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devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.25.0 3.25.0 (2024-03-05) Added * MatchData#named_captures (with symbolize_keys option, Ruby 3.3) * Range.reverse_each (Ruby 3.3) * Range#overlap? (Ruby 3.3)
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.24.1 3.24.1 (2023-04-05) * Fix Data.new to accept let positional parameters than needed. Add missing test [Fixes #187]
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.24.0 3.24.0 (2023-03-07) Added * Class#attached_object (Ruby 3.2) * Data (Ruby 3.2) * Enumerator.product and Enumerator::Product (Ruby 3.2) * Hash#shift (with correct behavior when empty) (Ruby 3.2) * Integer#ceildiv (Ruby 3.2) * MatchData#byteoffset (Ruby 3.2) * Symbol#start_with? (Ruby 2.7) Fixed * Class#descendants (removed, as it was not actually added in Ruby 3.1, sorry)
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.23.0 3.23.0 (2021-12-28) Added * Integer.try_convert (Ruby 3.1) * Symbol.end_with? (Ruby 2.7) [#171] 3.22.1 (2021-12-27) Added * Ruby 3.1 backports: Array * intersect? Class * descendants * subclasses Enumerable * compact * tally (with hash argument) File * dirname (with depth argument) MatchData * match * match_length Struct * keyword_init?
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.21.0 3.21.0 - 2021-03-31 Added * Added String#unpack1 (Ruby 2.4) [#166]
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.20.2 3.20.2 (2021-01-27) * Fix a typo * Namespace explicitly, but not Ractor * Don't stop at ractor tests * Tweak Ractor#inspect * Ractor: implementation under Backports namespace * Tweak for 2.2- * Move filtered_queue * Add magic constant * Move backports dependencies out of `ractor/`; use RubyNext if need be
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.20.1 ## [3.20.1](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.20.0...v3.20.1) - 2021-01-03 ### Fixed * Added `Ractor.[]` and `[]=` [#161] * `Ractor.current` fixed from threads [#161] ## [3.20.0](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.19.0...v3.20.0) - 2020-12-30 ### Added Ractor backport (all methods) ## [3.19.0](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.19.0...v3.18.2) - 2020-12-28 ### Added * Ruby 3.0 backports * Env * `except` * Hash * `except` * `transform_keys`, `transform_keys!` (with hash argument) * Symbol * `name` * Ruby 2.3 backports * Queue * `close`, `closed?` (affects `push`, `pop` and aliases)
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.18.2 Update ruby-backports to 3.18.2. 3.18.2 - 2020-08-26 * Require per ruby version now properly requiring 2.3.0 backports for String [#152] 3.18.1 - 2020-06-23 * Fixed Changelog URI in gem manifest
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.18.1 Update ruby-backports to 3.18.1. 3.18.1 - 2020-06-23 * Update dependency 3.18.0 - 2020-06-22 * Require per ruby version / all requires now check RUBY_VERSION to be more efficient [#149]
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.17.2 Update ruby-backports to 3.17.2. 3.17.2 - 2020-04-09 Fixed * Fix Range#cover (Ruby 2.6.0) [#148]
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.17.1 Update ruby-backports to 3.17.1. ## [3.17.1](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.17.0...v3.17.1) - 2020-04-09 ### Fixed Fix Range#size (Ruby 2.0) on Ruby 1.8.7 [#144]
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.17.0 Update ruby-backports to 3.17.0. ## [3.17.0](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.16.1...v3.16.2) - 2020-03-06 ### Added * Ruby 2.6 backports * Range * `cover?` (with `Range` argument) ### Changed Requiring features for a particular version of Ruby or `latest` is un-deprecated but instead simply warned in verbose mode. ## [3.16.1](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.16.0...v3.16.1) - 2020-02-16 ### Deprecated Officially deprecate requiring features for a particular version of Ruby, `latest`, `std_lib` or `rails` backports ### Fixed `matrix` library when loaded in 2.7.0 [#141] ## [3.16.0](https://github.com/marcandre/backports/compare/v3.15.0...v3.16.0) - 2020-02-06 ### Added * Ruby 2.7 backports * Array * `intersection` * Comparable * `clamp` (with range) * Complex * `<=>` * Enumerable * `filter_map` * `tally` * Enumerator * `produce` (class method) * Time * `floor`, `ceil`
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.15.0 Update ruby-backports to 3.15.0. == Version 3.15.0 - May 15th, 2019 * Proc / Method * +<<+, +>>+
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.14.0 == Version 3.14.0 - April 29th, 2019 * Hash * +to_h+ (with block) == Version 3.13.0 - April 5th, 2019 * Hash * +merge+, +merge!+/+update+ (with multiple arguments) == Version 3.12.0 - February 20th, 2019 * New Ruby version 2.6.0 * Array * +difference+, +union+ * +to_h+ (with block) * Enumerable * +chain+ * +to_h+ (with block) * Enumerator::Chain (use Enumerable#chain) * Kernel * +then+ * Additional backports for 2.5.0: * String * +undump+
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.11.4 3.11.2 (2018/04/10) * Remove link to www.pledgie.com. * Update Rails' try [#115] 3.11.3 (2018/04/16) * Update readme [ci skip] * Oops, fix try correctly 3.11.4 (2018/08/27) * Tweak README [ci skip] * SVG badges in README * Add a note about performance of match? backports [#17] * Fix match? [#117] * Tweak for Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence
devel/ruby-backports: update to 3.11.1 Version 3.11.0 - December 25th, 2017 * New Ruby version 2.5.0 o Array - append, prepend o Dir - children, each_child o Enumerable - any?, all?, none?, one? (with pattern argument) o Hash - slice - transform_keys o Integer - sqrt - allbits?, anybits? and nobits? o Kernel - yield_self o Module - attr, attr_accessor, attr_reader, attr_writer (now public) - define_method, alias_method, undef_method, remove_method (now public) o String - delete_prefix, delete_prefix! - delete_suffix, delete_suffix! o Struct - new (with keyword_init: true) * require 'backports/latest' is now the right way to require everything Version 3.10.0 - October 17, 2017 * Additional features of 2.4.0 o Enumerable - uniq - sum o Hash - compact - transform_values Version 3.9.0 - October 07, 2017 * From 2.4.0: dup for true, false, nil, Numeric * From 2.2.0: Method#super_method Version 3.8.0 - April 26, 2017 * From 2.4.0: String#match?, Regexp#match? * From 2.3.0: o unary String#+, - o Numeric: positive?, negative? o Hash: to_proc, fetch_values, >, <, >=, <= o Enumerable: chunk_while, grep_v o {Array|Hash|Struct}#dig o Array#bsearch_index * From 2.2.0: o Method#curry o String#unicode_normalize{|?|!} o Kernel#itself o Float: next_float, prev_float Version 3.7.0 - March 28, 2017 * Initiate work on backports of 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 * From 2.4.0: o Comparable#clamp * From 2.2.0: o Enumerable: slice_when, slice_after
Switch github HOMEPAGEs to https.
Update ruby-backports to 3.6.8. * Rename internal method to avoid strange error in ruby 2.3. * Update lib/prime.
Update ruby-backports to 3.6.7. * Fix pledgie image markup. * Fix embarassing bug with bsearch for floats.
Update ruby-backports to 3.6.6. * Explicitly set license to MIT in backports.gemspec. * Fix Bignum#bit_length. * Fix Bignum#bit_length correctly.
Update ruby-backports to 3.6.4. Several bug fixes.
Update ruby-backports to 3.6.0. == Version 3.6.0 - February 14th, 2014 * Additional features of 2.1.0 * Bignum#bit_length * Fixnum#bit_length * Module#include (now public) == Version 3.5.0 - February 3rd, 2014 * Additional features of 2.0.0 * Range#size == Version 3.4.0 - December 29th, 2013 * Additional features of 2.1.0 * Array#to_h, Enumerable#to_h
Update ruby-backports to 3.3.3. = Backports --- History == Version 3.2.0 - April 3rd, 2013 * Moved `Proc#yield` & `Hash#key` from 1.8.7 to 1.9.1 == Version 3.2.0 - April 2nd, 2013 * Moved `Dir.mktmpdir` to the stdlib 'tmpdir' for Ruby 1.8.7 * Removed `returning` as it is no longer part of Rails. == Version 3.1.0 - March 5th, 2013 * Backports can now be loaded separately! * Small tweaks and fixes for many methods to pass more RubySpecs == Version 3.0.0 - February 24th, 2013 * Features of 2.0.0 are now required when requiring 'backports'. * Additional features of 2.0.0 * Struct#to_h, NilClass#to_h, Hash#to_h * Hash#default_proc = nil * OpenStruct lib * 1.8.7's Enumerator#with_index (it wasn't in the 1.8.7 NEWS file...)
Update ruby-backports to 2.8.2. == Version 2.8.0 - February 3rd, 2013 * Added some features of 2.0.0 (must be required explicitly until official release): * Array#bsearch * Range#bsearch
Add ruby-backports package version 2.7.1. = Backports Library * Yearning to use some of the new cool features in Ruby 2.0.0 while using 1.8.6? * One of your client is stuck with Ruby 1.8.6 but you want to use a gem using some features of 1.8.7? * Can't remember if you can use Array#sample or String#each_char on a friend's box? This gem is for you! The goal of 'backports' is to make it easier to write ruby code that runs across different versions of Ruby. All you need to bring any version of Ruby up to today's standards: require 'backports' This will bring in all the features of 1.8.7 (for Ruby 1.8.6) and many features of Ruby 1.9.1 (for Ruby 1.8.x), Ruby 1.9.2 and Ruby 1.9.3 (for all earlier versions)! +Note+: Although I am a Ruby committer, this gem is a personal project and is not endorsed by ruby-core.