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CVS log for pkgsrc/filesystems/openafs/Makefile

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Revision 1.27: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Nov 15 18:14:42 2024 UTC (2 months, 1 week ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2024Q4-base, pkgsrc-2024Q4, HEAD
Diff to: previous 1.26: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.26: +2 -2 lines
update openafs to 1.8.13:

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.8.13

  All client platforms

    * Fix OPENAFS-SA-2024-001: theft of credentials in Unix client PAGs
      Local users can bypass the PAG throttling mechanism in Unix clients and
      create a PAG using an existing id number and thereby gain access to any
      credentials in that PAG.

    * Fix OPENAFS-SA-2024-003: buffer overflows in XDR responses
      A malicious server can return more data than the preallocated buffer
      holds and cause a buffer overflow, which can crash the OpenAFS cache
      manager and other client utilities, and possibly result in arbitrary
      code execution.

  All platforms

    * Fix OPENAFS-SA-2024-002: unsafe memory access in ACL processing
      Authenticated users can provide malformed ACLs to the fileserver's
      StoreACL RPC, causing the fileserver to crash, possibly expose the
      contents of uninitialized memory, and possibly store garbage data
      in the audit log.
      Malicious servers or network MITM can provide malformed ACLs to
      clients, possibly causing the process to crash and possibly storing
      the contents of uninitialized memory in ACLs stored on the server.

Revision 1.26: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 10 19:49:58 2024 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by wiz
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.25: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.25: +2 -2 lines
openafs: simplify MASTER_SITES

Revision 1.25: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 10 15:53:21 2024 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.24: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.24: +3 -3 lines
Update openafs to 1.8.12

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.8.12

  All client platforms

    * Avoid panics when writing to the cache fails while creating
      or extending directories. (15742..15744, 15758)

  Linux clients

    * Add support for Linux 6.9 (15739)

    * Add support for Linux 6.8 (15679..15706, 15727)

    * Resolve a kernel module loading issue on the AArch64 architecture,
      which occurs due to an unsupported RELA relocation (15728)

Revision 1.24: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 10 15:46:19 2024 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.23: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.23: +3 -3 lines
Update openafs to 1.8.11

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.8.11

  All platforms

    * Check Rx RPC call number in incoming packets before allocating new
      RPC calls to avoid re-running RPC calls when spurious packets are
      received (15562)

    * Fix memory leaks (15516 15517)

    * Fix build failure when building with _FORTIFY_SOURCE (15518 15519)

    * Fix build failures when building with the clang compiler (15540 15541
      15547 15548)

    * Improve error detection in OpenAFS directories for both clients
      and servers (15544 15545 15546)

    * Add a Makefile target to build Red Hat RPM packages (15514)

    * Add support for custom version numbers in Red Hat RPM packages (15513)

  All server platforms

    * Fix File Server and Protection Server crashes due to recursive thread
      lock bug (15609)

    * Fix fileserver crashes during startup (15509 15543)

    * The bosserver no longer creates the client configuration directory and
      "ThisCell" and "CellServDB" symlinks.  The "vos", "pts", and "bos"
      commands now read cell configuration from the server cell configuration
      directory when the client cell configuration directory is not present.
      This change allows server packaging to be independent of client packaging
      and removes the need for client configuration artifacts on hosts running
      server processes only (15510 15511 15512)

    * Print a warning in the volserver log when an older version of a volume
      is restored over an existing volume, unless the volume was restored with
      "-overwrite full" (15531)

    * Print a warning in the bosserver log when the bosserver was not started
      in restricted mode (15537)

    * Avoid unbounded string copies when looking up volumes by name in
      the vlserver (15538)

    * Fix off-by-one directory entry name size check in salvager (15598)

  All client platforms

    * Updated the CellServDB to the latest version from

  All UNIX/Linux client platforms

    * Fix PAG object memory leak which can degrade performance (15506)

    * Improve kernel memory reclamation after accessing a large number of
      files (15536)

    * Improve cache corruption detection and refetch cache entries
      when cache entry size mismatches are detected (15532 15533 15535)

    * Fix panic in user-space client (libuafs, Fuse client) (15539)

  Linux clients

    * Add support for Linux 6.7 (15600)

    * Add support for Linux 6.6 (15575 15589 15590)

    * Add support for Linux 6.5 (15520 15521 15522 15523 15558)

    * Fix BUG when directory entry names are longer than 16 characters.
      Affects Linux 6.5 or higher built with GCC 13 or higher (15599)

    * Invalidate Linux VFS dentry caches in the AFS filesystem when running
      "fs flush*" commands. This reduces the need to drop Linux VFS caches
      by writing to the "/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" file when
      troubleshooting (15515)

    * Fix build failures (15507 15508 15596 15542 15549)


    * Add support for MacOS 14 ("Sonoma") (15602)

Revision 1.23: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 10 15:35:38 2024 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.22: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.22: +3 -3 lines
Update openafs to 1.8.10

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.8.10

  All platforms

    * Improved error messages and diagnostics (15302 15313)

    * Fixes for parallel or out of tree builds (15297..9)

    * Fixed "make clean" to remove several artifacts overlooked in the past

    * Fixed the autoconf check for ncurses to catch libs built with
      "--enable-reentrant" (15296)

    * Removed the obsolete kdump debugging tool (15315)

    * Avoid some more possible string buffer overflows (15240)

  All client platforms

    * Take the readonly volume offline during "vos convertROtoRW" (15233)

    * Updated the CellServDB to the latest version from

  All UNIX/Linux client platforms

    * Trim trailing slashes from paths given to "fs lsmount" and
      "fs flushmount" (15242)

    * Provide the "-literal" option for the "fs getfid" command, which allows
      querying a symlink or mount point rather than the object pointed to

    * Avoid some potential kernel panics (15295 15324 15331)


    * Improved support for this platform, including releases 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3
      (15309 15368..76 15378..86 15403 15422 15424..5 15441..2)

    * Added support for Apple Silicon and macOS releases up to 13 ("Ventura")
      (15246 15250..1 15254 15258..64)

    * Fixes around signing and notarization of the OpenAFS packages (15255..7)

    * Build "afscell" on supported platforms, and only those (15247)


    * Support building for newer distributions and compilers (15266..71
      15273..5 15277)

  Linux clients

    * Support mainline kernels up to 6.4 and distribution kernels
      derived from those (15228 15281 15388..9 15410..11)

    * Fixes and enhancements around the kernel module build (15229..31 15265)

    * Fixed potential cache inconsistencies for symbolic link metadata (15443)

Revision 1.22: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 10 15:19:04 2024 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.21: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.21: +3 -4 lines
openafs: update to 1.8.9

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.8.9

  All platforms

    * Support for building with more recent compilers (14970 14982..14987
      14990 14991 15056 15057 15061..15064)

    * Build fixes and improvements around the test suite (14879 14880
      14909..14911 15133)

    * Removed a vestigial autoconf check for GSSAPI support that could
      cause unnecessary configure errors (15137)

    * Documentation improvements (14980 15047)

    * Improved diagnostics and error messages. In particular, warn when
      server processes are started without keys and properly print the
      volume transaction flags in "vos status" output (14594 14968)

  All server platforms

    * Avoid several second delays in some situations when the file server
      is breaking callbacks on clients with alternate addresses. Avoid
      unnecessary several second delays in some cases during database
      quorum processing (14815)

    * Detect invalid (negative) inputs to FetchData RPCs and reject them
      early.  The previous behavior only detected the error when actually
      attempting to read from storage, which resulted in the volume being
      taken offline since errors were assumed to originate from the
      underlying storage (15224)

  All UNIX/Linux client platforms

    * Do not perform DNS SRV/AFSDB record queries when running "fs
      getcellstatus", "fs checkservers", and "fs setcell". The DNS
      lookups incur network delays and were not needed to process these
      commands. (14814)

    * Avoid possible string buffer overflows with long cell names (15151)


    * Added support for release 12.3 and further improvements (14878
      14920 14921)

  Linux clients

    * Support mainline kernels up to 6.0 (14942..14944 14989 14945
      14946 15058 15065 15094 15095 15148)

    * Fixed a potential memory leak (15096)

    * Avoid a possible performance penalty during file reads when
      the file was opened for both reading and writing (15129)

    * Fixed a type cast which could make builds fail against older kernels

    * In Red Hat packaging, systemd will no longer load the openafs module
      during boot (15128)

  Most client platforms

    * Handle certain failure conditions rather than panicking the system
      (14927 15052)

Revision 1.21: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Oct 10 14:43:25 2024 UTC (3 months, 2 weeks ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.20: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.20: +5 -7 lines
filesystems/openafs: fix build on Linux; switch to gmake

Revision 1.20: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Mar 19 16:19:02 2022 UTC (2 years, 10 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2024Q3-base, pkgsrc-2024Q3, pkgsrc-2024Q2-base, pkgsrc-2024Q2, pkgsrc-2024Q1-base, pkgsrc-2024Q1, pkgsrc-2023Q4-base, pkgsrc-2023Q4, pkgsrc-2023Q3-base, pkgsrc-2023Q3, pkgsrc-2023Q2-base, pkgsrc-2023Q2, pkgsrc-2023Q1-base, pkgsrc-2023Q1, pkgsrc-2022Q4-base, pkgsrc-2022Q4, pkgsrc-2022Q3-base, pkgsrc-2022Q3, pkgsrc-2022Q2-base, pkgsrc-2022Q2, pkgsrc-2022Q1-base, pkgsrc-2022Q1
Diff to: previous 1.19: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.19: +24 -8 lines
Update to OpenAFS

Numerous changes since 1.6.21 many years ago not enumerated here.

Update lightly tested on NetBSD/amd64 8.0 and 9.2

Revision 1.19: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jan 26 17:31:10 2020 UTC (5 years ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2021Q4-base, pkgsrc-2021Q4, pkgsrc-2021Q3-base, pkgsrc-2021Q3, pkgsrc-2021Q2-base, pkgsrc-2021Q2, pkgsrc-2021Q1-base, pkgsrc-2021Q1, pkgsrc-2020Q4-base, pkgsrc-2020Q4, pkgsrc-2020Q3-base, pkgsrc-2020Q3, pkgsrc-2020Q2-base, pkgsrc-2020Q2, pkgsrc-2020Q1-base, pkgsrc-2020Q1
Diff to: previous 1.18: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.18: +3 -3 lines
all: migrate homepages from http to https

pkglint -r --network --only "migrate"

As a side-effect of migrating the homepages, pkglint also fixed a few
indentations in unrelated lines. These and the new homepages have been
checked manually.

Revision 1.18: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Nov 3 19:26:21 2019 UTC (5 years, 2 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2019Q4-base, pkgsrc-2019Q4
Diff to: previous 1.17: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.17: +4 -4 lines
filesystems: align variable assignments

pkglint -Wall -F --only aligned --only indent -r

No manual corrections.

Revision 1.17: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Oct 8 07:53:05 2017 UTC (7 years, 3 months ago) by sevan
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2019Q3-base, pkgsrc-2019Q3, pkgsrc-2019Q2-base, pkgsrc-2019Q2, pkgsrc-2019Q1-base, pkgsrc-2019Q1, pkgsrc-2018Q4-base, pkgsrc-2018Q4, pkgsrc-2018Q3-base, pkgsrc-2018Q3, pkgsrc-2018Q2-base, pkgsrc-2018Q2, pkgsrc-2018Q1-base, pkgsrc-2018Q1, pkgsrc-2017Q4-base, pkgsrc-2017Q4
Diff to: previous 1.16: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.16: +4 -1 lines
Add support for NetBSD/evbarm on ARMv7.
Tested with BeagleBone Black.

Revision 1.16: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Oct 8 02:41:39 2017 UTC (7 years, 3 months ago) by sevan
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.15: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.15: +1 -6 lines
- Add support for running as a server on NetBSD/evbarm, currently confined to
ARMv6 (Pi). Support for further family revisions in NetBSD is controlled
by the presence of src/config/param.armv$_nbsd$$.h to set the CPU family version
and major OS version number.

- Add description to most patches

Revision 1.15: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Jul 21 01:39:33 2017 UTC (7 years, 6 months ago) by sevan
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2017Q3-base, pkgsrc-2017Q3
Diff to: previous 1.14: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.14: +3 -4 lines
Update to 1.6.21

            User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.21

  All platforms

    * Avoid a possible 100ms transmit delay in the RX protocol when a peer's
      receive window transitions from closed to open (12627)

    * Documentation improvements (12476 12477 12559[RT #133339])

  All server platforms

    * When bosserver is started with an unknown option, print an error message
      and exit with a non-zero value rather than failing silently (12631)

  All DB server platforms

    * Hold the DB lock while checking for an aborted write transaction (12516)

  All file server platforms

    * On demand attach fileservers, don't save or restore a client's host
      state if CPS ("Current Protection Subdomain") recalculation for it is
      in progress, to avoid fileserver thread exhaustion (12568)

    * On demand attach fileservers, avoid flooding the log with error messages,
      which could happen when the fileserver was restarted while a volume was
      offline (12569)

    * Update a volume's "Last Update" time when its content is modified by
      the salvager, to make the change visible in the output of "vos examine"
      and to backup services (12633)

  All client platforms

    * Corrected the DCentries bucket counts for very large and zero length
      files in the output of "fs getcacheparms -excessive" (12604 12605)

    * Fixed a bug that prevented users with GID 2748 and 2750 from executing
      the "fs sysname" command on clients running afsd with -rmtsys (12607)

    * Provide a new -inumcalc switch for afsd to allow enabling the alternative
      MD5 method of inode number calculation, which was previously only
      possible on Linux and through the sysctl interface (12608 12632)

  Linux clients

    * Support for mainline kernel 4.12 and distribution kernels with backports
      from it (12624 12626)

    * Re-added the improved algorithm for freeing unused vcaches to reduce
      memory consumption first introduced with the 1.6.18 release, together
      with a fix for the issue leading to its removal in (12448..12451)

  macOS clients

    * Fixed a crash while stopping the client on macOS 10.12 "Sierra" (12602)

Revision 1.14: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Oct 3 08:30:13 2016 UTC (8 years, 3 months ago) by wiz
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2017Q2-base, pkgsrc-2017Q2, pkgsrc-2017Q1-base, pkgsrc-2017Q1, pkgsrc-2016Q4-base, pkgsrc-2016Q4
Diff to: previous 1.13: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.13: +2 -2 lines
Try listing all relevant licenses.

Revision 1.13: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue May 17 10:32:07 2016 UTC (8 years, 8 months ago) by fhajny
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2016Q3-base, pkgsrc-2016Q3, pkgsrc-2016Q2-base, pkgsrc-2016Q2
Diff to: previous 1.12: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.12: +5 -5 lines
for all pkgsrc dir/file ownership rules. Fixes unprivileged
user/group names from leaking into binary packages, manifest as
non-fatal chown/chgrp failure messages at pkg_add time.

Bump respective packages' PKGREVISION.

Revision 1.12: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Apr 4 12:48:29 2016 UTC (8 years, 9 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2016Q1-base, pkgsrc-2016Q1
Diff to: previous 1.11: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.11: +8 -2 lines
Fix build of OpenAFS userland on at least NetBSD/amd64 7.0.
Hopefully NetBSD/x86 -current also works.

Should merely be a build fix, but bump PKGREVISION anyway.

This commit allocates sysname numbers that have not yet been submitted

Revision 1.11: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Mar 18 17:11:37 2016 UTC (8 years, 10 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.10: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.10: +3 -3 lines
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.17, fixes security vulnerabilities.

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.17 (Security Release)

  All server platforms

    * Fix for OPENAFS-SA-2016-001: foreign users can create groups as
      if they were an administrator (RT #132822) (CVE-2016-2860)

  All client platforms

    * Fix for OPENAFS-SA-2016-002: information leakage from sending
      uninitialized memory over the network.  Multiple call sites
      were vulnerable, with potential for leaking both kernel and
      userland stack data (RT #132847)

    * Update to the GCO CellServDB update from 01 January 2016 (12188)

  Linux clients

    * Fix a crash when the root volume is not found and dynroot is not
      in use, a regression introduced in (12166)

    * Avoid introducing a dependency on the kernel-devel package corresponding
      to the currently running system while building the srpm (12195)

    * Create systemd unit files with mode 0644 instead of 0755
      (12196) (RT #132662)

OpenAFS 1.6.16

  All platforms

    * Documentation improvements (11932 12096 12100 12112 12120)

    * Improved diagnostics and error messages (11586 11587)

    * Distribute the contributor code of conduct with the stable release (12056)

  All server platforms

    * Create PID files in the right location when bosserver is started with
      the "-pidfiles" argument and transarc paths are not being used (12086)

    * Several fixes regarding volume dump creation and restore (11433 11553
      11825 11826 12082)

    * Avoid a reported bosserver crash, and potentially others, by replacing
      fixed size buffers with dynamically allocated ones in some user handling
      functions (11436) (RT #130719)

    * Obey the "-toname" parameter in "vos clone" operations (11434)

    * Avoid writing a loopback address into the server CellServDB - search
      for a non-loopback one, and fail if none is found (12083 12105)

    * Rebuild the vldb free list with "vldb_check -fix" (12084)

    * Fixed and improved the "check_sysid" utility (12090)

    * Fixed and improved the "prdb_check" utility (12101..04)

  All client platforms

    * Avoid a potential denial of service issue, by fixing a bug in pioctl
      logic that allowed a local user to overrun a kernel buffer with a single
      NUL byte (commit 2ef86372) (RT #132256) (CVE-2015-8312)

    * Refuse to change multi-homed server entries with "vos changeaddr",
      unless "-force" is given, to avoid corruption of those entries (12087)

    * Provide a new vos subcommand "remaddrs" for removing server entries, to
      replace the slightly confusing "vos changeaddr -remove" (12092 12094)

    * Make "fs flushall" actually invalidate all cached data (11894)

    * Prevent spurious call aborts due to erroneous idle timeouts (11594)

    * Provide a "--disable-gtx" configure switch to avoid building and
      installing libgtx and its header files as well as the depending
      "scout" and "afsmonitor" applications (12095)

    * Fixed building the gtx applications against newer ncurses (12125)

    * Allow pioctls to work in environments where the syscall emulation
      pseudo file is created in a read-only pseudo filesystem, like in
      containers under recent versions of docker (12124)

  Linux clients

    * In Red Hat packaging, avoid following a symbolic link when writing
      the client CellServDB, which could overwrite the server CellServDB,
      by removing an existing symlink before writing the file (12081)

    * In Red Hat packaging, avoid a conflict of openafs-debuginfo with
      krb5-debuginfo by excluding our kpasswd executable from debuginfo
      processing (12128) (RT #131771)

Revision 1.10: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Oct 28 19:43:01 2015 UTC (9 years, 3 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2015Q4-base, pkgsrc-2015Q4
Diff to: previous 1.9: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.9: +3 -3 lines
update openafs to 1.6.15

OpenAFS 1.6.15 (Security Release)

  All client and server platforms

    * Fix for OPENAFS-SA-2015-007 "Tattletale"

      When constructing an Rx acknowledgment (ACK) packet, Andrew-derived
      Rx implementations do not initialize three octets of data that are
      padding in the C language structure and were inadvertently included
      in the wire protocol (CVE-2015-7762).  Additionally, OpenAFS Rx in
      versions 1.5.75 through 1.5.78, 1.6.0 through 1.6.14, and 1.7.0
      through 1.7.32 include a variable-length padding at the end of the
      ACK packet, in an attempt to detect the path MTU, but only four octets
      of the additional padding are initialized (CVE-2015-7763).

Revision 1.9: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Sep 29 16:58:02 2015 UTC (9 years, 3 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.8: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.8: +3 -3 lines
Update openafs to 1.6.14.

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.10

  All platforms

    * Don't hide the "version" subcommand in help output (11214)

    * Documentation improvements (11126 11216 11222 11223 11225 11226)

    * Improved diagnostics and error messages (11154 11246 11247 11249 11181
      11182 11183)

    * Build system improvements (11158 11221 11224 11225 11227..11241 11282
      11342 11350 11353 11242 11367 11392)

    * Avoid potentially erratic behaviour under certain error conditions by
      either avoiding or at least not ignoring them, in various places (11008
      11010..11065 11112 11148 11196 11530)


    * Support releases 9.3 and 10.1 (11368 11369 11402 11403 11404)

    * Makes a disk cache more likely to work on FreeBSD, though such
      configurations remain not very tested (11448)

  All server platforms

    * Added volscan(8) (11252..11280 11387 11388)

    * Fixed a bug causing subgroups not to function correctly if their
      ptdb entry had more than one continuation entry (11352)

    * Logging improvements (10946 11153)

    * Allow log rotation via copy and truncate (11193)

    * Avoid a server crash during startup only observed on a single platform
      and when using a 3rd party library under certain circumstances, which is
      a collateral effect of the security improvements introduced in OpenAFS
      release 1.6.5 (11075) (RT #131852)

  All client platforms

    * Raised the free space reported for /afs to the maximum possible value of
      just under 2 TiB - the old value was 9 GiB on most platforms (10984)

    * Reduced the amount of stack space used (11162 11163 11203 11164..11167
      11338 11339 11364..11366 11381)

    * Sped up a periodic client task which could be problematically slow
      on systems with a large number of PAGs and files in use (11307)

    * Fixed failure of the up command with large ACLs (11111)

    * Avoid a potential crash of aklog (11218)

    * Avoid potential crashes of scout and xstat_fs_test (11155)

  Linux clients

    * Support kernels up to 3.16 (11308 11309)

    * Fixed a regression introduced in OpenAFS release 1.6.6 that made
      checking for existing write locks incorrectly fail on readonly volumes

    * Fixed a regression introduced in OpenAFS release 1.6.8 that could
      cause VFS cache inconsistencies when a previously-accessed directory
      entry was removed and recreated with the same name but pointing to a
      different file on another client (11358)

    * Use the right path to depmod in Red Hat packaging to avoid dependency
      calculation incorrectly failing unless a link /sbin -> /usr/sbin is
      present on the system performing it (11171) (RT #131860)

    * Do not ignore kernel module build errors (11205)

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.11

  All platforms

    * Allow aklog to succeed creating native K5 tokens even when mapping
      the K5 principal to a K4 one fails (11538)

    * Build fixes (11435 11636)

  All client platforms

    * Avoid a potential kernel panic due to connection reference overcounts
      (11645) (RT #131885)

    * Avoid potential corruption of files written using memory mapped I/O
      when the file is larger than the cache (11656) (RT #131976)

  Linux clients

    * Support kernels at least up to 3.19 (11549 11550 11569 11570 11595
      11658..11662 11694 11752)

      Note: By default this excludes kernels 3.17 to 3.17.2, which will leak
            an inode reference when an error occurs in d_splice_alias(). The
            module will build and work, but leak kernel memory, leading to
	    performance degradation and eventually system failure due to
	    memory exhaustion. Since it's impossible to detect this condition
	    automatically, the switch --enable-linux-d_splice_alias-extra-iput
	    must be passed to configure when building the module for those
	    kernels. The same would be necessary for any kernel with backports
	    of commit 908790fa3b779d37365e6b28e3aa0f6e833020c3 or commit
	    95ad5c291313b66a98a44dc92b57e0b37c1dd589 but not the fix in commit
	    51486b900ee92856b977eacfc5bfbe6565028070 in the linux-stable repo
	    ( or
	    the corresponding changes on other branches.

    * Fixed a regression introduced in OpenAFS release 1.6.10 which could
      make the spurious "getcwd: cannot access parent directories" problem
      return (11558 11568) (RT #131780)

    * Avoid leaking memory when scanning a corrupt directory (11707)

  OS X clients

    * Support OS X 10.10 "Yosemite" (11571 11572 11611) (RT #131946)

  Solaris clients

    * Avoid reading random data rather than correct cache content when using
      ZFS as the cache file system on Solaris >= 11, and fix potential similar
      problems on other platforms (11713 11714)


    * Build fix for releases >= 11.0 (11610)


    * Support release 5.4 (11700)

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes


  Linux clients

    * Support kernels up to 4.0 (11760 11761)

  FreeBSD clients

    * Fixed kernel module build on systems with an updated clang which no
      longer accepts the -mno-align-long-strings as a no-op (11809)
                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.12

  All server platforms

    * Avoid database corruption if a database server is shut down and then
      brought up again quickly with an altered database (11773 11774)
      (RT #131997)

  All client platforms

    * Fixed a potential buffer overflow in aklog (11808)

    * Avoid a bogus warning regarding the checkserver daemon, which could be
      logged during startup when the cache initialization was very fast (11680)

    * Added documentation of the inaccuracy of the 'partition' field in
      'fs listquota' output for partitions larger than 2 TiB (11626)

  Linux clients

    * Support kernels up to 4.1 (11872 11873)

    * Avoid spurious EIO errors when writing large chunks of data to
      mmapped files (11877)

  OS X

    * Build fixes required at least on OS X 10.10 Yosemite with the latest
      XCode (11859 11876 11842..11845 11863 11878 11879)

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.13

  All server platforms

    * Fix for CVE-2015-3282: vos leaks stack data onto the wire in the
      clear when creating vldb entries

    * Workaround for CVE-2015-3283: bos commands can be spoofed, including
      some which alter server state

    * Disabled searching the VLDB by volume name regular expression to avoid
      possible buffer overruns in the volume location server

  All client platforms

    * Fix for CVE-2015-3284: pioctls leak kernel memory

    * Fix for CVE-2015-3285: kernel pioctl support for OSD command passing
      can trigger a panic

  Solaris clients

    * Fix for CVE-2015-3286: Solaris grouplist modifications for PAGs can
      panic  or overwrite memory

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.14

  All server platforms

    * Prior to the OpenAFS security release 1.6.13, the Volume Location
      Server (vlserver) RPC VL_ListAttributesN2() supported wildcard volume
      name lookups via regular expression (regex) pattern matching. This
      support was completely disabled in 1.6.13 because it was judged to be
      a security risk due to buffer overruns in the implementation, as well
      as the possibility of denial of service attacks where certain regular
      expressions could cause excessive CPU usage in some regex

      Unfortunately, after 1.6.13 was released, it was discovered that
      the native OpenAFS 'backup' system uses the VL_ListAttributesN2()
      regex support to evaluate configured volume sets. If you use the
      OpenAFS 'backup' system (or another backup system which relies on it,
      such as Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM, aka Tivoli ADSM)), and are using
      volume sets which require regular expressions for the volume name,
      then those volume sets cannot be resolved by OpenAFS 1.6.13. The next
      paragraph provides details on how to identify any affected volume sets.

      OpenAFS backup volume sets may be described by fileserver, partition
      name, and volume name. The fileserver and partition specifications
      never require regular expression support. The volume name specification
      always requires regular expression support except for when specifying
      _all_ volumes via two special cases: the universal wildcard ".*", or "".
      For example, volume name "proj" or "*.backup" or "homevol.*" all
      require regex support - even if the specification contains no wildcard
      characters and/or exactly matches an existing volume name.

      As a result of this issue, OpenAFS 1.6.14 replaces the 1.6.13 changes
      to VL_ListAttributesN2. 1.6.14 prevents the buffer overruns and
      reenables the regex support, but restricts it to OpenAFS super-users
      and -localauth only. This is sufficient to restore the OpenAFS 'backup'
      system's ability to work correctly with any previously supported volume
      set. The OpenAFS 'backup' commands are already documented to require
      super-user authorization, so this restriction is moot for the backup

      There are no other direct consumers of the VL_ListAttributesN2() regex
      support in the OpenAFS tree. However, the VL_ListAttributesN2 RPC is
      publicly accessible and might be used by third party tools directly or
      indirectly via OpenAFS's libadmin. Any such tools that issue
      VL_ListAttributesN2 RPCs must now be executed using super-user or
      -localauth tokens.

      None of the other security fixes in OpenAFS 1.6.13 are known to have
      any issues, and are still included unchanged in OpenAFS 1.6.14.

      If there are any questions concerning the possible impact of OpenAFS
      1.6.13 or 1.6.14 at your site, please contact your OpenAFS support
      provider or the mailing list for further

Revision 1.8: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Jun 12 23:44:04 2014 UTC (10 years, 7 months ago) by gendalia
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2015Q3-base, pkgsrc-2015Q3, pkgsrc-2015Q2-base, pkgsrc-2015Q2, pkgsrc-2015Q1-base, pkgsrc-2015Q1, pkgsrc-2014Q4-base, pkgsrc-2014Q4, pkgsrc-2014Q3-base, pkgsrc-2014Q3, pkgsrc-2014Q2-base, pkgsrc-2014Q2
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +3 -3 lines
Upgrade to OpenAFS 1.6.9

OpenAFS 1.6.9

  All server platforms

    * Fix for OPENAFS-SA-2014-002

OpenAFS 1.6.8

  All platforms

    * Documentation improvements (10751 10875 10931 10897 10883 10954 10955)

    * Improved diagnostics and error messages (10756 10814 10949)

    * Fixed a bug in RX that could make errors during packet reception go
      unnoticed. (10733)

    * Fixed a bug that made "vos size -dump" display the wrong size for
      large volumes. (10933)  (RT #131819)

  All server platforms

    * Change the default fileserver sync behavior from "delayed" to "onclose".
      This means that explicit syncing only happens when a volume is detached.

    * Added the -offline-timeout and -offline-shutdown-timeout options to the
      fileserver, to implement interrupting clients accessing volumes we are
      trying to take offline. (6266 10799)

Revision 1.7: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Apr 16 17:51:43 2014 UTC (10 years, 9 months ago) by gendalia
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +3 -3 lines
Upgrade OpenAFS to 1.6.7:
OpenAFS 1.6.7

  All server platforms

    * Fix for OPENAFS-SA-2014-001

    * Fix for a potential DOS attack against RX servers

Revision 1.6: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Feb 21 21:33:51 2014 UTC (10 years, 11 months ago) by gendalia
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2014Q1-base, pkgsrc-2014Q1
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +3 -3 lines
Upgrade OpenAFS to 1.6.6.
Remove unused options bos-new-config, fast-restart, & largefile.
Remove patches fixed upstream.

OpenAFS 1.6.6

  All platforms

    * As of this release, OpenAFS no longer ships uncompressed source tarballs.
      Tarballs are still shipped with both compression formats, gzip and bzip2.

    * Documentation improvements (10136 10314 10601)

    * Improved diagnostics and error messages (9412 10085 10274)

    * Avoid redefining "assert" in our public header files, which could
      cause failures when building some applications using them. (10096)

    * Fixes for parallel builds (10005 10309 10337)

    * Added a -s switch to afscp (not installed by default) to help simulate
      a slow client. (9416 9417)

    * Added a -probe switch to vlclient test program (not installed by default)
      to ping all vlservers in a cell in parallel. (9570)

  All server platforms
    * The fileserver now ignores any vice partitions with a NeverAttach flag
      file present in the root directory. (RT #130561) (9470 9471)

    * Restrict forcing CPS ("Current Protection Subdomain") recalculation in
      the fileserver to administrators. Also fixed a bug that could cause this
      operation to be incomplete. (9485 9487)

    * Allow non-DAFS fileservers to attach unusable volumes, restoring pre-1.6
      behaviour. (RT #131505) (9499)

    * Restored the pre-1.6 behaviour when running vos examine for a volume
      currently in a transaction, showing the volume as busy again rather than
      offline. (9685 9915 9916)

    * Reduced the minimum time a bos salvage takes from 5 seconds to 1. (9476)

    * Fixed buserver to not segfault when started with the -servers option.
      (RT #131706) (10166)

    * Salvager fixes, addressing a wide variety of possible problems from
      unnecessary salvaging to aborts (9282 9283 9457 9458 9459 9461 9462 9480
      9481 10165 10167)

    * Fixed a bug that could cause saved state information to be discarded
      when restarting a large or busy fileserver, which negatively impacted
      performance. (9683)

    * Fixed a bug that could have caused undefined behaviour in the vlserver
      in rare cases when a fileserver registered its addresses in the VLDB.

    * Added the -preserve-vol-stats switch to volserver, allowing it to keep
      the access statistics across volume restore and reclone operations
      instead of resetting them. (9477)

    * Inserted an exponential delay between retries when bosserver attempts to
      restart a server process. (9571 10199)

    * Improved vldb_check (not installed by default) to cope with broken
      vlentry names and volids, and provide more output to aid debugging.

    * Releasing a volume after adding a new RO site no longer touches any of
      the existing RO sites, if the RW data hasn't changed since the last
      release. (10174)

    * Make the copyDate field for RO clones have the same meaning as for
      remote RO volumes. Previously, the copyDate field for clones was updated
      every time we released. (9451)

    * Fixed potentially undefined behaviour in ptserver when too many pts
      ids are allocated. (10124)

    * Note that the server side NAT pings feature present in the prereleases
      was removed before the final release, since no positive feedback
      was provided during prerelease testing. (9420 10135)

  Linux servers

    * Start bosserver with -nofork in the systemd unit file, to allow systemd
      to track its state (10093)

  All client platforms

    * No longer track file locks on read-only volumes. Write locks can't
      succeed, read locks always will. Avoids log messages about this kind
      of lock. (8910)

    * Added the "fs flushall" subcommand, which makes the client discard all
      cached data. This was previously available on Windows only. (9065 9388
      9389 9390)

    * Fixed a bug that could make the client incorrectly believe its cache
      is up to date. This change could negatively impact AFS <-> DFS
      translators, should those still be running anywhere. (8898)

    * Several changes to avoid panicing in certain error conditions.
      (9131 9287 10354 10355 10356 10357) (partially addressing RT #131747)

    * Added the -rxmaxfrags switch to afsd, allowing to limit the number
      of UDP fragments sent or received per RX packet. (9430)

    * Build fixes for aklog on several platforms (RT #131716) (9917 10107 10275)

    * Require that the AFS mountpoint specified in the cacheinfo file is
      an absolute path. Relative paths result in a client that basically
      works but is not fully functional. (10253)

    * Fixed a bug that could cause one of the afsd threads to enter an infinite
      loop (10431 .. 10436)

  Linux clients

    * Support Linux kernels up to 3.13 (10241)

    * Fixed a bug that made readv/writev calls in AFS space fail with Linux
      kernels where generic_file_aio_read exists but those operations have
      not been switched to using aio_read/aio_write. This was a regression
      introduced with release 1.6.3 and affected at least RHEL 5.9 kernels.

    * Fixed a similar bug making core dumps fail in AFS space, affecting
      a much wider range of kernels including the most recent ones.
      (RT #131729) (10254)

    * Enhanced the keyring code to make PAGs work correctly on kernels with a
      distribution specific change to the Linux keyring code. This affected at
      least SLES 11 SP3 kernels. (10252)

    * Fixed a bug that could make failures during PAG instantiation go
      unnoticed. (10255)

    * Fixed a bug that made compilation fail for Linux kernels without
      keyring support. This affected at least the SLE 10 SDK and an
      OEM version of SLES 11 SP1. (10325)

    * Fixed build for kernels with user namespace support enabled. Likely
      to be required for Ubuntu 14.04 and eventually other distributions.
      (10456 10457 10458 10518 10472)

    * Support RHEL 6.5 kernels, and possibly others with changes backported
      from recent mainline kernels that touch getname/putname, by no longer
      using those functions. Previously, the client could cause a kernel
      panic when syscall auditing was enabled. (10578)

    * Make tmpfs usable as the cache filesystem again. This had been broken
      since kernel 3.1 (9950 10193)

    * When starting the client fails, clean up the backing device information
      created in sysfs, to avoid error messages during a subsequent start
      and possible system instability later on (10454)

    * Update Red Hat packaging to support Fedora >= 20, RHEL >= 7 and
      ELrepo kernels (10597 10619 10622 10703 10704)

  OS X Clients

    * Support OS X 10.9 "Mavericks" (10519 10541 10542 10543 10548 10549)

  AIX clients

    * Fixed a bug that caused the 1.6 AIX client to never receive any RX
      packets in the kernel. (RT #131725)

  FUSE client

    * Support Solaris 11 (9454 9455)

    * Allow other users to access filesystems mounted by root. (9452)


    * Build tvolser and dvolser on this platform (10122)
    * Several fixes to catch up with newer releases (10374 .. 10381)


    * Build tsalvaged, tvolser and dvolser on this platform (10121)
    * Fixed build on NetBSD 5 and newer. (10138)

Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Sep 17 01:04:12 2013 UTC (11 years, 4 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2013Q4-base, pkgsrc-2013Q4, pkgsrc-2013Q3-base, pkgsrc-2013Q3
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +3 -3 lines
Update openafs to 1.6.5

Changes since 1.6.2:
OpenAFS 1.6.5

commit 5f5b02a57102af1a85fb9bdaaec31b6094d0c9c4
Author: Michael Meffie <>
Date:   Wed Jul 17 23:10:42 2013 +0100

    ubik: Fix encryption selection in ugen

    Make sure that we encrypt when requested to by the application

    Change-Id: If4c2ba2257bf060d3e9169ccdbcae54f54dfe5d7

commit 0e41558190a5190dee3037c08e8df31e61e5134e
Author: Simon Wilkinson <>
Date:   Tue Jul 16 19:37:00 2013 +0100

    Make OpenAFS 1.6.5

    Change-Id: I693297ef6e20358966930cb29116d45b9151811f

commit 9e1c24a583634e6102091388dedc47745efce78a
Author: Ben Kaduk <>
Date:   Sat Jul 13 10:49:27 2013 +0100

    Add support for deriving DES keys to klog.krb5

    (cherry picked from commit e79102e7918ce5196e870a806879135743ec3abb)

    Change-Id: Ia7ebfdd10dcfd6cd164b10275016147630748bac

commit 4b7553600a7659d117df0bde7b1c1dfde031deb8
Author: Andrew Deason <>
Date:   Wed Jul 10 12:52:28 2013 -0500

    Reload rxkad.keytab on CellServDB modification

    Make the reloading of rxkad.keytab keys occur in the same way that
    KeyFile keys are reloaded. That is, we only try to reload them if the
    CellServDB mtime has changed. This is intended to have exactly the
    same reloading behavior as KeyFile reloads.

    I would have triggered this from afsconf_Check, but that approach
    has annoyances. (Calling ticket5_keytab functions directly from
    cellconfig pulls in libkrb5 dependencies for everything that uses
    cellconfig, and we'd have to trigger an afsconf_Check call by calling
    some other cellconfig function.)


commit d2024c158e3a879305ff17cf726d3958f20677f4
Author: Andrew Deason <>
Date:   Mon Jun 10 17:49:12 2013 -0500

    Avoid calling afsconf_GetLatestKey directly

    Don't call afsconf_GetLatestKey to determine whether we can print our
    own local tokens, since we may have keytab 'local' keys, but no DES
    keys. Just try to construct them and see if it fails, using
    afsconf_PickClientSecObj or afsconf_ClientAuth{,Secure} as

commit d4788f6e283b79a1b974dda1e8fae213efd34930
Author: Andrew Deason <>
Date:   Mon Jun 10 17:15:27 2013 -0500

    auth: Do not always fallback to noauth

    Make afsconf_PickClientSecObj error out if we can't construct
    localauth tokens (unless the caller explicitly requested rxnull
    fallback). afsconf_ClientAuth{,Secure} still falls back, as always.

commit 95d57c74476c5a02ce6d9ca913dcbf88ac5c1143
Author: Ben Kaduk <>
Date:   Tue May 14 19:37:59 2013 -0400

    Clean up akimpersonate and use for server-to-server

    Since a6d7cacfd, aklog has been able to print a krb5 ticket to
    itself for an arbitrary client principal, allowing a user with
    access to the cell's krb5 key to get tokens as an arbitrary user.

    Now that it is possible to use native krb5 tickets with non-DES
    enctypes for authentication, and akimpersonate is available from libauth,
    use printed native krb5 tickets for server-to-server communication (as well
    as the -localauth versions of the client utilities).

    Remove the early call to afsconf_GetLatestKey() in
    afsconf_PickClientSecObj() so that we do not end up picking an old DES
    key before we try to find a better key to use.

    Before doing so, refactor the akimpersonate code to be more usable
    and readable, and eliminate some dead code.  For example, we always printed
    addressless tickets, so that code could be removed.  Other code had excessive
    stack usage for a library routine, which is eliminated.  Use a start time
    of 0 instead of 300 so that the printed ticket will always be
    detected as infinite-lifetime.

    In order to ensure usability on all platforms (in particular Solaris),
    provide a couple more compat shims to implement routines which are not
    always available from the krb5 library, in particular encode_krb5_ticket
    and encode_krb5_enc_tkt_part.  Thanks to Andrew Deason for implementing
    these compatability routines.

    UKERNEL doesn't need this stuff.

commit 15b77552b22e3ff3e7478008673775a45047f600
Author: Alexander Chernyakhovsky <>
Date:   Tue May 14 18:12:08 2013 -0400

    Move akimpersonate to libauth

    Give it its own source file and header, install the header at
    depinstall time, and have aklog get the akimpersonate functionality
    from libauth.

    Keep the linux box copyright from aklog_main.c (but strip the trailing
    whitespace), as that block was added with the akimpersonate code.

    Remove all calls to afs_com_err() as is fitting for library code,
    to let it build.  Do not bother removing curly braces which are
    no longer needed; a future cleanup commit will catch that.

commit 1c7fa1405940a136a992d65023cc690b1111ab3e
Author: Chaskiel Grundman <>
Date:   Sun Mar 17 21:58:47 2013 -0400

    Derive DES/fcrypt session key from other key types

    If a kerberos 5 ticket has a session key with a non-DES enctype,
    use the NIST SP800-108 KDF in counter mode with HMAC_MD5 as the PRF to
    construct a DES key to be used by rxkad.

    To satisfy the requirements of the KDF, DES3 keys are first compressed into a
    168 bit form by reversing the RFC3961 random-to-key algorithm

    Change-Id: I4dc8e83a641f9892b31c109fb9025251de3dcb27

commit 33eecea7db14d06c59e1081b970d4caf0af773ca
Author: Chaskiel Grundman <>
Date:   Sun Feb 10 13:27:03 2013 -0500

    Integrate keytab-based decryption into afsconf_BuildServerSecurityObjects

    Now all servers can have it.

    authcon.o grows a krb5 dependency and needs to get KRB5_CPPFLAGS.

    Change-Id: I95fecb3f88c19b3d5193ea8200fa20c86ec08ad7

commit 14db1a40e5be3b7325951d002885bbf288d570c1
Author: Chaskiel Grundman <>
Date:   Sat Feb 9 12:42:20 2013 -0500

    New optional rxkad functionality for decypting krb5 tokens

    An additional, optional mechanism for decrypting krb5-format tokens
    is provided that uses the krb5 api with a key from a keytab
    instead of using libdes and the AFS KeyFile.

    The AIX compat stub for krb5_c_decrypt is contributed by Andrew Deason.

    Change-Id: I97c08122c60482b84d602d6fa6482f1d5deef142

commit 5e0cbc930508a697331bad07cc201c1e1985ff84
Author: Chaskiel Grundman <>
Date:   Sat Feb 9 12:01:37 2013 -0500

    Add rxkad server hook function to decrypt more types of tokens

    Allow tokens to be encrypted with algorithms other than DES.
    The security object owner must provide an implementation
    by calling rxkad_SetAltDecryptProc.

    Make sure plainsiz is initialized before calling the alternate decrypt

                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.4

All platforms

    * Obey the jumbo/nojumbo settings for ubik servers (the DB servers)
      too. In previous releases, those servers may have used jumbograms
      even if they were not configured to do so. This change corrects
      the actual behaviour, and will improve performance and reliability
      for sites where jumbograms are problematic. It could cause a decrease
      in performance for sites where jumbograms work, but those can turn
      them back on manually.

    * Dozens of fixes for common coding problems like use after free,
      use of possibly uninitialised memory, reading or writing past the
      end of arrays and potential NULL pointer derefences. Spotted by
      code analysis tools or human inspection.

    * Documentation improvements.

    * Fixes and improvements to the diagnostic or log messages printed by
      vos, the fileserver and others.

    * Build fixes, making parallel builds more reliable with certain
      configuration options and helping various platforms including
      recent releases of IRIX, Solaris and several flavours of Linux.

    * Avoid sending a small amount of data over the wire unencrypted
      under certain conditions, and emit the correct error message in
      this case.

All server platforms

    * Avoid generating duplicate IDs for readonly and backup volumes,
      which could happen under certain conditions.

    * Allow the fileserver to return volume data like quota or free space,
      which is available publicly elsewhere, without the additional access
      check for read permissions on a volume's root directory the fileserver
      performed before.

    * The fileserver now emits a log message when it ran out of memory for

    * Avoid several potential fileserver problems, including memory
      corruption and segmentation faults, due to client bookkeeping.

    * Avoid known cases of silent data corruption due to background syncs
      on the fileserver, especially during Copy on Write.

    * Make the fileserver sync behaviour runtime configurable. Up to 1.4.5,
      we had synchronous syncs which were safe but really slow. Since 1.4.5,
      we've had asynchronous syncs which are much faster but believed to
      be the cause of rare data corruption issues, and while all known cases
      of these happening are believed to be fixed in the 1.6.3 release, doubts
      remain. This change allows choosing between those, and in addition allows
      to turn syncs by the fileserver off altogether, thus relying on the vice
      partition's backend filesystem and the operating system, or to just
      execute them when a volume is detached. The default behaviour is
      unchanged from releases since 1.4.5, but it's highly recommended to
      consider the additional options this change provides. Future OpenAFS
      releases will default to "-sync=none".

    * For dbservers, avoid a situation where misinterpreting transient
      network errors causes long-term issues with achieving ubik quorum.

All UNIX client platforms

    * Improvements to the detection of an aklog-specific krb5 configuration
      file, for the purposes of turning on "weak crypto" for aklog.

    * Fixed a regression introduced in release 1.6.2 which caused the
      supposedly persistent disk cache to be discarded upon client start.
      (RT #131655)

Linux clients

    * Support Linux kernels up to 3.10

    * Fixed two bugs making it impossible to unmount a disk cache filesystem
      after it has been used by the client. (RT #131613)

    * Fixed a bug that could cause an oops with kernels 3.6 and later


    * Improved support for OpenBSD 4.9 to 5.3

OpenAFS 1.6.3

  This release number had to be skipped for technical reasons.

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Mar 4 19:39:41 2013 UTC (11 years, 10 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2013Q2-base, pkgsrc-2013Q2, pkgsrc-2013Q1-base, pkgsrc-2013Q1
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +3 -3 lines
Update openafs to 1.6.2.

Upstream release notes:
                       User-Visible OpenAFS Changes

OpenAFS 1.6.2

  All platforms

    * Fix buffer overflows in fileserver and ptserver.

    * Abort an rx connection when given an unknown service (Gerrit 7593).

    * "idle dead" behavior improvements.

    * Documentation updates.

  All server platforms

    * Fix rare file corruption during background sync (Gerrit 8796).

    * Fix corrupting clients' metadata cache during certain errors (Gerrit

    * Avoid saying a volume doesn't exist when accessed as the volume is
      going offline (Gerrit 7488).

    * Fix fileservers to properly report >2 TiB partitions.

    * Fix stale volume info from vos examine on non-DAFS filservers.

    * Fix possible volume corruption with vos convertROtoRW.

    * Fix bosserver to preserve all command-line options over restart.

    * Fix bosserver to properly kill hung processes during shutdown.

  All UNIX client platforms

    * Fixes for memcache, especially on Solaris.

    * Increase the size of the DNS resolver answer buffer to allow sites
      with a long response list to use SRV and AFSDB records.

    * Fix a crash when a server appears to run out of addresses (Gerrit

    * Fix cache corruption when reading from a file another client is
      simultaneously writing to (Gerrit 7994).

    * Improve handling of disk cache disk errors.


    * fix DKMS configuration for DKMS 2.2.

    * Avoid generating inode number 0 with md5 inodes (Gerrit 7276).

    * Fix a crash when reading /proc/fs/openafs/unixusers (Gerrit 7914).

    * Make PAG-less access use the real UID of the calling process
      instead of the effective UID, when determining what credentials to
      use (Gerrit 7931).

    * Fix possible abuse of fs mkmount.
      Prior to 1.6.2, users could crash a client by nesting volume mounts.

    * Fix fileserver memory corruption on RHEL 6
      Prior to 1.6.2, fileservers on RHEL 6 may crash under heavy load.

    * Fix client page cache corruption on Linux
      When multiple clients read and write to a file, the reading client
      may see first page (4096 bytes) of a file as nulls.

    * Support Linux kernels up to 3.7.

    * Support newer glibc versions.

    * Improve client systemd unit file.

    * Update Red Hat packaging.

  OS X

    * Fix crashes on shutdown.

    * Prevent unloading the module before shutdown completes.

    * Security improvement for the OpenAFS preference pane.


    * Support newer versions of the Sun Studio compiler software.

    * Support compiling on newer versions of Solaris 11 and Solaris 10.

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Dec 1 15:22:32 2012 UTC (12 years, 1 month ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2012Q4-base, pkgsrc-2012Q4
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +9 -7 lines
Update OpenAFS to 1.6.1.

Upstream release notes for 1.6.0 and 1.6.1:

            OpenAFS Release Notes - Version 1.6.1
All server platforms: Critical bugfixes.
All systems: Major bugfixes.

Sites running 1.6.0 fileserver are urged to update immediately to
avoid data loss.

Sites running 1.6.0 UNIX clients are urged to update immediately to
avoid excess network traffic.

All platforms:

- Updated idle dead handling to avoid issues with retrying
  calls which could succeed but error and then error on a retry.

- libafscp updates.

- uafs userspace cache manager updates.

All server platforms:

- A bug which can lose data on a fileserver for volumes which are
replicated or backed up has been fixed. Sites running 1.6.0 are urged to
upgrade immediately! (130295)

- Fix salvaging of volumes with large numeric IDs.

- Further correct tracking of alternate and changed addresses in
  the fileserver.

- Do not perform Rx keepalives during disk IO to allow timeouts
  to occur in event IO cannot complete.

- Properly associate link tables recreated during salvage with the volume
  group ID.

- Demand attach: better error handling during volume attachment.

- Confirm vnode lengths are as expected during fileserver operations.

- Demand attach: better handling of volumes being passed for salvage
  and being returned from salvage.

- Conditions which cause a restored volume to immediately need salvage
  are now properly tracked.

- Bosserver properly honors rxbind mode.

- Ensure salvager returns volumes to fileserver even when
  no applicable vnodes are found.

- DAFS: perform additional verification of data restored about
  clients and callbacks.

All UNIX platforms:

- Correct handling of server NAT pings to avoid unnecessary growth of
  NAT ping traffic.

- Fix hard mount retry behavior to retry all servers.

- Several lock order inversions which could deadlock fixed.

- Handle issues updating mtab.

- Fix fs setserverprefs to work again for DB servers.


- Track kernel API changes for 9.0


- Support for kernel versions through 3.4.

- Avoid potential panic due to an error being returned as a positive
  number when doing inode operations.

- Fix vcache lock ordering during readdir.

- Updated RPM packaging.

- Updated dkms support.

- Updated systemd support.


- Fix panic at shutdown due to not stopping network listener.

- Updated Kerberos support for additional issues in Lion.


- Updated support for 5.0 userspace binaries.

- Add support for 6.0.


- Avoid panic on shutdown when mount failed.

- Disable SSE instructions when compiling to avoid panics on non-SSE hosts.


- Properly handle VNOSERVICE, which indicates a fileserver has
  done an idle timeout of a call.

- Improved tracking of volume groups.

- Do not recycle buffers in the current file if they are in the active chunk
  and up to date.

- Support Windows 7 Advanced Firewall.

- Default to maximum 2 CPUs unless registry overrides.

- Failover and retry for VBUSY.

- Properly fetch unix mode when requested.

            OpenAFS Release Notes - Version 1.6.0
All UNIX systems: Security bugfixes.
All systems: Major bugfixes.

All platforms:

- Rx NAT pings are not enabled until peer has answered.

- Numerous fixes to command argument parsing.

All server platforms:

- Avoid crashing on host table exhaustion. Instead, defer clients.

All UNIX platforms:

- Rx connection reference counting is enabled.

- An Rx connection reference count leak is fixed in bulkstat.

- Handle unparsable directory objects.

- Handle Kerberos cred cache errors in aklog.


- Init script properly returns status as exit code.

- RPM packaging fixes (executable libraries, no postinstall message)

- Kill i386 from RPM packaging.


- Fix 32 bit Lion client support.

- Avoid panic when doing FSEvent synthesis.

- Fix bug when using non-dynroot.

- Update Kerberos support in PreferencesPane.


- Avoid panic on shutdown when mount failed.


- Add shutdown message to event log.

- Check offline volume status by policy rather than on each daemon thread

- Return error on directory object not found instead of crashing.

- Improve error message output.

- afslogin.dll can start afsd_service if it's not starting or started.

- Optimize away release lock RPCs for deleted files.

- Background Daemon will not perform operations on deleted files.

- Resort recently used directories to the top of the LRU if the directory
  is larger than the stat cache.

- Resort deleted objects to the bottom of the LRU.

- Use interlocked operations for state and queue fields to allow safe
  bit set and clear on multiprocessor systems.


All platforms:

- Substantial Rx updates to correct erroneous behavior.

- Salvager tries harder to detect linktable issues.

- Additional documentation.

- xstat tools now cope with differing timeval structures between endpoints.

All UNIX platforms:

- New build targets to make distribution tarfiles (make dist) and
  srpms (srpm).

Demand Attach Fileserver platforms:

- Don't attach volumes with special status set.


- Avoid panic at shutdown due to vcache flushing.

- Support virtual network stacks.


- Treat Linux 3.0 as Linux 2.6 for sysname purposes.

- Attempt to properly handle SELinux in packaging.


- MacOS 10.7 support.


- Try harder to avoid deadlocks on file-larger-than-cache operations.


- Add support for NTFS symlinks.

- Handle file search requests for virtual syscall ioctl file.

- Process SyncOps properly to enforce ordered operations.

- Avoid recursing during NewServer operations.

- Correct lock acquisition order during SMB locking.


All UNIX platforms:

- Fall back to afs3-vlserver SRV record values when afs3-ptserver SRV
  record is not available.

- Avoid holding unneeded locks when probing server capabilties.

- Do not attempt page flushes for directories.

Demand Attach Fileserver platforms:

- Unlink fileserver state file on standalone salvage.


- Support for virtual network stacks.


- Further corrections to Redhat packaging.

- Avoid showing files larger than one cache chunk size as full of NULLs.
  (129880) This bug was in unissued pre5 only, not in pre4.

- Fix lockup in 2.6.38 due to erroneous kernel feature configure test.


- Rework logic for bulk status operations to avoid a potential hang.


- Don't leave dangling function references if kernel extension fails to load.


- aklog supports dotted Kerberos v5 principal names.

- afskfw library always attempts afs/cell@USER-REALM

- afskfw library must test return code from
  krb5_cc_start_seq_get() or will trigger a null
  pointer exception when using Heimdal.

- lock protected fields must be 32-bit in order
  to avoid memory overwrite races.


All server platforms:

- Avoid leaking references to hosts during callback break multi-Rx
  operations. (129376)

All UNIX platforms:

- Avoid a potential deadlock (which times out) when we need to allocate more
  callback returns and must flush some already in use.

- Deal with libcom_err conflicts with other packages using it (e.g. krb5)


- Fix PAG usage to track by PAG identifier, not group list.


- Properly create new vnodes to avoid crashing in the client.


- Support 2.6.39.

- Avoid attempting to free stat cache entries when we are below user-specified
  number of entries in use.

- Properly track user-specified number of stat cache entries to use as a
  desired usage target.

- Don't read pages beyond EOF in the cache. (128452)


- Properly shut down AFS, closing the Rx socket in the upcall handler to
  avoid attempting to process data after we can no longer do so.


- Updates for platform support.


- Fix caching of non-existent volumes.  The test to
  trigger an immediate CM_ERROR_NOSUCHVOLUME in
  cm_UpdateVolumeLocation() was backwards.

- Prevent the background daemon from checking the
  status of non-existent volumes.  cm_CheckOfflineVolumes()
  should skip volume groups with the CM_VOLUMEFLAG_NOEXIST
  flag set.

- The afskfw library should return an error immediately
  if the krb5_32.dll library cannot be loaded.  Affects
  afslogon.dll and afscreds.exe.

- No longer depend on leashw32.dll in afskfw library.

- NPLogonNotify must provide the user password in all
  calls to KFW_AFS_get_cred().  It cannot count on a
  credential cache being preserved between calls.  Permits
  tokens to be acquired for all cells listed in the
  TheseCells registry value for a domain.

- Improve the trace logging from NPLogonNotify().

- Avoid a race when writing the cm_scache_t mountPointString
  when acquiring mount point or symlink target data via
  cm_GetData().  The race could result in bogus target
  data being cached.

- Permit the use of des-cbc-md5 and des-cbc-md4 enctypes
  as DES keys in asetkey.exe.


All server platforms:

- A file descriptor leak which could result in corrupted files
  in the fileserver was fixed. An IMMEDIATE upgrade from previous
  1.6 release candidates as well as 1.5 release fileserver is

- Properly support large volume numbers (larger than 2147483647).

All platforms:

- Documentation updates.

Demand Attach Fileserver platforms:

- Allow salvager to be run manually again when DAFS is being used. (129458)


- New RC script, updated packaging.


- Improve RPM building tools.

- setpag() errors are now properly reported.


- Preferences Pane behavior fixed for 1.6 series (version detection
  is used to select default behavior).

- A potential kernel panic during bulkstat operations is fixed. (128511)

- 64-bit MacOS kernel performance is greatly improved. (128934)


- Properly report errors for AFS system call callers.


- Properly create new cell mount points in freelance mode.

- Avoid recursive offline volume checks.


All platforms:

- Revert UUID support in vos.

- pt_util fixed to properly create new databases.

- Rx busy call channel error handling improved.

- MTU discovery now properly shut down on call reset.

- FUSE client support fixed for non-/afs mounts.

All server platforms:

- A deleted volume can now be recreated properly.

- Callbacks are again not broken during whole partition salvages.

- Positional vectored IO fixed for largefile (>2GB) capable systems.

- Fileserver per-client thread usage again properly enforced.

- Anonymous dropbox support improved and drawbacks documented.

Demand Attach Fileserver platforms:

- Ensure vnodes are not reallocated while in use due to volume
  bitmap errors.


- Perform vcache eviction via a fast path before visiting vcaches
  where sleep is needed.


- aklog AuthorizationPlugin now provided.


- Corrected Solaris 11 startup script.

- vcache mappings freed on shutdown to avoid panic.


- icon tray state now conditionally set (128591)


All platforms:

- Documentation updates.

- Don't stop Rx keepalives after an ackall is received, avoiding
  spurious connection timeouts. (128848)

- Don't retry Rx calls on channels returning busy errors. (128671)

- vos will not die with a double free error at command completion.

- Properly enable Rx connection hard timeouts.

- Initialize rx_multi lock before use.

- Avoid spurious crashes when initializing in "backup" client.

All unix platforms:

- Check for /afs existance before starting, unless -nomount is specified.

- Avoid a potential panic when using /afs/.:mount syntax.

- Avoid a panic in memcache mode due to missing CellItems file.

All server platforms:

- Attempt to recovery more quickly from timed out volume release

- Auditing now properly byte order swaps IP addresses when printing.

- vos split now has improved error handling.

- Many changes to again support Windows fileservers.

- During volume removal, data removal speed improved.

- Improve CPU utilization during volume attaching by DAFS.

- In salvager check-only mode, avoid potentially fixing a vnode.

- Fix support for large (greater than 2gb) volume special files.

- Salvager will not crash if multiple or bad volume link tables
  are encountered.

- Avoid erroneous full dump by remembering which sites were out of date
  at the start of the release.


- Remove support for "Giant" lock as we no longer need to use it.

- Don't sleep with AFS GLOCK.

- Properly enable 64 bit long long support.

- Restore support for FreeBSD 7 (128612)

- Fix locking issues at shutdown.


- support through kernel 2.6.38.

- RedHat packaging now properly supports RHEL6.

- Use rx_Readv in cache bypass to improve performance.

- Properly handle 0-length replies during cache bypass operations.

- Properly handle non-contiguous readpage cache bypass operations.

- Do proper locking when transitioning to or from cache bypass.

- Avoid extra runs of vcache freeing routine. (128756)


- Check for unloaded kernel extensions when decoding AFS panics.

- Properly handle setpag errors. PAGs are not supported.

- Disable "get tokens at login" in prefs pane if AD authentication
  plugin is configured.


- support through OpenBSD 4.8.


- Fix support for Solaris pre-10.


- afs_config will not longer set the Tray Icon State
  in the registry if the checkbox is not present in
  the dialog. (128591)

- AFS Explorer Shell Extension now works from folder
  backgrounds.  Overlays for mount points and symlinks
  are present in the dll, but are not registered at present
  by the installers.

- Do not use RankServerInterval registry value as the value for

- When the data version of a mountpoint or symlink changes,
  the target string in the cm_scache_t object must be cleared.

- "fs checkservers" now includes vldb servers in the output
  and only lists multi-homed servers once.  A multi-homed
  server that has at least one up interface is no longer
  considered to be down.

- When asynchronously storing dirty data buffers to the
  file server ensure that (a) the cm_scache_t object and
  the cm_buf_t object are for the same File ID so that
  locking and signalling work properly; and (b) if the
  FID no longer exists on the file server, do not panic,
  just discard the buffer.

- When processing VNOVOL, VMOVED and VOFFLINE errors perform
  server comparisons by UUID or address and not simply by
  cm_server_t pointer.  Otherwise, server failover may not

- Do not preserve status information for cm_scache_t objects
  when the issuing server is multi-homed.

- Giving up all callbacks when shutting down or suspending
  the machine is now significantly faster due to the use
  of an rx_multi implementation.  (This functionality is
  still off by default and must be activated by a registry

- Race conditions were possible when updating the state
  of the cm_volume_t flags and when moving the volumes
  within the least recently used list.

- Ensure that the lanahelper library does not perform a
  NCBRESET of each lan adapter when enumerating the
  current network bindings.  Correcting this permits OpenAFS
  to work on Windows 7 when the network adapter settings

- Fix creation of mount points and symlinks as \\AFS\xxxx


All platforms:

- vos now properly deals with matching sites when servers are multihomed.

All Unix platforms:

- Servers now marked down when GetCapabilities returns error.

- In-use vcache count is now properly tracked.

All server platforms:

- Fix ptserver supergroups support on 64 bit platforms.

- Demand attach salvaging doesn't use freed volume pointers.

- Properly hold host lock during host enumeration in fileserver.


- Fix socket termination on shutdown.

- Support for 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 8.2 included.

- References to vcaches are no longer leaked during root or reclaim.


- Define llseek handler to avoid ESPIPE error in 2.6.37.

- Mount interface replaces get_sb (new for 2.6.37, not yet required).

- RedHat init script allows deferring for a new binary restart.

- DEFINE_MUTEX replaces DECLARE_MUTEX for 2.6.37.


- Correct return value from setpag syscall.


- Bug fixes for issues introduced previously in 1.5 series.


- Switch to ioctl() syscall replacement for Solaris 11 since syscall 65
  is not safe.

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Oct 3 16:08:33 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by asau
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +1 -3 lines
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Aug 30 17:37:55 2012 UTC (12 years, 4 months ago) by jakllsch
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2012Q3-base, pkgsrc-2012Q3
Move net/openafs to filesystems/openafs-devel.
Re-add net/openafs as of 2012-05-01 as filesystems/openafs.

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