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CVS log for pkgsrc/devel/ruby-redmine/Attic/

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Revision 1.9
Tue Aug 31 15:01:13 2021 UTC (3 years, 4 months ago) by taca
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Changes since revision 1.8: +1 -1 lines
devel/ruby-redmine: remove Redmine 4.0

Redmine 4.0.9 was last release of Redmine 4.0 seriese.  No more fixes
including security problem and there are security release for 4.1/4.2
but not for 4.0.

Discussing with MAINTAINER, we decide to remove ruby-redmine package.
Please migrate to ruby-redmine41 or ruby-redmine42.

Revision 1.8: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Feb 28 16:01:05 2021 UTC (3 years, 10 months ago) by taca
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2021Q2-base, pkgsrc-2021Q2, pkgsrc-2021Q1-base, pkgsrc-2021Q1
Diff to: previous 1.7: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.7: +3 -4 lines
devel/ruby-redmine: overhaul package

Overhaul ruby-redmine packge.  It is still 4.0.7, latest 4.0 series.

* Introduce "" to support Redmine 4.1.

  - RM_VERSION_DEFAULT select default Redmine release (40 or 41).
  - RM_VER is set to current Redmine release (40 or 41).

* Now PKGNAME contains ${RM_VER}, such as ruby26-redmine40-4.0.7.

* Update proper gems in this package.

* Remove Gemfile.lock for safety update path.

Revision 1.7: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Mar 15 16:00:55 2020 UTC (4 years, 10 months ago) by taca
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2020Q4-base, pkgsrc-2020Q4, pkgsrc-2020Q3-base, pkgsrc-2020Q3, pkgsrc-2020Q2-base, pkgsrc-2020Q2, pkgsrc-2020Q1-base, pkgsrc-2020Q1
Diff to: previous 1.6: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.6: +25 -21 lines
devel/ruby-redmine: update to 4.0.6

Update ruby-redmine to 4.0.6 with the same packaging scheme with 3.3.2.

pkgsrc change:

* Support ruby25 and ruby26, no more ruby22.

Changes from previous release are too many to write here, please refer

Revision 1.6: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Thu May 23 19:22:59 2019 UTC (5 years, 7 months ago) by rillig
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2019Q4-base, pkgsrc-2019Q4, pkgsrc-2019Q3-base, pkgsrc-2019Q3, pkgsrc-2019Q2-base, pkgsrc-2019Q2
Diff to: previous 1.5: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.5: +2 -2 lines
all: replace SUBST_SED with the simpler SUBST_VARS

pkglint -Wall -r --only "substitution command" -F

With manual review and indentation fixes since pkglint doesn't get that
part correct in every case.

Revision 1.5: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Wed Jan 4 23:05:12 2017 UTC (8 years ago) by rodent
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2019Q1-base, pkgsrc-2019Q1, pkgsrc-2018Q4-base, pkgsrc-2018Q4, pkgsrc-2018Q3-base, pkgsrc-2018Q3, pkgsrc-2018Q2-base, pkgsrc-2018Q2, pkgsrc-2018Q1-base, pkgsrc-2018Q1, pkgsrc-2017Q4-base, pkgsrc-2017Q4, pkgsrc-2017Q3-base, pkgsrc-2017Q3, pkgsrc-2017Q2-base, pkgsrc-2017Q2, pkgsrc-2017Q1-base, pkgsrc-2017Q1
Diff to: previous 1.4: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.4: +6 -6 lines
Make Redmine great again too. General cleanup as well as updating all the
package to latest stable. There's a security issue with nokogiri that's
resolved with this update. This package was tested extensively not only
for build/install but also for functionality. If anyone has problems with
it, please let me know.

Full changelogs (very long) are here:

Revision 1.4: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Nov 21 09:32:07 2015 UTC (9 years, 1 month ago) by ryoon
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2016Q4-base, pkgsrc-2016Q4, pkgsrc-2016Q3-base, pkgsrc-2016Q3, pkgsrc-2016Q2-base, pkgsrc-2016Q2, pkgsrc-2016Q1-base, pkgsrc-2016Q1, pkgsrc-2015Q4-base, pkgsrc-2015Q4
Diff to: previous 1.3: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.3: +4 -4 lines
Update to 3.1.2

3.1.2 (2015-11-14)

    Defect #20992: Parent priority "Independent of subtasks" setting doesn't work
    Defect #20360: Project copy does not copy custom field settings
    Defect #20380: Cannot assign users to projects with IE set to compatibility mode
    Defect #20591: PDF export does not determine picture (.png) height correctly
    Defect #20677: Custom fields with multiple values required by worklow can be blank
    Defect #20811: long pre lines are missing from PDF export of wiki pages
    Defect #21136: Issues API may disclose changeset messages that are not visible
    Defect #21150: Time logging form may disclose subjects of issues that are not visible
    Defect #21155: Deleting invalid wiki page version deletes whole page content
    Defect #20282: Error message when editing a child project without add project/subprojects permissions
    Defect #20730: Fix tokenization of phrases with non-ascii chars
    Defect #21071: find_referenced_issue_by_id fails with RangeError for large numbers
    Patch #21031: Polish translation update for 3.0-stable
    Patch #21105: Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html translation for 3.0-stable
    Patch #20785: Polish translation update for 3.1-stable
    Patch #20837: Bulgarian translation
    Patch #20892: Spanish translation for r14637
    Patch #20906: Fix mulitple tab navigation highlighting and content hiding
    Patch #21019: Traditional Chinese translation (to r14689)
    Patch #21076: Move inline CSS to application.css for private checkbox
    Patch #21085: Optimize issue edit description link

Revision 1.3: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Oct 11 00:19:33 2015 UTC (9 years, 3 months ago) by ryoon
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.2: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.2: +1 -2 lines
Fix install stage error.

Revision 1.2: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sat Oct 10 02:03:04 2015 UTC (9 years, 3 months ago) by ryoon
Branches: MAIN
Diff to: previous 1.1: preferred, colored
Changes since revision 1.1: +19 -18 lines
Update to 3.1.1

== 2015-09-20 v3.1.1

* Feature #11253: Total time spent from subtasks on the issue list
* Feature #20688: Add Total estimated hours column on issue list
* Feature #20738: Upgrade Rails 4.2.4
* Defect #19577: Open redirect vulnerability
* Defect #20761: Fix typo of Japanese translation for notice_gantt_chart_truncated
* Defect #20427: Cannot create a custom query visibility is "to these roles only"
* Defect #20454: Mail handler: unwanted assignment to a group occurs
* Defect #20278: Wrong syntax for resizing inline images will throw a 500 error
* Defect #20401: "Spent time" panel: columns not wrapping
* Defect #20407: Monospace font-family values are differ between application.css and scm.css
* Defect #20456: 3.1-stable/3.1.0: missing commits (omitted from being merged from trunk)
* Defect #20466: Broken email notification layout in Outlook
* Defect #20490: WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes for User
* Defect #20633: Help cursor showing up since r14154
* Patch #20293: Russian translation for 2.6-stable
* Patch #20294: Russian translation for 2.6-stable
* Patch #20408: Turkish translation for 2.6-stable
* Patch #20557: Czech translation for 2.6-stable
* Patch #20735: Markdown: Upgrade redcarpet gem to 3.3 (ruby 1.9 and higher)
* Patch #20745: Portuguese translation for 2.6-stable
* Patch #20512: Project.copy_from deletes enabled_modules on source
* Patch #20737: Czech translation for 3.0-stable
* Patch #20746: Portuguese translation for 3.0-stable
* Patch #20243: Use https links instead of http links in ApplicationHelper#avatar_edit_link and Redmine::Info class methods
* Patch #20410: Turkish translation for 3.1-stable
* Patch #20452: Czech localisation update
* Patch #20731: Change Japanese translation for "spent time"
* Patch #20747: Portuguese translation for 3.1-stable

Revision 1.1: download - view: text, markup, annotated - select for diffs
Sun Jul 5 23:55:25 2015 UTC (9 years, 6 months ago) by rodent
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: pkgsrc-2015Q3-base, pkgsrc-2015Q3
Reimport ruby22-redmine-3.0.3 as devel/ruby-redmine. This allows the package to
be used with multiple Ruby versions simultaneously without CONFLICTing with each
other. Main difference is that SHAREDIR, EGDIR, and the helper scripts using RUBY_PKGPREFIX and RUBY_SUFFIX, where applicable. The rcvar will be
ruby_redmine${RUBY_PKGPREFIX} now. Discussed with MAINTAINER some time last

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby
on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.

Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public
License v2 (GPL). Some of the main features of Redmine are:

   Multiple projects support
   Flexible role based access control
   Flexible issue tracking system
   Gantt chart and calendar
   News, documents & files management
   Feeds & email notifications
   Per project wiki
   Per project forums
   Time tracking
   Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
   SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
   Issue creation via email
   Multiple LDAP authentication support
   User self-registration support
   Multilanguage support
   Multiple databases support

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