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py-country: forget about Python 2.7 and 3.8
py-country: updated to 24.6.1 24.6.1 (2024-06-01) ------------------- - **Breaking change**: Reverted the fallback to name when country common_name or official_name attributes not available, which was added in 23.12.11. - Fixed import of importlib_metadata to importlib.metadata - Fixed bug causing parent subdivision codes to be returned with additional country code preceding (i.e. GB-GB-ENG instead of GB-ENG) - Update to iso-codes 4.16.0. (Thanks to musicinmybrain!)
py-country: updated to 23.12.11 23.12.11 (2023-12-11) --------------------- - Added fallback to name when common_name or official_name country attributes are missing - Added support for adding and removing country records, as well as casting to dict - Improve performance speed by checking for non-ascii chars before removing accents - Added search_fuzzy method to subdivisions - Added type hinting, created py.typed file, and added mypy checks to CI 23.12.7 (2023-12-07) -------------------- - Dropped support for end-of-life Python 3.6 and 3.7. - Added support for Python 3.11 and Python 3.12. - Added dependency on importlib-resources for Python 3.8. - Dropped implicit dependency on setuptools for pkg_resources. (Thanks to D3X!) - Update to iso-codes 4.15.0. (Thanks to alanorth!) - Removes iso3166.mo files and opts for newer iso3166-1.mo and iso3166-3.mo files for Country and Historic Country Translations respectively. Warning: This requires an update in your application code when you previously used to access the iso3166 gettext data.
py-country: updated to 22.3.5 22.3.5 (2022-03-05) ------------------- - Update to iso-codes 4.9.0. 22.1.10 (2022-01-10) -------------------- - Update to iso-codes 4.8.0. (Thanks to llimeht!) 20.7.3 (2020-07-03) ------------------- - Fix bug 37: (accidental) unconditional pkg_resources import. (thanks, crbunney) 20.7.2 (2020-07-02) ------------------- - Add (auto-generated) __version__ attribute to the main module. - Add fuzzy search to historic countries. - Update to iso-codes 4.5.0. - Clean up the normalization (lower casing) of values in indexes and searches. - Smaller cleanups and build environment version bumps. - Python 3-only cleanups and updated Python minor version compatibility (thanks, Djailla) - Remove defunct bugtracker link from README (thanks, jwilk) - Moved to Git/Github; switched from Bitbucket Pipelines to Travis builds.
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
py-country: updated to 19.8.18 19.8.18: - Fix installation on systems that don't have UTF-8 as default encoding. - Remove superfluous print debugging output. 19.7.15: - Update to iso-codes 4.3. - Add support for ISO 639-5 (Language Families and Groups). - Drop support for Python 2. - Add `search_fuzzy()` function to the countries database. This allows for dealing with user searches that aren't really aware of ISO 3166 (so, like, actual human beings). A bit of character normalization and prioritizing matches between multiple criteria allows building somewhat reasonable suggestion/autocompletion lists. Caveat emptor: no attention has been paid to performance in this feature.
py-country: updated to 18.12.8 18.12.8: WARNING: This release contains a subtle but important API change that may break integrations! Looking at 13416 I realized that I made a terrible API design choice with respect to how the get function should behave in Python. Probably under the influence of either too little or too much whiskey I went and implemented get so that it raises a KeyError instead of doing the Pythonic thing and returning None and allowing to customize the default. There was a bit of back-and-forth around this code in previous releases (specifically touching edge cases to have the Subdivision API behave “reasonably”, although there doesn’t seem to be one right way there.) Anyway, when preparing this release and reviewing 13416 and the other related issues and changes from the past I noticed my mistake an decide to fix it going forward. So, from now on get will behave as expected in Python and yes, this means you will have to update your integration code carefully now checking for None returns instead of expecting KeyErrors. This is work, but I think it’s worthwhile to uphold this convention within the Python community. * Switch API from “get + KeyError” to ” get + default=None”. This is a subtle API-breaking change. Please update carefully. * Update to iso-codes 4.1.
py-country: updated to 18.5.26 18.5.26: Fix 13394: incorrect KeyError shadowing in Subdivisions.get() Fix 13398: make lazy loading thread-safe. 18.5.20: Update to iso-codes 3.79.
py-country: updated to 18.2.23 18.2.23: Update to iso-codes 3.78.
py-country: update to 17.9.23 17.9.23: - Update to iso-codes 3.76
PkgSrc: Renamed geography/py-pycountry to geography/py-country 17.5.14: Update to iso-codes 3.75, which fixes 13389 again. (bad parent codes for GB). Switch from building on drone.io (discontinued service) to bitbucket’s Pipelines. Update pytest dependencies to get rid of API warnings. 17.01.08: Update to iso-codes 3.73, which fixes 13389 (bad parent codes for CZ). 17.01.02: Return empty lists from the subdivision database if the country exists but does not have any subdivisions. Fixes 13374. Some typo fixes. Thanks to @VictorMireyev. Update to iso-codes-3.72.