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py-stripe: updated to 9.11.0 9.11.0 Update generated code
py-stripe: updated to 9.10.0 v9.10.0 Update generated code Add support for gb_bank_transfer_payments, jp_bank_transfer_payments, mx_bank_transfer_payments, sepa_bank_transfer_payments, us_bank_transfer_payments on resource class stripe.Account.Capabilities and parameter class stripe.Account.CreateParamsCapabilities Add support for swish on enums stripe.Invoice.PaymentSettings.payment_method_types, stripe.Invoice.CreateParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types, stripe.Invoice.ModifyParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types, stripe.Subscription.PaymentSettings.payment_method_types, stripe.Subscription.CreateParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types, and stripe.Subscription.ModifyParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types v9.9.0 Add method to list invoice line items Add methods list_lines() and list_lines_async() on the class Invoice to list the invoice line items Update generated code Add support for generated_from on resource classes stripe.ConfirmationToken.PaymentMethodPreview.Card and stripe.PaymentMethod.Card Add support for default_value on parameter classes stripe.checkout.Session.CreateParamsCustomFieldDropdown, stripe.checkout.Session.CreateParamsCustomFieldNumeric, and stripe.checkout.Session.CreateParamsCustomFieldText and resource classes stripe.checkout.Session.CustomField.Dropdown, stripe.checkout.Session.CustomField.Numeric, and stripe.checkout.Session.CustomField.Text Add support for verification_requires_additional_proof_of_registration on enums stripe.Account.FutureRequirements.Error.code, stripe.Account.Requirements.Error.code, stripe.BankAccount.FutureRequirements.Error.code, stripe.BankAccount.Requirements.Error.code, stripe.Capability.FutureRequirements.Error.code, stripe.Capability.Requirements.Error.code, stripe.Person.FutureRequirements.Error.code, and stripe.Person.Requirements.Error.code Add support for issuing_personalization_design.activated on enums stripe.Event.type, stripe.WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events, and stripe.WebhookEndpoint.ModifyParams.enabled_events Add support for issuing_personalization_design.deactivated on enums stripe.Event.type, stripe.WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events, and stripe.WebhookEndpoint.ModifyParams.enabled_events Add support for issuing_personalization_design.rejected on enums stripe.Event.type, stripe.WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events, and stripe.WebhookEndpoint.ModifyParams.enabled_events Add support for issuing_personalization_design.updated on enums stripe.Event.type, stripe.WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events, and stripe.WebhookEndpoint.ModifyParams.enabled_events Add support for en-RO on enums stripe.PaymentIntent.ConfirmParamsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna.preferred_locale, stripe.PaymentIntent.CreateParamsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna.preferred_locale, and stripe.PaymentIntent.ModifyParamsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna.preferred_locale Add support for ro-RO on enums stripe.PaymentIntent.ConfirmParamsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna.preferred_locale, stripe.PaymentIntent.CreateParamsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna.preferred_locale, and stripe.PaymentIntent.ModifyParamsPaymentMethodOptionsKlarna.preferred_locale Change type of features on stripe.issuing.PhysicalBundle from Optional[Features] to Features
py-stripe: updated to 9.8.0 9.8.0 - 2024-05-23 Update generated code Add support for external_account_collection on resource classes stripe.AccountSession.Components.Balances.Features and stripe.AccountSession.Components.Payouts.Features and parameter classes stripe.AccountSession.CreateParamsComponentsBalancesFeatures and stripe.AccountSession.CreateParamsComponentsPayoutsFeatures Add support for payment_method_remove on resource class stripe.checkout.Session.SavedPaymentMethodOptions Add support for terminal_reader_invalid_location_for_payment on enums stripe.Invoice.LastFinalizationError.code, stripe.PaymentIntent.LastPaymentError.code, stripe.SetupAttempt.SetupError.code, and stripe.SetupIntent.LastSetupError.code
py-stripe: updated to 9.7.0 9.7.0 - 2024-05-16 Update generated code Add support for fee_source on resource stripe.ApplicationFee Add support for net_available on resource class stripe.Balance.InstantAvailable Add support for preferred_locales on resource classes stripe.Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.CardPresent, stripe.ConfirmationToken.PaymentMethodPreview.CardPresent, and stripe.PaymentMethod.CardPresent Add support for klarna on resource class stripe.Dispute.PaymentMethodDetails Add support for routing on parameter classes stripe.PaymentIntent.ConfirmParamsPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent, stripe.PaymentIntent.CreateParamsPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent, and stripe.PaymentIntent.ModifyParamsPaymentMethodOptionsCardPresent and resource class stripe.PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions.CardPresent Add support for application_fee on resource stripe.Payout Add support for archived on parameter class stripe.entitlements.Feature.ListParams Add support for lookup_key on parameter class stripe.entitlements.Feature.ListParams Add support for no_valid_authorization on parameter classes stripe.issuing.Dispute.CreateParamsEvidence and stripe.issuing.Dispute.ModifyParamsEvidence and resource class stripe.issuing.Dispute.Evidence Add support for loss_reason on resource stripe.issuing.Dispute Add support for stripe_s700 on parameter classes stripe.terminal.Configuration.CreateParams and stripe.terminal.Configuration.ModifyParams and resource stripe.terminal.Configuration Add support for klarna on enum stripe.Dispute.PaymentMethodDetails.type Add support for no_valid_authorization on enums stripe.issuing.Dispute.Evidence.reason, stripe.issuing.Dispute.CreateParamsEvidence.reason, and stripe.issuing.Dispute.ModifyParamsEvidence.reason Change type of countries on stripe.financial_connections.Session.CreateParamsFilters from List[str] to NotRequired[List[str]] Switch from black to ruff for formatting
py-stripe: updated to 9.6.0 9.6.0 - 2024-05-09 * Update generated code * Add support for `allow_redisplay` on resource class `stripe.ConfirmationToken.PaymentMethodPreview` and resource `stripe.PaymentMethod` * Add support for `preview_mode` on parameter classes `stripe.Invoice.CreatePreviewParams`, `stripe.Invoice.UpcomingLinesParams`, and `stripe.Invoice.UpcomingParams` * Add support for `_cls_update` on resources `stripe.treasury.OutboundPayment` and `stripe.treasury.OutboundTransfer` * Add support for `tracking_details` on resources `stripe.treasury.OutboundPayment` and `stripe.treasury.OutboundTransfer` * Add support for `update` on resources `stripe.treasury.OutboundPayment` and `stripe.treasury.OutboundTransfer` * Add support for `treasury.outbound_payment.tracking_details_updated` on enums `stripe.Event.type`, `stripe.WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events`, and `stripe.WebhookEndpoint.ModifyParams.enabled_events` * Add support for `treasury.outbound_transfer.tracking_details_updated` on enums `stripe.Event.type`, `stripe.WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events`, and `stripe.WebhookEndpoint.ModifyParams.enabled_events` 9.5.0 - 2024-05-02 * Update generated code * Add support for `paypal` on resource class `stripe.Dispute.PaymentMethodDetails` * Add support for `payment_method_types` on parameter class `stripe.PaymentIntent.ConfirmParams` * Add support for `ship_from_details` on parameter class `stripe.tax.Calculation.CreateParams` and resources `stripe.tax.Calculation` and `stripe.tax.Transaction` * Add support for `bh`, `eg`, `ge`, `ke`, `kz`, `ng`, `om` on resource class `stripe.tax.Registration.CountryOptions` and parameter class `stripe.tax.Registration.CreateParamsCountryOptions` * Add support for `paypal` on enum `stripe.Dispute.PaymentMethodDetails.type` * Add support for `shipping_address_invalid` on enums `stripe.Invoice.LastFinalizationError.code`, `stripe.PaymentIntent.LastPaymentError.code`, `stripe.SetupAttempt.SetupError.code`, and `stripe.SetupIntent.LastSetupError.code` * Change type of `metadata` on `stripe.entitlements.Feature.ModifyParams` from `Dict[str, str]` to `Literal['']|Dict[str, str]` * Fix type change entries in Python Changelog 9.4.0 - 2024-04-25 * Update generated code * Add support for `amazon_pay` on resource classes `stripe.Mandate.PaymentMethodDetails` and `stripe.SetupAttempt.PaymentMethodDetails` * Add support for `revolut_pay` on resource classes `stripe.Mandate.PaymentMethodDetails` and `stripe.SetupAttempt.PaymentMethodDetails` * Add support for `setup_future_usage` on resource classes `stripe.PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions.AmazonPay`, `stripe.PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions.RevolutPay`, `stripe.checkout.Session.PaymentMethodOptions.AmazonPay`, and `stripe.checkout.Session.PaymentMethodOptions.RevolutPay` * Add support for `mobilepay` on parameter classes `stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration.CreateParams` and `stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration.ModifyParams` and resource `stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration` * Add support for `ending_before` on parameter class `stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration.ListParams` * Add support for `limit` on parameter class `stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration.ListParams` * Add support for `starting_after` on parameter class `stripe.PaymentMethodConfiguration.ListParams` * Change type of `feature` on `stripe.entitlements.ActiveEntitlement` from `str` to `ExpandableField[Feature]` * Add support for `amazon_pay` on enums `stripe.Invoice.PaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Invoice.CreateParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Invoice.ModifyParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Subscription.PaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Subscription.CreateParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, and `stripe.Subscription.ModifyParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types` * Add support for `revolut_pay` on enums `stripe.Invoice.PaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Invoice.CreateParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Invoice.ModifyParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Subscription.PaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, `stripe.Subscription.CreateParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types`, and `stripe.Subscription.ModifyParamsPaymentSettings.payment_method_types` * Remove support for inadvertently released identity verification features `email` and `phone` on parameter classes `stripe.identity.VerificationSession.CreateParamsOptions` and `stripe.identity.VerificationSession.ModifyParamsOptions` * Bump aiohttp from 3.9.2 to 3.9.4
py-stripe: updated to 8.11.0 v8.11.0 Update generated code Add support for fees, losses, requirement_collection & stripe_dashboard on resource class stripe.Account.Controller Add support for controller on parameter class stripe.Account.CreateParams Add support for create_feature, delete_feature, list_features, retrieve_feature on resource stripe.Product Add support for resource stripe.ProductFeature Add support for event_name on parameter class stripe.billing.MeterEventAdjustment.CreateParams and resource stripe.billing.MeterEventAdjustment Add support for cancel and type on resource stripe.billing.MeterEventAdjustment Add support for resource stripe.entitlements.ActiveEntitlement Add support for resource stripe.entitlements.Feature Add support for none on enum stripe.Account.type Fix README.md Tweak changelog for python async note
py-stripe: updated to 8.10.0 v8.10.0 Add async support to stripe-python. To use it, add an _async suffix to any request-making method. Update generated code Bump aiohttp from 3.9.0 to 3.9.2
py-stripe: updated to 8.6.0 8.6.0 - 2024-03-07 * Update generated code * Add support for `documents` on `AccountSession.Components` * Add support for `request_three_d_secure` on `Checkout.Session.PaymentMethodOptionsCard` and `Checkout.Session.CreateParams.PaymentMethodOptionsCard` * Add support for `created` on `CreditNote.ListParams` * Add support for `sepa_debit` on `Invoice.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions`, `InvoiceCreateParams.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions`, and `InvoiceUpdateParams.PaymentSettings.PaymentMethodOptions` * Update README.md 8.5.0 - 2024-02-29 * Update generated code * Change `identity.VerificationReport.type` to be required * Change type of `identity.VerificationSession.type` from `Optional[Literal["document", "id_number"]]` to `Literal["document", "id_number"]` * Add support for `number` on `Invoice.CreateParams` and `Invoice.ModifyParams` * Add support for `enable_customer_cancellation` on `terminal.Reader.Action.ProcessPaymentIntent.process_config`, `Terminal.Reader.Action.ProcessSetupIntent.process_config`, `Terminal.Reader.ProcessPaymentIntentParams.process_config`, and `Terminal.Reader.ProcessSetupIntentParams.process_config` * Add support for `refund_payment_config` on `Terminal.Reader.Action.refund_payment` and `Terminal.Reader.RefundPaymentParams` * Add support for `payment_method` on `Token.CreateParams.bank_account` * Add `list_refunds` and `retrieve_refund` methods on resource `Charge`. * Update README to use add_beta_version * Fix type of ErrorObject.code
py-stripe: updated to 8.4.0 8.4.0 - 2024-02-22 * Update generated code - Add `InvoiceLineItem.modify` method. * Add TaxIds API * Add support for `create`, `retrieve`, `delete`, and `list` methods on resource `TaxId` * The `instance_url` function on resource `TaxId` now returns the top-level `/v1/tax_ids/{id}` path instead of the `/v1/customers/{customer}/tax_ids/{id}` path. * Remove http client base * Testing: unify http client mock
py-stripe: updated to 8.3.0 8.3.0 - 2024-02-15 * Update generated code * Add support for `networks` on `Card`, `PaymentMethod.CreateParamsCard`, `PaymentMethod.ModifyParamsCard`, and `Token.CreateParamsCard` * Add support for new value `no_voec` on enums `Checkout.Session.CustomerDetails.TaxId.type`, `Invoice.CustomerTaxId.type`, `Tax.Calculation.CustomerDetails.TaxId.type`, `Tax.Transaction.CustomerDetails.TaxId.type`, and `TaxId.type` * Add support for new value `no_voec` on enums `Customer.CreateParams.tax_id_data[].type`, `Invoice.UpcomingLinesParams.customer_details.tax_ids[].type`, `Invoice.UpcomingParams.customer_details.tax_ids[].type`, and `Tax.Calculation.CreateParams.customer_details.tax_ids[].type` * Add support for new value `financial_connections.account.refreshed_ownership` on enum `Event.type` * Add support for `display_brand` on `PaymentMethod.card` * Add support for new value `financial_connections.account.refreshed_ownership` on enums `WebhookEndpoint.CreateParams.enabled_events[]` and `WebhookEndpoint.UpdateParams.enabled_events[]` * Remove broken child methods * Bugfix: remove support for `CreditNoteLineItem.list`, `CustomerCashBalanceTransaction.list`, and `CustomerCashBalanceTransaction.retrieve`. These methods were included in the library unintentionally and never functioned. * Improve types in _http_client.py
py-stripe: updated to 7.13.0 7.13.0 - 2024-01-18 * Update generated code * Add support for providing details about `BankAccount`, `Card`, and `CardToken` on `Account.CreateExternalAccountParams.external_account` and `Account.CreateParams.external_account` * Add support for new value `nn` on enums `Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal.bank`, `PaymentIntent.ConfirmParamsPaymentMethodDataIdeal.bank`, `PaymentIntent.CreateParamsPaymenMethodDataIdeal.bank`, `PaymentIntent.UpdateParamsPaymentMethodDataIdeal.bank`, `PaymentMethod.Ideal.bank`, `PaymentMethod.CreateParamsIdeal.bank`, `SetupAttempt.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal.bank`, `SetupIntent.ConfirmParamsPaymenMethodDataIdeal.bank`, `SetupIntent.CreateParamsPaymenMethodDataIdeal.bank`, and `SetupIntent.UpdateParamsPaymenMethodDataIdeal.bank` * Add support for new value `NNBANL2G` on enums `Charge.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal.bic`, `PaymentMethod.Ideal.bic`, and `SetupAttempt.PaymentMethodDetails.Ideal.bic` * Change `CustomerSession.Components.buy_button` and `CustomerSession.Components.pricing_table` to be required * Add support for `issuer` on `Invoice.CreateParams`, `Invoice.UpcomingLinesParams`, `Invoice.UpcomingParams`, `Invoice.UpdateParams`, and `Invoice` * Add support for `liability` on `Invoice.automatic_tax`, `Invoice.CreateParams.automatic_tax`, `Invoice.UpcomingLinesParams.automatic_tax`, `Invoice.UpcomingParams.automatic_tax`, `Invoice.UpdateParams.automatic_tax`, `Subscription.automatic_tax`, `Subscription.CreateParams.automatic_tax`, and `Subscription.UpdateParams.automatic_tax` * Add support for `on_behalf_of` on `Invoice.UpcomingLinesParams` and `Invoice.UpcomingParams` * Add support for `pin` on `issuing.Card.CreateParams` * Add support for `revocation_reason` on `Mandate.PaymentMethodDetails.bacs_debit` * Add support for `customer_balance` on `PaymentMethodConfiguration.CreateParams`, `PaymentMethodConfiguration.UpdateParams`, and `PaymentMethodConfiguration` * Add support for `invoice_settings` on `Subscription.CreateParams` and `Subscription.UpdateParams`
py-stripe: updated to 7.12.0 7.12.0 - 2024-01-12 * Update generated code * Add support for new resource `CustomerSession` * Add support for `create` method on resource `CustomerSession` * Remove support for values `obligation_inbound`, `obligation_payout_failure`, `obligation_payout`, and `obligation_reversal_outbound` from enum `BalanceTransaction.type` * Add support for new values `eps` and `p24` on enums `Invoice.payment_settings.payment_method_types[]`, `InvoiceCreateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_types[]`, `InvoiceUpdateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_types[]`, `Subscription.payment_settings.payment_method_types[]`, `SubscriptionCreateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_types[]`, and `SubscriptionUpdateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_types[]` * Remove support for value `obligation` from enum `Reporting.ReportRunCreateParams.parameters.reporting_category` * Add support for `billing_cycle_anchor_config` on `SubscriptionCreateParams` and `Subscription`
py-stripe: updated to 7.11.0 7.11.0 - 2024-01-04 * Update generated code * Add support for `retrieve` on resource `tax.Registration` * Change type from `Optional[PaymentDetails]` to `PaymentDetails` of `payment_details` on field `AccountSession.Components` * Change type from `Optional[Payments]` to `Payments` of `payments` on field `AccountSession.Components` * Change type from `Optional[Payouts]` to `Payouts` of `payouts` on field `AccountSession.Components` * Change type from `Optional[Features]` to `Features` of `features` on fields `AccountSession.Components.PaymentDetails`, `AccountSession.Components.Payments`, and `AccountSession.Components.Payouts` * Change type from `Optional[InvoiceSettings]` to `InvoiceSettings` of `invoice_settings` on field `SubscriptionSchedule.DefaultSettings` 7.10.0 - 2023-12-22 * Update generated code * Add support for new resource `FinancialConnections.Transaction` * Add support for `list` and `retrieve` methods on resource `Transaction` * Add support for `subscribe` and `unsubscribe` methods on resource `FinancialConnections.Account` * Add support for `features` on `AccountSessionCreateParams.components.payouts` * Add support for `edit_payout_schedule`, `instant_payouts`, and `standard_payouts` on `AccountSession.components.payouts.features` * Change type of `Checkout.Session.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `Checkout.SessionCreateParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `Invoice.payment_settings.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `InvoiceCreateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `InvoiceUpdateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `PaymentIntent.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `PaymentIntentConfirmParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `PaymentIntentCreateParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `PaymentIntentUpdateParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `SetupIntent.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `SetupIntentConfirmParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `SetupIntentCreateParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `SetupIntentUpdateParams.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `Subscription.payment_settings.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, `SubscriptionCreateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]`, and `SubscriptionUpdateParams.payment_settings.payment_method_options.us_bank_account.financial_connections.prefetch[]` from `literal('balances')` to `enum('balances'|'transactions')` * Add support for new value `financial_connections.account.refreshed_transactions` on enum `Event.type` * Add support for new value `transactions` on enum `FinancialConnections.AccountRefreshParams.features[]` * Add support for `subscriptions` and `transaction_refresh` on `FinancialConnections.Account` * Add support for `next_refresh_available_at` on `FinancialConnections.Account.balance_refresh` * Add support for new value `transactions` on enums `FinancialConnections.Session.prefetch[]` and `FinancialConnections.SessionCreateParams.prefetch[]` * Add support for new value `unknown` on enums `Issuing.Authorization.verification_data.authentication_exemption.type` and `Issuing.AuthorizationCreateParams.testHelpers.verification_data.authentication_exemption.type` * Add support for new value `challenge` on enums `PaymentIntent.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, `PaymentIntentConfirmParams.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, `PaymentIntentCreateParams.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, `PaymentIntentUpdateParams.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, `SetupIntent.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, `SetupIntentConfirmParams.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, `SetupIntentCreateParams.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure`, and `SetupIntentUpdateParams.payment_method_options.card.request_three_d_secure` * Add support for `revolut_pay` on `PaymentMethodConfigurationCreateParams`, `PaymentMethodConfigurationUpdateParams`, and `PaymentMethodConfiguration` * Change type of `Quote.invoice_settings` from `InvoiceSettingQuoteSetting | null` to `InvoiceSettingQuoteSetting` * Add support for `destination_details` on `Refund` * Add support for new value `financial_connections.account.refreshed_transactions` on enums `WebhookEndpointCreateParams.enabled_events[]` and `WebhookEndpointUpdateParams.enabled_events[]` * Update generated code * Remove api_base from RequestOptions type * Support accessing reserved word resource properties via attribute 7.9.0 - 2023-12-14 * Update generated code * Add support for `payment_method_reuse_agreement` on resource classes `PaymentLink.ConsentCollection` and `checkout.Session.ConsentCollection` and parameter classes `PaymentLink.CreateParamsConsentCollection` and `checkout.Session.CreateParamsConsentCollection` * Add support for `after_submit` on parameter classes `PaymentLink.CreateParamsCustomText`, `PaymentLink.ModifyParamsCustomText`, and `checkout.Session.CreateParamsCustomText` and resource classes `PaymentLink.CustomText` and `checkout.Session.CustomText` * Add support for `created` on parameter class `radar.EarlyFraudWarning.ListParams` * Track usage of deprecated `save` * Reports uses of the deprecated `.save` in `X-Stripe-Client-Telemetry`. (You can disable telemetry via `stripe.enable_telemetry = false`, see the [README](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/blob/master/README.md#telemetry).) * Mark defunct and internal methods as deprecated * Add more types to _http_client.py 7.8.2 - 2023-12-11 * Do not raise a DeprecationWarning in `stripe.app_info` 7.8.1 - 2023-12-08 * Fix __getattr__ to raise AttributeError rather than returning None. This fixes a regression in 7.8.0 that caused `stripe.checkout`/`stripe.issuing` etc. to return `None`. * Add missing explicit reexport for `OAuth`, `Webhook`, `WebhookSignature`
Mass-change BUILD_DEPENDS to TOOL_DEPENDS outside mk/. Almost all uses, if not all of them, are wrong, according to the semantics of BUILD_DEPENDS (packages built for target available for use _by_ tools at build-time) and TOOL_DEPEPNDS (packages built for host available for use _as_ tools at build-time). No change to BUILD_DEPENDS as used correctly inside buildlink3. As proposed on tech-pkg: https://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-pkg/2023/06/03/msg027632.html
py-stripe: updated to 4.2.0 4.2.0 - 2022-09-23 * API Updates * Add `upcoming_lines` method to the `Invoice` resource. * Update links in documentation to be absolute. * Add abstract methods for SearchableAPIResource
py-stripe: updated to 4.1.0 4.1.0 - 2022-08-19 * API Updates * Add support for new resource `CustomerCashBalanceTransaction` * Add a support section to the readme * Fix test TestCharge.test_is_saveable().
py-stripe: updated to 4.0.2 4.0.2 - 2022-08-03 * Fix issue where auto_paging_iter failed on nested list objects. 4.0.1 - 2022-08-02 * Fix incorrect handling of additional request parameters * Fixes issue where using special parameter like `api_key`, `idempotency_key`, `stripe_version`, `stripe_account`, `headers` can cause a `Received unknown parameter error`. 4.0.0 - 2022-08-02 Breaking changes that arose during code generation of the library that we postponed for the next major version. For changes to the SDK, read more detailed description at https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/wiki/Migration-guide-for-v4. For changes to the Stripe products, read more at https://stripe.com/docs/upgrades#2022-08-01. "⚠️" symbol highlights breaking changes. * API Updates * Next major release changes * API Updates. Add Price.create tests. * API Updates. Use auto-generation for credit_note and invoice methods. ⚠️ Removed - Removed deprecated `AlipayAccount`, `BitcoinReceiver`, `BitcoinTransaction`, `IssuerFraudRecord`, `Recipient`, `RecipientTransfer`, and `ThreeDSecure` classes. - Removed deprecated `Charge.update_dispute` and `Charge.close_dispute` methods that were using legacy REST API endpoint. Prefer [Dispute.modify](https://stripe.com/docs/api/disputes/update?lang=python) and [Dispute.close](https://stripe.com/docs/api/disputes/close?lang=python) - Removed deprecated `Card.details` method and `CardDetails` resource. The REST API endpoint is not longer supported. - Removed the deprecated `Source.source_transactions` method. Prefer `SubscriptionItem.list_source_transactions` - Removed the deprecated `SubscriptionItem.usage_record_summaries` method. Prefer `SubscriptionItem.list_usage_record_summaries` - Removed the deprecated `Charge.refund` method. Prefer [Refund.create](https://stripe.com/docs/api/refunds/create) ⚠️ Changed - To be consistent with other resource methods, `ApplicationFee.refund` returns an instance of `ApplicationFee` and doesn't mutate the instance of `ApplicationFee`. - To be consistent with other resource methods, the `Customer.delete_discount` no longer resets the `discount` property to `None` and returns the deleted discount instead. If you were relying on this behavior, reset the discount property manually: - The `LineItem` resource now inherits from `StripeObject` as it has no methods of it's own. - To be consistent with other resource methods, the `Subscription.delete_discount` returns an instance of deleted discount and doesn't mutate the instance of `Subscription`. - Update the CA certificate bundle. - Request sending logic unified across standard and custom methods (https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/832)
py-stripe: update to 3.5.0. ## 3.5.0 - 2022-06-30 * [#831](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/831) API Updates * Add support for `deliver_card`, `fail_card`, `return_card`, and `ship_card` test helper methods on resource `Issuing.Card` * Switch from using `instance_url` to computing method path in place for custom methods. * Switch from using explicit class methods for test helpers instead of using meta-programming. ## 3.4.0 - 2022-06-17 * [#824](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/824) API Updates * Add support for `fund_cash_balance` test helper method on resource `Customer` * [#823](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/823) Trigger workflows on beta branches ## 3.3.0 - 2022-06-08 * [#818](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/818) fix: Update cash balance methods to no longer require nested ID. ## 3.2.0 - 2022-05-23 * [#812](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/812) API Updates * Add support for new resource `Apps.Secret` ## 3.1.0 - 2022-05-19 * [#810](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/810) API Updates * Add support for new resources `Treasury.CreditReversal`, `Treasury.DebitReversal`, `Treasury.FinancialAccountFeatures`, `Treasury.FinancialAccount`, `Treasury.FlowDetails`, `Treasury.InboundTransfer`, `Treasury.OutboundPayment`, `Treasury.OutboundTransfer`, `Treasury.ReceivedCredit`, `Treasury.ReceivedDebit`, `Treasury.TransactionEntry`, and `Treasury.Transaction` * Add support for `retrieve_payment_method` method on resource `Customer` * Add support for `list_owners` and `list` methods on resource `FinancialConnections.Account` * [#719](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/719) Set daemon attribute instead of using setDaemon method that was deprecated in Python 3.10 * [#767](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/767) Bump vendored six to 1.16.0 * [#806](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/806) Start testing on pypy-3.8 * [#811](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/811) Add sanitize_id method ## 3.0.0 - 2022-05-09 * [#809](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/809) Release of major version v3.0.0. The [migration guide](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/wiki/Migration-Guide-for-v3) contains more information. (⚠️ = breaking changes): * ⚠️ Replace the legacy `Order` API with the new `Order` API. * New methods: `cancel`, `list_line_items`, `reopen`, and `submit` * Removed methods: `pay` and `return_order` * Removed resources: `OrderItem` and `OrderReturn` * ⚠️ Rename `financial_connections.account.refresh` to `financial_connections.refresh_account` * Add support for `amount_discount`, `amount_tax`, and `product` on `LineItem` ## 2.76.0 - 2022-05-05 * [#808](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/808) API Updates * Add support for new resources `FinancialConnections.AccountOwner`, `FinancialConnections.AccountOwnership`, `FinancialConnections.Account`, and `FinancialConnections.Session` ## 2.75.0 - 2022-05-03 * [#805](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-python/pull/805) API Updates * Add support for new resource `CashBalance`
py-stripe: updated to 2.74.0 2.74.0 * API Updates * Add support for `expire` test helper method on resource `Refund`
py-stripe: updated to 2.73.0 2.73.0 - 2022-04-18 * API Updates * Add support for new resources `FundingInstructions` and `Terminal.Configuration`
py-stripe: updated to 2.72.0 2.72.0 API Updates - Add support for increment_authorization method on resource PaymentIntent
py-stripe: updated to 2.71.0 2.71.0 - 2022-04-08 * API Updates * Add support for `apply_customer_balance` method on resource `PaymentIntent`
py-stripe: updated to 2.70.0 2.70.0 - 2022-03-30 * API Updates * Add support for `cancel_action`, `process_payment_intent`, `process_setup_intent`, and `set_reader_display` methods on resource `Terminal.Reader`
py-stripe: updated to 2.69.0 2.69.0 - 2022-03-29 * API Updates * Add support for Search API * Add support for `search` method on resources `Charge`, `Customer`, `Invoice`, `PaymentIntent`, `Price`, `Product`, and `Subscription` * Pin click dependency to 8.0.4 to avoid breakage in black * Add infrastructure for test-helper methods * Revert Orders to use qualified name for upload_api_base 2.68.0 - 2022-03-23 * API Updates * Add support for `cancel` method on resource `Refund` * Add support for SearchResult.
py-stripe: updated to 2.67.0 2.67.0 * Add support for new resource `TestHelpers.TestClock`
py-stripe: updated to 2.66.0 2.66.0: Add support for `verify_microdeposits` method on resources `PaymentIntent` and `SetupIntent`
py-stripe: updated to 2.65.0 2.65.0 * API Updates * Add support for new resource `PaymentLink` * Start testing Python 3.10
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
py-stripe: updated to 2.64.0 2.64.0 Update class custom methods to save list object parameters. Introduce custom listing methods on objects. Clarify metadata deletion message.
py-stripe: updated to 2.63.0 2.63.0 * Add support for new resource `ShippingRate`
py-stripe: updated to 2.62.0 2.62.0: * Add support for `expire` method on resource `Checkout.Session`
py-stripe: updated to 2.61.0 2.61.0 * API Updates * Add support for `list_payment_methods` method on resource `Customer` * Stop sending raw exception message as part of Stripe user agent.
py-stripe: updated to 2.60.0 2.60.0: * Add support for `list_computed_upfront_line_items` method on resource `Quote`
py-stripe: updated to 2.59.0 2.59.0: Add support for new `Quote` API.
py-stripe: updated to 2.58.0 2.58.0: * Add support for new `TaxCode` API.
py-stripe: updated to 2.57.0 2.57.0 * Add support for Identity VerificationSession and VerificationReport APIs
py-stripe: updated to 2.56.0 2.56.0 Add support for the Billing Portal Configuration API
py-stripe: updated to 2.55.2 2.55.2: Fix CA bundle path issue
py-stripe: updated to 2.55.1 2.55.1: Fix issue where StripeObjects in lists would not be converted to dicts Start testing Python 3.9 Include the examples in the built sources
py-stripe: updated to 2.55.0 2.55.0: Add support for the Payout Reverse API
py-stripe: updated to 2.54.0 2.54.0: Add support for the `SetupAttempt` resource and List API
py-stripe: updated to 2.53.0 2.53.0: Unknown changes
py-stripe: updated to 2.51.0 2.51.0: Add support for the Issuing Dispute Submit API
py-stripe: updated to 2.50.0 2.50.0 * Add support for the `PromotionCode` resource and APIs
py-stripe: updated to 2.49.0 2.49.0: Support stripe.File.create(stripe_version='...')
pytest from versioned depends
py-stripe: updated to 2.48.0 2.48.0: Add support for the `LineItem` resource and APIs
py-stripe: updated to 2.47.0 2.47.0: Add support for the `Price` resource and APIs
py-stripe: updated to 2.46.0 2.46.0: Add support for `billing_portal` namespace and `Session` resource and APIs
py-stripe: updated to 2.45.0 2.45.0: Add support for Express links in `authorize_url` for `OAuth`
py-stripe: updated to 2.44.0 2.44.0: Allow overriding API key in OAuth methods
py-stripe: updated to 2.43.0 2.43.0: * Add support for listing Checkout `Session`
py-stripe: updated to 2.42.0 2.42.0: * Add support for `CreditNoteLineItem` * Pin black version * Start testing Python 3.8
py-stripe: updated to 2.41.1 2.41.1: * Fix uploading files with Unicode names (Python 2.7) * Update Python API docs inline link * Update `proxy.py` 2.41.0: * Add support for `CreditNote` preview 2.40.0: * Add list_usage_record_summaries and list_source_transactions 2.39.0: * Add support for `Mandate` 2.38.0: * Add support for reverse pagination * Contributor Convenant 2.37.2: * Implement support for stripe-should-retry and retry-after headers 2.37.1: * Check that `error` is a dict before trying to use it to create a `StripeError` 2.37.0: * Add `ErrorObject` to `StripeError` exceptions * Pass `CFLAGS` and `LDFLAGS` when running tests 2.36.2: * Use `OrderedDict` to maintain key order in API requests and responses 2.36.1: * Use `ListObject` properties as default values in request methods 2.36.0: * Add support for header parameters in `ListObject` request methods
py-stripe: updated to 2.35.1 2.35.1: * Fix automatic retries of failed requests * Clarify what `max_network_retries` does 2.35.0: * Add `SubscriptionItem.create_usage_record` method 2.34.0: * Remove subscription schedule revisions - This is technically a breaking change. We've chosen to release it as a minor vesion bump because the associated API is unused. 2.33.2: * Add support for passing full objects instead of IDs to custom methods * Bump vendored six to latest version 2.33.1: * Fix `del` statement to not raise `KeyError` 2.33.0: * Listing `BalanceTransaction` objects now uses `/v1/balance_transactions` instead of `/v1/balance/history` 2.32.1: * Fix argument name conflict 2.32.0: * Add support for the `SetupIntent` resource and APIs 2.31.0: * Enable request latency telemetry by default 2.30.1: * Fix support for `CustomerBalanceTransaction` 2.30.0: * Add support for `CustomerBalanceTransaction` resource and APIs 2.29.4: * Remove Poetry and reinstate `setup.py` 2.29.3: Version 2.29.2 was non-functional due to a bugged `version.py` file. This release is identical to 2.29.2 save for the version number. 2.29.2: * Replace pipenv with poetry 2.29.1: * Verify signatures before deserializing events 2.29.0: * Add support for `radar.early_fraud_warning` resource 2.28.2: * Fix a few more code quality issues 2.28.1: * Fix a few code quality issues 2.28.0: * Add support for the `Capability` resource and APIs
py-stripe: updated to 2.27.0 2.27.0: * Add support for the TaxRate resource and APIs 2.26.0: * Add support for the TaxId resource and APIs 2.25.0: * Add support for the CreditNote resource and APIs 2.24.1: * Fix encoding of nested parameters in multipart requests 2.24.0: * Add delete class method on deletable API resources * Add class methods for all custom API requests (e.g. Charge.capture) 2.23.0: * Add support for the PaymentMethod resource and APIs * Add support for retrieving a Checkout Session * Add support for deleting a Terminal Location and Reader 2.22.0: * Add stripe.util.convert_to_dict method for converting StripeObject instances to regular dicts 2.21.0: * Add support for subscription schedules 2.20.3: * Fix client telemetry implementation 2.20.2: * Fix session initialization for multi-threaded environments 2.20.1: * Make RequestsClient thread-safe 2.20.0: * Reuse the default HTTP client by default 2.19.0: * Rename CheckoutSession to Session and move it under the checkout namespace. This is a breaking change, but we've reached out to affected merchants and all new merchants would use the new approach. 2.18.1: * Properly serialize individual on Account objects
py-stripe: updated to 2.18.0 2.18.0: * Add configurable telemetry to gather information on client-side request latency 2.17.0: * Add support for Checkout sessions 2.16.0: * Add support for account links 2.15.0: * Add support for providing custom CA certificate bundle 2.14.0: * Add support for Review for Radar 2.13.0: * Add support for ValueList and ValueListItem for Radar 2.12.1: * Make StripeResponse a new-style class 2.12.0: * Add new API endpoints for the Invoice resource. 2.11.1: * Bump minimum requests version to 2.20.0 (for [CVE-2018-18074](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-18074)) 2.11.0: * Add support for the Person resource * Add support for the WebhookEndpoint resource 2.10.1: * Correct behavior of stripe.max_network_retries if it's reset after initial use 2.10.0: * Add support for Stripe Terminal 2.9.0: * Rename FileUpload to File 2.8.1: * Don't URL-encode square brackets * Integer-index encode all arrays 2.8.0: * Add support for automatic network retries 2.7.0: * Add support for reporting resources 2.6.0: * Add support for usage record summaries 2.5.0: * Remove unsupported Bitcoin endpoints (this is technically a breaking change, but we're releasing as a minor version because none of these APIs were usable anyway) 2.4.0: * Add cancel support for topups * Add support for file links 2.3.0: * Add support for Sigma scheduled query run objects 2.2.0: * Add support for Stripe Issuing 2.1.0: * Add InvoiceLineItem class 2.0.3: * Internal improvements to ApiResource.class_url 2.0.2: * Avoid duplicate dependency on requests with Python 2.7 2.0.1: * Fix setup.py 2.0.0: Major version release. List of backwards incompatible changes to watch out for: * The minimum Python versions are now 2.7 / 3.4. If you're using Python 2.6 or 3.3, consider upgrading to a more recent version. * Stripe exception classes should now be accessed via stripe.error rather than just stripe * Some older deprecated methods have been removed * Trying to detach an unattached source will now raise a stripe.error.InvalidRequestError exception instead of a NotImplementedError exception Pull requests included in this release: * Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3 * Use py.test for tests * Remove deprecated code * Remove util.json and use json module directly everywhere * Update setup.py and test flow * Use pipenv * Change exception when detaching unattached sources from NotImplementedError to stripe.error.InvalidRequestError
py-stripe: update to 1.67.0 1.67.0: * Rename source `delete` to `detach` (and deprecate the former)
py-stripe: update to 1.66.0 1.66.0: * Support length reads on list objects
Reset maintainer
Remove python33: adapt all packages that refer to it.
=== 1.22.1 2015-03-30 * Pass `stripe_account` to Balance.retrieve === 1.22.0 2015-03-22 * Added methods for updating and saving arrays of objects === 1.21.0 2015-02-19 * Added Bitcoin Receiver update and delete methods === 1.20.2 2015-01-21 * Remove support for top-level bitcoin transactions === 1.20.1 2015-01-07 * Adding bitcoin receiver and transaction objects === 1.20.0 2014-12-23 * Adding support for file uploads resource
Updated to latest stable, 1.19.1. Removed blacklist files from PLIST From CHANGELOG: === 1.19.1 2014-10-23 * Application Fee refunds now a list instead of array
=== 1.19.0 2014-07-26 * Application Fee refunds now a list instead of array
=== 1.18.0 2014-06-17 * Add metadata for disputes and refunds
=== 1.17.0 2014-06-10 * Remove official support for Python 2.5
=== 1.16.0 2014-05-28 * Support for canceling transfers === 1.15.1 2014-05-21 * Support cards for recipients. === 1.14.1 2014-05-19 * Disable loading the ssl module on the Google App Engine dev server.
Updated to latest version 1.14.0. No changelog, but there's a certificate blacklist feature and testing thereof now.
Update to latest release, 1.12.2. From CHANGELOG: === 1.12.2 2014-03-13 * Fix syntax errors in setup.py metadata === 1.12.1 2014-03-13 * Added license and other metadata in setup.py * Fix `__repr__` in Python 3 * Support pickling of responses
Import py27-stripe-1.12.0 as finance/py-stripe. Stripe python bindings.