_WARN in configure script.
  (Bug #89750)

* Fix use of filename variable after it's been freed.
  (Bug #91206)

* Fix out of bounds access when printing pattern.
  (Bug #91266)

* Fix incorrect size calculation in glyph cache unlocking for Cairo GL
  (Bug #91321)

* Fix memory leak in _cairo_gl_pattern_texture_setup()
  (Bug #91537)

* Fix transparent images in win32-print.
  (Bug #91835)

* Fix _put_shm_image_boxes and _put_image_boxes when no SHM available
  with XCB.

# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.8 2015/11/06 11:15:51 wiz Exp $
# used by graphics/cairo/Makefile
# used by graphics/cairo-gobject/Makefile

DISTNAME=	cairo-1.14.4
CATEGORIES=	graphics
MASTER_SITES=	http://cairographics.org/releases/

MAINTAINER?=	pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE=	http://cairographics.org/
COMMENT=	Vector graphics library with cross-device output support
LICENSE=	gnu-lgpl-v2.1 AND mpl-1.1

DISTINFO_FILE=	${.CURDIR}/../../graphics/cairo/distinfo
PATCHDIR=	${.CURDIR}/../../graphics/cairo/patches

USE_TOOLS+=		pkg-config
# does not build against NetBSD-5's MesaLib, and is according
# to upstream, only used by "toy applications"
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--disable-gl
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-fc
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-pdf
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-ps
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--enable-tee

PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+=	src/cairo.pc.in
PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+=	src/cairo-features.pc.in

# For snprintf() and ctime_r()

# PR#43928
.include "../../mk/compiler.mk"
.if ${MACHINE_PLATFORM:MDragonFly-*-x86_64} && ${CC_VERSION:Mgcc-4.1.*}
CONFIGURE_ENV+=		ac_cv_type___uint128_t=no