File:  [] / pkgsrc / finance / py-braintree / distinfo
Revision 1.54: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Jan 12 13:20:52 2024 UTC (13 months ago) by adam
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
py-braintree: updated to 4.26.0


Remove usage of standard library deprecated cgi module. Note: this will break integrations on versions of Python below 3.2. However, this is NOT a breaking change to this library, due to our current support of Python 3.5+.
Add PackageDetails class.
Add packages to Transaction attributes.
Add package_tracking method to TransactionGateway to make request to add tracking information to transactions.
Add process_debit_as_credit to credit_card field in options field during Transaction create.
Deprecate three_d_secure_token in favor of three_d_secure_authentication_id
Add upc_code, upc_type, and image_url to line_items in transaction
Deprecate venmo_sdk_session and venmo_sdk_payment_method_code

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.54 2024/01/12 13:20:52 adam Exp $

BLAKE2s (braintree-4.26.0.tar.gz) = fc6f599d6ef3e766f556009e501d6917e2f2d02a3e877389bcd7598821d845aa
SHA512 (braintree-4.26.0.tar.gz) = 3250aabae5f70f957e8cab803e13f8ced992e5b0b89696fa2d8a71bdd22c902d880511b031d14da194551514b2e2981f1833f841005e9feec23239bc5149ee4b
Size (braintree-4.26.0.tar.gz) = 95159 bytes

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