File:  [] / pkgsrc / games / MyGoGrinder / distinfo
Revision 1.5: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Dec 11 15:27:03 2014 UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by wiz
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2014Q4-base, pkgsrc-2014Q4, HEAD
Update to 2.2.0:

Version 2.2.0             (DECEMBER 2014)
  Bugs fixed:
    * The WGF-editor didn't take the new board size in some circumstances
        (introduced with the work on the parser)- repaired
    * play stone was also registered on the invisible part of the board (already
        in 1.02)
    * Splash screen: was too much white - repaired
  Bug or feature?:
    * When the "Apply Tag..." button has the focus, a key pressed sets the tag
        with this first letter, so key "c" or "C" would set "Corner" but if you
        type "cu", the code would set "Corner" AND "Cut"! This is not clean, as
        you would need to delete "Corner", if this isn't wanted. This is an old
        "feature": I found it also in version 1.02
    * PathToSettings can now be set by environment variable (path needs to exist
        and be write enabled) - so you can have a 2nd, 3rd etc. profile for
        the same user
    * Environment variable: same goes with toggle stacktrace on for SGF-errors
        and set path to doc (help files)
        --> see SysVariables.txt
    * The same with log level for SGF errors (0-3, default is 1)
        --> see SysVariables.txt
    * Grinder can now recognize the location of the program's .jar file (usually
        it expects the help files in the program's subdirectory "doc" - this was
        a problem, when Grinder was started with a desktop script, which didn't
        cd to Grinder's program folder before)
    * Startup: shortened the display of the scanned path - now it fits better in
        the splash screen
    * Error messages concerning SGF code: they can now show the affected code
        and highlight it (loglevel 2 and 3)
    * DEMO.WGF moved to doc folder (where the help files reside) (Grinder tries
        to find it there, but falls back to load it from the program's folder)
    * File size is now restricted to files with up to ~100kby (default); this
        can be overridden in the settings file or with setting a system variable
        --> see SysVariables.txt
    * Set some system variables to control the behaviour of the program:
        MYGG_SGF_MAX_SZ (and some more)
    * you get a warning, if one of the log files grows too big (default is ~1mby,
        change that in the settings file)
    * I thought, that the price for my works in the parser is more time
        consumption when parsing. I did a small test with ~1000 files, one time
        with GoGrinder 1.14, one time with MyGoGrinder 2.1.1: nothing remarkable!
        both needed around 45 seconds!
    * Portable - use the command line switch -p or -portable to run Grinder with
        sgf and settings in Grinder's program folder: this still needs some
        polishing: switching to the next problem takes too long.

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.5 2014/12/11 15:27:03 wiz Exp $

SHA1 ( = 61783f580a204aebd67cfd49bcd36aac0b8b9f3e
RMD160 ( = 1e54cbc8f55ccc83934e5164b087bff18a19d6ff
Size ( = 2007145 bytes

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