Up to [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / finance / py-braintree
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py-braintree: updated to 4.33.1 4.33.1 Fixes issue related to missing folders in package paths
py-braintree: updated to 4.33.0 4.33.0 Add support for creating and updating PayPal customer session Add support for getting PayPal customer recommendations
py-braintree: updated to 4.31.0 4.31.0 Add fail_on_duplicate_payment_method_for_customer option to ClientToken PaymentMethod CreditCard Add blik_aliases to LocalPaymentCompleted webhook and LocalPaymentDetail Deprecate samsung_pay_card Updated expiring pinned vendor SSL certificates
py-braintree: updated to 4.26.0 4.26.0 Remove usage of standard library deprecated cgi module. Note: this will break integrations on versions of Python below 3.2. However, this is NOT a breaking change to this library, due to our current support of Python 3.5+. Add PackageDetails class. Add packages to Transaction attributes. Add package_tracking method to TransactionGateway to make request to add tracking information to transactions. Add process_debit_as_credit to credit_card field in options field during Transaction create. Deprecate three_d_secure_token in favor of three_d_secure_authentication_id Add upc_code, upc_type, and image_url to line_items in transaction Deprecate venmo_sdk_session and venmo_sdk_payment_method_code
py-braintree: updated to 4.25.0 4.25.0 Add PickupInStore to ShippingMethod enum Add external_vault and risk_data to CreditCardVerification.create request Add phone_number in CreditCard Add debit_network to Transaction field Add debit_network to TransactionSearch Request Add DebitNetwork enum to CreditCard
py-braintree: updated to 4.24.0 4.24.0 Add SubscriptionBillingSkipped to WebhookNotification.Kind Add arrivalDate and ticketIssuerAddress to Transaction.sale request and industry data support for Transaction.submitForSettlement Add date_of_birth and country_code to IndustryData params Add MetaCheckoutCard, MetaCheckoutToken payment methods Add MetaCheckoutCardDetails, MetaCheckoutTokenDetails to Transaction Add verification_add_ons to PaymentMethod create options for ACH NetworkCheck Fix unittest compatibility with Python 3.12
py-braintree: updated to 4.18.0 4.18.0 Replace nose usage for tests with unittest (Thanks @arthurzam) Remove mock dev dependency (Thanks @arthurzam) Add ExcessiveRetry to GatewayRejectionReason Add pre_dispute_program to Dispute and DisputeSearch Add AutoAccepted status to Dispute Add DisputeAutoAccepted to WebhookNotification.Kind Deprecate chargeback_protection_level and add protection_level to Dispute and DisputeSearch Add shipping object to submit_for_settlement_signature Add SEPADirectDebitAccount payment method Add SEPADirectDebitAccount to transaction object Add SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT_ACCOUNT to PaymentInstrumentType Add sepa_debit_paypal_v2_order_id to TransactionSearch Add sepa_direct_debit_accounts to Customer Add SEPA Direct Debit specific error codes
py-braintree: updated to 4.16.0 4.16.0 Add LiabilityShift class and liability_shift to RiskData Add ExchangeRateQuote API Add ach_return_responses_created_at and reason_code fields in TransactionSearch Allow vaulting of raw ApplePayCards with billing address via Customer.create/update
py-braintree: updated to 4.14.0 4.14.0 Add PaymentMethodCustomerDataUpdated webhook
py-braintree: updated to 4.13.1 4.13.0 Add plan create/update/find API endpoint Add TransactionReview webhook notification Fix typos
py-braintree: updated to 4.12.0 4.12.0 Add localPaymentFunded and localPaymentExpired webhooks
py-braintree: updated to 4.9.0 4.9.0 Add paypal_messages to Dispute Add tax_identifiers parameter to Customer.create and Customer.update
py-braintree: updated to 4.8.0 4.8.0 Add LocalPaymentReversed webhook Add store_id and store_ids to Transaction.search
py-braintree: updated to 4.0.0 4.0.0 Split development and deployments requirements files out Add Authentication Insight to payment method nonce create Add ThreeDSecure test payment method nonces Add test AuthenticationIds Add three_d_secure_authentication_id to three_d_secure_info Add three_d_secure_authentication_id support for transaction sale Breaking Changes Require Python 3.5+ Remove deprecated Transparent Redirect Remove deprecated iDeal payment method Apple Pay register_domains returns an ApplePayOptions object Remove unrecognized status from Transaction, Subscription, and CreditCardVerification Remove GrantedPaymentInstrumentUpdate kind from Webhook Remove Coinbase references Add GatewayTimeoutError, RequestTimeoutError exceptions Rename DownForMaintenanceError exception to ServiceUnavailableError Transaction line_items only returns the line items for a transaction response object. Use TransactionLineItem find_all to search all line items on a transaction, given a transaction_id Upgrade API version to retrieve declined refund transactions Remove all deprecated parameters, errors, and methods
py-braintree: updated to 3.58.0 3.58.0 Add support for managing Apple Pay domains Fix error when running against Python 3.8 Add ProcessorDoesNotSupportMotoForCardType to validation errors Add Graphql ID to CreditCardVerification, Customer, Dispute, and Transaction
py-braintree: updated to 3.56.0 3.56.0: Add PayPalHere details Add networkResponseCode and networkResponseText to transactions and verifications Add cavv, xid, ds_transaction_id, eci_flag, and three_d_secure_version, to three_d_secure_info Add three_d_secure_info to credit_card_verification Add GraphQLClient to BraintreeGateway class
py-braintree: updated to 3.54.0 3.54.0 Add payment_method_nonce field to LocalPaymentCompleted webhook Add transaction field to LocalPaymentCompleted webhook Add LocalPaymentDetails to transactions
py-braintree: updated to 3.51.0 3.51.0 Add Hiper card type support Add Hipercard card type support Add bin to PaymentMethodNonceDetails Clarify support for Python versions 3.6.x and 3.7.x Add Error indicating pdf uploads too long for dispute evidence. Add GrantedPaymentMethodRevoked webhook response objects
py-braintree: updated to 3.50.0 3.50.0 Add fraud_service_provider field to risk_data Add authorization_expires_at to Transaction Remove invalid transaction tests Allow PayPal payment ID and payer ID to be passed during transaction create Add travel_flight support to industry-specific data Add processor_response_type to Transaction, AuthorizationAdjustment, and CreditCardVerification.
py-braintree: updated to 3.49.0 3.49.0 Add new field network_transaction_id in transaction response. Add external_vault option to transaction sale. Add LocalPaymentCompleted webhook.
py-braintree: updated to 3.47.0 3.47.0 Add processor respone code and processor response text to authorization adjustments subfield in transaction response. Add support for Samsung Pay
py-braintree: updated to 3.45.0 3.45.0 Add support for US Bank Account verifications API
py-braintree: updated to 3.43.0 3.43.0 Add oauth_access_revocation to WebhookNotifications Add support for customer_id, disbursement_date and history_event_effective_date in DisputeSearch Remove sepa_mandate_type and sepa_mandate_acceptance_location params from ClientToken Add support for VCR compelling evidence dispute representment
py-braintree: updated to 3.40.0 3.40.0 Add level 3 fields to Transactions: discount_amount shipping_amount ships_from_postal_code Add support for transaction line items Add support for tagged evidence in DisputeGateway#add_text_evidence (Beta release) Update https certificate bundle
py-braintree: updated to 3.39.0 3.39.0 Add support for upgrading a PayPal future payment refresh token to a billing agreement Fix braintree.Dispute.search to take a list of search criteria Add logic to remove deprecation warnings for encodestring and decodestring when used with python 3 Fix spec to expect PayPal transaction to settle immediately after successful capture Add GrantedPaymentInstrumentUpdate webhook support Add ability to create a transaction from a shared nonce Add options -> paypal -> shipping for creating & updating customers as well as creating payment methods Do not convert to Decimal if amount is None in AuthorizationAdjustement Add device_data_captured field to risk_data Add bin_data to payment_method_nonce
3.38.0 Add iDEAL webhook support Add AuthorizationAdjustment class and authorization_adjustments to Transaction Coinbase is no longer a supported payment method. PaymentMethodNoLongerSupported will be returned for Coinbase operations Add facilitated details to Transaction if present Add submit_for_settlement option to Subscription.retry_charge Add options -> paypal -> description for creating and updating subscriptions Add Braintree.Dispute.find Add braintree.Dispute.accept Add braintree.Dispute.add_file_evidence Add braintree.Dispute.add_text_evidence Add braintree.Dispute.finalize Add braintree.Dispute.find Add braintree.Dispute.remove_evidence Add braintree.Dispute.search Add braintree.DocumentUpload
The Braintree Python library provides integration access to the Braintree Gateway.