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Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jun 4 07:35:52 2023 UTC (19 months, 2 weeks ago) by mef
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2024Q4-base, pkgsrc-2024Q4, pkgsrc-2024Q3-base, pkgsrc-2024Q3, pkgsrc-2024Q2-base, pkgsrc-2024Q2, pkgsrc-2024Q1-base, pkgsrc-2024Q1, pkgsrc-2023Q4-base, pkgsrc-2023Q4, pkgsrc-2023Q3-base, pkgsrc-2023Q3, pkgsrc-2023Q2-base, pkgsrc-2023Q2, HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +4 -4 lines
(geography/R-rgdal) Updated 1.5.27 to 1.6.7

# Please note that **rgdal** will be retired during 2023, plan
  transition to sf/stars/terra functions using GDAL and PROJ at your
  earliest convenience (see and earlier blogs
  for guidance).

# Version 1.6-7 (development, rev. 1202-)

* Make retirement in October 2023 explicit, move package start-up
  messages to load from attach

# Version 1.6-6 (2023-04-18, rev. 1200-1201)

* add SharpYuv condition in src/Makevars.ucrt

# Version 1.6-5 (2023-03-02, rev. 1198-1199)

* Upgrade CXX11 to CXX17 (may cause problems for archaic OS)

# Version 1.6-4 (2023-01-12, rev. 1188-1197)

* Update GridsDatums data set

* Warn if retracted GDAL 3.6.0 is being used

* Update `makevars.ucrt` to Rtools 4.3

# Version 1.6-3 (2022-12-14, rev. 1184-1187)

* CRAN error in possibly writing outside tempdir

* CRAN error in printing stored stale `sessionInfo()` output in vignette

# Version 1.6-2 (2022-11-09, rev. 1177-1183)

* deprecation of `project()`, `CRSargs()`, `asSGDF_GROD()`,
  `readGDAL()`, `writeGDAL()`, `create2GDAL()`, `showWKT()`,
  `showEPSG()`, `readOGR()`, `ogrFIDs()`, `ogrInfo()`, `ogrDrivers()`,
  `writeOGR()`, `ogrListLayers()`, `GDALinfo()`, `print.GDALobj()`,
  `GDALcall()`, `rawTransform()`, `OGRSpatialRef()` in favour of
  functions and methods ib **sf** and **terra**.

* handle -Wstrict-prototypes `int main()` to `int main(void)` in

* update `src/Makevars.ucrt` to upgraded MXE geospatial libraries

* address in `src/Makevars.ucrt`

* set PROJ4 warnings default to "none"

* fix -Wstrict-prototypes warnings in code

# Version 1.5-32 (2022-05-09, rev. 1173-1176)

* update src/Makefile.ucrt to accommodate the GDAL raster Geospatial
  PDF driver for reading

# Version 1.5-31 (2022-04-18, rev. 1172)

* unescape underscores in help pages

# Version 1.5-30 (2022-04-08, rev. 1166-1171)

* restore PROJ path assignment for PROJ >= 6 not using PROJ_LIB (was
  used for PROJ 6 but not > 6)

* Update src/ to GDAL 3.4.1 for R < 4.2

# Version 1.5-29 (2022-03-15, rev. 1159-1165)

* also convert BOUNDCRS to PROJCRS by default in OGRSpatialRef() and

* test for chunks table in cache.db in vignette

* quietening tests only differing by `proj.db` version.

# Version 1.5-28 (2021-12-15, rev. 1157-1158)

* Adapting to R 4.2 Windows UCRT

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Oct 26 10:45:06 2021 UTC (3 years, 2 months ago) by nia
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2023Q1-base, pkgsrc-2023Q1, pkgsrc-2022Q4-base, pkgsrc-2022Q4, pkgsrc-2022Q3-base, pkgsrc-2022Q3, pkgsrc-2022Q2-base, pkgsrc-2022Q2, pkgsrc-2022Q1-base, pkgsrc-2022Q1, pkgsrc-2021Q4-base, pkgsrc-2021Q4
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +2 -2 lines
geography: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 7 14:09:21 2021 UTC (3 years, 3 months ago) by nia
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +1 -2 lines
geography: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Sep 20 08:04:00 2021 UTC (3 years, 3 months ago) by mef
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2021Q3-base, pkgsrc-2021Q3
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +5 -5 lines
(geography/R-rgdal) Updated 1.4.8 to 1.5.27

# Please note that **rgdal** will be  retired by the end of 2023, plan
  transition to sf/stars/terra  functions using GDAL and  PROJ at your
  earliest convenience.

# Version 1.5-27 (development, rev. 1149-)
* Correcting logic error in check for MXE UCRT builds (temporary)

# Version 1.5-26 (2021-09-15, rev. 1141-1148)
* Mute use of PROJ CDN for MXE UCRT builds (temporary)

* Run autoupdate on to handle obsolete AC_HELP_STRING etc.

# Version 1.5-25 (2021-09-08, rev. 1122-1140)
* Add environment variable access to --with-data-copy by

* Adaptations for PROJ 8.

* Handle mixed 2D/3D in readOGR():

* Add tweak for UCRT builds.

* Thin examples for spTransform().

# Version 1.5-23 (2021-02-03, rev. 1120-1121)
* Further fallout after removing valgrind issues.

# Version 1.5-22 (2021-02-02, rev. 1106-1119)
* Attempt to remove further valgrind leak in proj6.cpp: PROJcopyEPSG()
  and in ogr_proj.cpp, both wrongly placed object destructors.

* Modified roundtripping all declared projections in ?project examples
  because some listed projections for PROJ >= 5 provoke valgrind
  leakages by returning very large out-of-scope values for input
  coordinates (0, 0); inversion of these is not attempted; some listed
  projections are not projections.

# Version 1.5-21 (2021-01-27, rev. 1093-1105)
* Suggest **rgeos** to write pre-SFS multipolygon objects to avoid
  unpleasant workaround.

* Try to eliminate current valgrind leaks, starting from

* Try to increase robustness to installation with early PROJ 6
  versions, which often lack functionality found necessary later (for
  example visualization order); the code had assumed that this
  function always was available and behaved as it now does. There are
  now graceful failures when not available.

# Version 1.5-19 (2021-01-05, rev. 1083-1092)
* Dan Baston: raster speedups

* PROJ 7.2.1 includes a bug-fix for `+proj=ob_tran` cases that
  required changes in detection and handling of target/source CRS

# Version 1.5-18 (2020-10-13, rev. 1071-1082)
* condition `tests/test_enforce_xy.R` on PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3
  (email BDR, I forgot to re-check with PROJ-5.2.0/GDAL-2.2.4).

* Adaptation to EPSG 10 database format started (from PROJ 7.2);
  choose DB columns by name not number in vignette.

# Version 1.5-17 (2020-10-08, rev. 1051-1070)
* `"CRS"` instantiation now prefers PROJ: use
  `rgdal::set_prefer_proj(FALSE)` to return to earlier behaviour. It
  seems that access from C/C++ code to mechanisms in PROJ offers more
  depth than going through GDAL to PROJ. This `"CRS"` instantiation in
  **sp** and **raster**; Proj4 and WKT2 strings may differ depending
  on whether instantiation is straight from PROJ or goes via
  GDAL. Confirmed with multiple reverse dependency checks over almost
  900 CRAN packages.

* By default use PROJ function to extract the source CRS from a
  `"BOUNDCRS"`. When `+towgs84=` is given, PROJ and GDAL see the
  apparent source Proj4 string as implicitly implying a coordinate
  operation transforming to target WGS84, leading to the WKT2
  representation being a `"BOUNDCRS"`, not a `"PROJCRS"` or
  `"GEOGCRS"`, and thus causing misunderstandings later in searching
  for the most accurate coordinate operation for a transformation. May
  be controlled by setting the `get_source_if_boundcrs=` in
  `sp::CRS()` from **sp** 1.4-4 (2020-10-07). Confirmed with multiple
  reverse dependency checks over almost 900 CRAN packages.

* Add support for instantiating from `"OGC:CRS84"` to provide a
  guaranteed GIS/visualization axis order WGS84 instantiator
  (preferred to `"EPSG:4326"`).

* Permit empty string in `SRS_string=` argument to `sp::CRS()` and
  functions called by it.

* Use GDAL `ORSIsProjected()` instead of simply looking for
  `"+proj=longlat"` in the Proj4 string representation where possible.

# Version 1.5-16 (2020-08-07, rev. 1047-1050)
* Typo in C code; use `try()` around Area-of-Interest calculation for
  coordinate operations (email BDR, I forgot to re-check with

# Version 1.5-15 (2020-08-04, rev. 1020-1046)
* Add support for instantiating from `"ESRI:"`.

* Add Area-of-Interest to coordinate operation search (reduces the
  number of candidates found in many cases), and use in
  `rgdal::spTransform()` by default (`use_aoi=FALSE` to suppress);
  illustrate in vignette

* Harden to condition on PROJ functions only available from 6.2.0;
  block `"+proj=ob_tran` tests for PROJ 6.0.0-6.1.1.

* Support PROJ CDN for on-demand download of
  transformation grids if requested by user; document in vignette

# Version 1.5-12 (2020-06-26, rev. 1007-1019)
* Further corrections to `` for older PROJ/GDAL versions

# Version 1.5-10 (2020-06-09, rev. 991-1006)
* Corrections to `` for older PROJ/GDAL versions

# Version 1.5-8 (2020-05-28, rev. 846-990)
* Released to match **sp** 1.4.0 (2020-02-21) to 1.4-2 (2020-05-20)
  following months of development adapting to breaking changes in the
  external libraries used here: PROJ and GDAL; see also

* Expose `options("rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings"="none")` to mute
  Proj4 string degradation warnings.

* Add new vignette

* CRAN Windows binary uses PROJ >= 6 and GDAL >= 3

* Add PROJ-based CRS comparison: `compare_CRS()`.

* `project()` and `spTransform()` use WKT2 comment if available,
  fallback to Proj4 representation if not.

* List coordinate operations (based on pyproj code): `list_coordOps()`.

* Add `enforce_xy=` arguments to try to ensure that only
  GIS/visualization axis order is present.

* Add `"CRS"` object comment carrying WKT2 (2019) multiline string
  representation on read operations.

* Use `"CRS"` object comment carrying WKT2 (2019) multiline string
  representation on write operations.

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Aug 8 23:19:05 2020 UTC (4 years, 5 months ago) by brook
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2021Q2-base, pkgsrc-2021Q2, pkgsrc-2021Q1-base, pkgsrc-2021Q1, pkgsrc-2020Q4-base, pkgsrc-2020Q4, pkgsrc-2020Q3-base, pkgsrc-2020Q3
geography/R-rgdal: import R-rgdal-1.4.8

Provides bindings to the 'Geospatial' Data Abstraction Library
('GDAL') (>= 1.11.4) and access to projection/transformation
operations from the 'PROJ.4' library. The 'GDAL' and 'PROJ.4'
libraries are external to the package, and, when installing the
package from source, must be correctly installed first. From 'rgdal'
1.4.1, provision is made for 'PROJ6' accommodation, with 'PROJ6'
functionality to follow; from 1.4.1 'rgdal' will build and function
when 'PROJ' >= 6. Both 'GDAL' raster and 'OGR' vector map data can be
imported into R, and 'GDAL' raster data and 'OGR' vector data
exported. Use is made of classes defined in the 'sp' package. Windows
and Mac Intel OS X binaries (including 'GDAL', 'PROJ.4' and 'Expat')
are provided on 'CRAN'.

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