Up to [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / devel / py-faker
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py-faker: updated to 35.2.0 v35.2.0 * Add various German localization. Thanks @ChristinaRau. v35.1.0 * Add phone numbers for `de_CH` and `it_CH`. Thanks @flo-ri-an. v35.0.0 * Revert changes made in v34.x.
py-faker: updated to 33.3.1 v33.3.1 * Fix `nl_BE` Bank Provider (BBAN, IBAN, SWIFT).
py-faker: updated to 33.3.0 v33.3.0 * Add support for Zulu (`zu_ZA`) address provider and corresponding tests. Thanks @AliYmn. v33.2.0 * Add currency provider for `uk_UA`. Thanks @SaulTigh. v33.1.3 * Fix type annotation on Python 3.8. v33.1.2 * Fix `ru_RU` passport provider. Thanks @denisSurkov. v33.1.1 * Fix address number output issue in `ko_KR` address provider. Thanks @semi-yu. v33.1.0 * Add support for Python 3.13. Thanks @edgarrmondragon.
py-faker: updated to 33.0.0 v33.0.0 * Revert "Make pytest fixture session-scoped". v32.1.0 * Fix `ko_KR` road address. v32.0.0 * Make pytest fixture session-scoped. v31.0.0 * Remove `Collection[str]` type from `ElementTypes`. v30.10.0 * Add jobs for locale `de_AT`; added methods `job_female` and `job_male`. v30.9.0 * Added Providers for `uz_UZ` language. v30.8.2 * Revert "Add decorator to optionally format dates as string.". v30.8.1 * Fix `month_in_guj`. v30.8.0 * Update city names for `uk_UA`. v30.7.0 * Add person provider for `gu_IN` locale. * Add `datetime` provider for `gu_IN` locale. v30.6.0 * Add passport provider for `ru_RU` locale. v30.5.0 * Add Providers for `ka_GE` locale. v30.4.0 * Add separate male/female names along with prefix/suffix for `hi_IN` locale. v30.3.0 * Add decorator to optionally format dates as string. v30.2.0 * Cache Factory._find_provider_class module look-ups. v30.1.0 * Add PIN Code range and union territories in `en_IN` address provider. v30.0.0 * Force the slug always be generated with ASCII characters.
py-*: remove unused tool dependency py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
py-faker: updated to 28.4.1 v28.4.1 * Fix issue where Faker does not properly convert min/max float values to `Decimal`. Thanks @bdjellabaldebaran. v28.4.0 * Add `it_IT` lorem provider. Thanks @gianni-di-noia. v28.3.0 * Fix male forms of female surnames in `uk_UA`.Thanks @AlexLitvino. v28.2.0 * Add `es_ES` isbn provider. Thanks @mondeja. v28.1.0 * Fix Incorrect City Spelling in `uk_UA` locale. Thanks @ch4zzy. v28.0.0 * Fix `pydecimal` handling of `positive` keyword. Thanks @tahzeer.
py-faker: updated to 26.3.0 v26.3.0 * Extend `ro_RO` company localization with prefixes. Thanks @DDSNA. v26.2.0 * Add Swahili (`sw`) provider for generating Swahili names. Thanks @5uru. v26.1.0 * Add more entries to `sk_SK` Geo provider.
py-faker: updated to 26.0.0 v26.0.0 - 2024-06-26 * Fix upper limit of nb_elements.
py-faker: updated to 25.8.0 v25.8.0 * Add handshake emoji with different color variations to emoji provider list. v25.7.0 * Add missing translation for countries in `pt-BR`. v25.6.0 * Fix data in geo for `pl_PL`. v25.5.0 * Fix data in geo for `pl_PL`. v25.4.0 * Add landmarks in `geo` for `pl_PL`. v25.3.0 * Add more iOS versions to `user_agent`. v25.2.0 * Update VAT generation in `nl_BE` to align with correct Belgian format. v25.1.0 * Add geo for `pl_PL`. * Add geo for `sk_SK`. v25.0.1 * Add type stub file to `setup.py`. v25.0.0 * Drop support for Python 3.7
py-faker: updated to 24.11.0 v24.11.0 - 2024-04-17 * Tune `cs_CZ` phone number validation. Thanks @george0st. v24.10.0 - 2024-04-17 * Update list of `first_name_*` and `last_name` in `pt_BR` `PersonProvider`. Thanks @dclobato.
py-faker: updated to 24.9.0 v24.9.0 - 2024-04-12 * Update `uk_UA` phone provider.
py-faker: updated to 24.8.0 v24.8.0 * Fix wrong pricetag format in `ru_RU` locale. Thanks @Pandede. v24.7.1 * Fix previous release issue. v24.7.0 * Update last names for `de_DE` locale. Thanks @george0st. * Update phone number formats for `cs_CZ`, `sk_SK`. Thanks @george0st. v24.6.0 * Update versions in `user_agent` provider. Thanks @george0st. v24.5.0 * Add type hints stubs. Thanks @KaylaHood. v24.4.0 * Add address words for `cs_CZ`. Thanks @george0st
py-faker: updated to 24.3.0 v24.3.0 * Add phone number formats to nl_BE. Thanks @maximegmd. v24.2.1 * Return capitalized city names in `hu_HU`. Thanks @AlexLitvino. v24.2.0 * Add `uk-UA` credit card provider. Thanks @lozik4. * Upgrade `uk_UA` person provider. Thanks @lozik4. v24.1.1 * Fix prefix for male `bg_BG` names Thanks @DimitarVanguelov. v24.1.0 * Add Grenville to `land_coords` in geo provider. Thanks @lozik4. * Fix Kyiv name. Thanks @lozik4. v24.0.0 * Fix returning random data for person provider in `et_EE` locale when the same seed value is set. Thanks @AlexLitvino. v23.3.0 * Add person, bank provider for `sk_SK` locale. Thanks @mhandl.
py-faker: updated to 23.2.1 v23.2.1 * fix: update `pydecimal` algorithm to ensure left part is not generated with a leading 0. v23.2.0 * Allow Uniqueness and Localization.
py-faker: updated to 23.1.0 v23.1.0 * Add `uk_UA` lorem provider. Thanks @lozik. v23.0.0 * Consistently throw an error if the start of a daterange is after the end. Thanks @prescod. v22.7.0 * Add `uk_UA` automotive provider. Thanks @lozik.
py-faker: updated to 22.6.0 v22.6.0 - 2024-01-29 Add support for birthday and gender to uk_UA ssn method. v22.5.1 - 2024-01-23 Add area code 830000 to zh_CN. Add area_code parameter to ssn provider for zh_CN. v22.5.0 - 2024-01-22 Add http_status_code to internet provider.
py-faker: updated to 22.4.0 v22.4.0 * Add `fa_IR` localization for currency provider. v22.3.0 * Add bank provider for `uk_UA`.
py-faker: updated to 22.2.0 v22.2.0 - 2024-01-10 * Add bank provider for `cs_CZ`. v22.1.0 - 2024-01-08 * Add support for multiple file systems path rules. v22.0.0 - 2023-12-29 * Remove dot from `file_name` when `extention` is the empty string. * Allow extension in `file_path` to take a list of allowed extensions, or empty for "no extension".
py-faker: updated to 21.0.0 v21.0.0 * Fix: random sign in `pyfloat` when `positive=False`. Thanks @viraj-s15. v20.1.0 * Add company provider and NUSS for `es_ES` locale. Thanks @fgsalomon. * Add official support for Python 3.12. Thanks @pfouque. v20.0.3 * Make `unix_time` always return floats. v20.0.2 * Fix `pydecimal` crash on float `min_value` or `max_value`. Thanks @s-weigand. v20.0.1 * Fix type hint for `unix_time`. v20.0.0 * Support platform-specific second precision. Thanks @cknv.
py-faker: updated to 19.13.0 v19.13.0 * Add more entries in `cs_CZ`'s geo. Thanks @george0st. v19.12.1 * Fix latest days of the month as birth day in italian SSN. Thanks @@TommasoLencioni v19.12.0 * Add `geo` provider for `cs_CZ`. Thanks @george0st. v19.11.1 * Fix handling for finnish ssn where `min_age` and `max_age` are the same. Thanks @Pakkanen1. v19.11.0 * Add a few street names to `cs_CZ`. Thanks @george0st. * Add words to lorem for `cs_CZ`. Thanks @george0st. * Add color for `cs_CZ`. Thanks @george0st.
py-faker: updated to 19.10.0 v19.10.0 * Update names and phone numbers for `cs_CZ`. Thanks @george0st. v19.9.1 * Revert "fix type error in `pyfloat` when `max_value` is `None`" from v19.6.2. v19.9.0 * Use DE base for `de_CH` AddressProvider. Thanks @nchiapol. v19.8.1 * Fix `person` Latvian provider. v19.8.0 * Add Gender support for Latvian (`lv_LV`) names. Thanks @OskarsPakers. v19.7.0 * Add MAC Address Multicast. Thanks @d3vyce.
py-faker: updated to 19.6.2 v19.6.2 * fix type error in `pyfloat` when `max_value` is `None`.
py-faker: updated to 19.6.1 v19.6.1 * Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 v19.6.0 * Add addresses for `en_BD`. Thanks @aamibhoot. v19.5.0 * Add `color_rgb`, `color_rgb_float`, `color_hsv` and `color_hsl`. Thanks @fdemmer.
py-faker: updated to 19.4.0 19.4.0 Unknown changes
py-faker: updated to 19.3.1 v19.3.1 * Remove spurious space in `uk_UA` `first_name`.
py-faker: updated to 19.3.0 v19.3.0 * Add weigthing to dynamic providers.
py-faker: updated to 19.2.0 19.2.0 * Add support for South African Zulu (`zu_ZA`) names and last names. v19.1.0 * Add `ja_JP` locale for `datetime`. v19.0.0 * Drop support for Python 3.7 * Drop support for 32 bit systems. * Add `elector_code` for `es_MX` SSN provider. v18.13.0 * Add `.optional` proxy that may or may not return a fake value. v18.12.0 * Add fake automotive `vin` number function. v18.11.2 * Fix area codes for `fr_FR` mobile phone numbers. v18.11.1 * Update Ukraine Country Code in `phone_number`. v18.11.0 * Add digit-above-two type to numerify function.
py-faker: updated to 18.10.1 v18.10.1 * Fix handling leap year in `en_US` Passport provider. v18.10.0 * Add `passport` Provider and `en_US` Implementation.
py-faker: updated to 18.9.0 v18.9.0 * Add `xml` provider. v18.8.0 * Add `zh_CN` bank locale.
py-faker: updated to 18.7.0 v18.7.0 * Add `license_plate` for `zh_CN` and `zh_TW`.
py-faker: updated to 18.6.2 v18.6.2 * Improve accuracy of departments in `fr_FR` provider `postcode` v18.6.1 * Fix `ssn` provider for `zh_TW` v18.6.0 * Add a separate `basic_phone_number` for `en_US` v18.5.1 * Fix release. v18.5.0 * Add `de_DE` `swift_location_codes` v18.4.0 * Add currency symbols for all listed currencies v18.3.4 * Ensure `pyfloat` honors min and max values v18.3.3 * Use correct union type for provider argument v18.3.2 * Bump actions/stale from 7 to 8 v18.3.1 * Fix determinism in `state_abbr()` for `en_US` v18.3.0 * Separate freely-associated states & US territories v18.2.1 * Fix value error formatting v18.2.0 * Add `pyobject` generator v18.1.0 * Add lorem provider for `nl_BE` * Add `nl_BE` automotive provider * Add `nl_BE` company provider v18.0.0 * Add territory zip codes for `en_US`.
py-faker: updated to 15.3.3 v15.3.3 * Fix seeding with multiple locales. v15.3.2 * Fix implicit Optional issues.
py-faker: updated to 15.3.1 v15.3.1 * Update the `word_list` for `pl_PL`. v15.3.0 * Add color provider for `id_ID`. v15.2.0 * Add banks for `en_IN` locale. v15.1.5 * Fix type variable inside the `ElementsType`. v15.1.4 * Remove test dependency on `random2`. v15.1.3 * Fix pyfloat causing ValueError. v15.1.2 * Fix missing return in `en_US` `state_abbr`. v15.1.1 * Fix ImportError on python <3.7.2. v15.1.0 * Add enum provider. v15.0.0 * Add support for Python 3.10. * Drop support for Python 3.6. v14.2.1 * Fix misspelled first name in `da_DK` locale.
py-faker: updated to 14.2.0 v14.2.0 * Add support for prefix and suffix to `pystr` provider.Thanks @stefan6419846. v14.1.2 * Fix `uk_UA` `postcode` generation. v14.1.1 * Relax minimum version of `typing-extensions`. v14.1.0 * Add providers for `bn_BD`: `address`, `automotive`, `bank`, `color`, `company`, `currency`, `date_time`, `geo`, `internet`, `job`, `person`, `phone_number` and `ssn`. v14.0.0 * Fix `Provider._parse_date_time` to support timestamps. v13.16.0 * automotive: add `de_CH` license plates. v13.15.1 * change license_formats `pt_BR` to match Mercosul. v13.15.0 * Upgrade person, company, internet, currency providers for `tr_TR`. v13.14.0 * Fix `vat` and police id for `el_GR`. * Add `tin` and `ssn` for `el_GR`. v13.13.1 * Fix area codes for `fr_FR` phone numbers. v13.13.0 * Add support for ISO 8601 timestamp profiles. v13.12.1 * Correct RUT range in `es_CL`.
py-faker: updated to 13.11.0 v13.11.0 * Add `sq-AL` automotive provider. v13.10.0 * Improve `it_IT` ssn provider to match real building rules. v13.9.0 * Add part-of-speech functionality for `en_US`. v13.8.0 * Add `fr-FR` datetime provider. * Add `no-NO` datetime provider. * Add `zh-CN` datetime provider. v13.7.0 * Add automotive provider for `fi_FI`, `et_EE`, `lt_LT` and `vi_VN`. v13.6.0 * Add `ar_BH` automotive provider. v13.5.0 * Add Mexican CLABE bank code for `es_MX` locale. v13.4.0 * Add `it_IT` automotive provider.
py-faker: updated to 13.3.5 v13.3.5 * Fix error in currency provider data.
py-faker: updated to 13.3.4 v13.3.4 * Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3. v13.3.3 * Fix factory selection when Faker has been seeded.
py-faker: updated to 13.3.2 v13.3.2 * Bump actions/stale from 3 to 5 v13.3.1 * Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 3
py-faker: updated to 13.3.0 v13.3.0 * Add lorem provider for `fa-ir` language code. Thanks @arminshoughi. v13.2.0 * Add `bn_BD` Lorem Provider. Thanks @jabertuhin. [v13.1.0 * Add lorem support for `de_DE` and `de_AT`. Thanks @@Kalbra. v13.0.0 * Use `os.urandom` in `binary()` if unseeded. Thanks @AlmightyYakob. v12.3.3 * Arabic improvements for names. Thanks @alfawal. v12.3.2 * Fix postcode format for `es_ES` locale. Thanks @mondeja. v12.3.1 * Prevent "non-integer arguments to randrange()" warnings on Python 3.10. Thanks @jacksmith15. v12.3.0 * Fix `it_IT` `ssn()` validity. Thanks @MarcoMatarazzo. v12.2.0 * Add cities to `de_CH`. Thanks @Kalbra. v12.1.0 * Set correct language on provider when specific locale is requested. Thanks @interDist. v12.0.1 * Remove empty string in Korean job list. Thanks @georgidimitrov-hs. v12.0.0 * Remove dependency from [`text-unidecode`](https://github.com/kmike/text-unidecode/). v11.4.0 * Add geonames db of Italian cap-city-province and full match when generating full addresses.
py-faker: updated to 11.3.0 v11.3.0 * Add banks for `fa-ir`. v11.2.0 * Improve phone numbers for `it_IT`. v11.1.0 * Add providers for `az_AZ` locale. v11.0.0 * Replace `lorempixel.com` service with `picsum.photos` in `image_url` provider. * Add `placeholder_url` argument to `image_url`. v10.0.0 * deprecate positional `allowed_types`. v9.9.1 * Revert "deprecate positional `allowed_types`". v9.9.0 * deprecate positional `allowed_types`. v9.8.4 * Fix positional `value_types`. v9.8.3 * Shorten IBANs for `pl_PL` to 28 chars. v9.8.2 * Relax ElementsType to admit e.g. Sets. v9.8.1 * Fix ``pydecimal`` with ``left_digits=0`` not setting the left digit to 0. v9.8.0 * Add ``es_CO`` localized providers. Thank you @healarconr. v9.7.1 * Take into account area codes for French phone numbers. v9.7.0 * Add provider for French SSN. v9.6.0 * Add dynamic provider. v9.5.3 * Improve randomness of ``pydecimal`` for different scenarios. v9.5.2 * Limit ``typing_extensions`` dependency to Python < 3.8. v9.5.1 * Add ``typing-extensions`` as dependency and pin ``mypy`` version. v9.5.0 * Add automotive provider for ``nl_NL``. v9.4.0 * Add Typing. v9.3.1 * Change to secondary address format in ``en_AU`` locale to reflect the common usage. v9.3.0 * Add ``currency``, ``automotive``, ``company`` and ``bank`` providers for ``el_GR``. v9.2.0 * Add ``color`` and ``date_time`` provider for ``el_GR``. v9.1.0 * Add currency provider for ``nl_NL``. v9.0.1 * Fix ``pydecimal`` returning ``min_value`` or ``max_value`` too frequently. v9.0.0 * Change default email generator to use safe domain names. v8.16.0 * Add ``date_time`` provider for ``nl_NL``. v8.15.0 * Add ``bg_BG`` color provider. v8.14.2 * Fix bug in ``pydecimal`` when returning max/min. v8.14.1 * Fix `pydecimal` precision. v8.14.0 * Add datetime provider for ``bn_BD``.
python: egg.mk: add USE_PKG_RESOURCES flag This flag should be set for packages that import pkg_resources and thus need setuptools after the build step. Set this flag for packages that need it and bump PKGREVISION.
*: bump PKGREVISION for egg.mk users They now have a tool dependency on py-setuptools instead of a DEPENDS
py-faker: updated to 8.13.2 v8.13.2 * Fixed: region_codes for bic must have 9 digits. v8.13.1 * Change ``fi_FI`` Provinces to Regions. v8.13.0 * ``uk_UA`` address provider - fix streets and cities names, added regions. v8.12.3 * Fix missing underscores in ``mac_platform_token``. v8.12.2 * Remove period/fullstop from ``en_GB`` prefixes.
py-faker: updated to 8.12.1 v8.12.1 * Add missing diacritics in ``fr_FR`` ``person`` provider. v8.12.0 * Added non-geo numbers and services phones format for ``pt_BR``. * Add datetime formats in ``pt_BR``. * Add currency formats in ``pt_BR``. v8.11.0 * Add ``nic_handle``. v8.10.3 * Remove potentially offensive surname in ``it_IT``. v8.10.2 * Return list instead of tuple in ``choices_distribution``. v8.10.1 * enable faker instances to be unpickled. v8.10.0 * Add ``ar_AE`` (UAE) phone numbers. v8.9.1 * Skip UnsupportedFeature's on the command line. v8.9.0 * Add RIPE ID. v8.8.2 * Avoid collision for ``date`` in ``datetime`` provider. v8.8.1 * Fix ``left_digits`` ignored if ``min_value`` is given. v8.8.0 * Add ``iana_id``, IANA Registrar ID. v8.7.0 * Add tlds for ``th_TH`` internet provider. v8.6.0 * Add ``aba()`` method to generate ABA routing numbers. v8.5.1 * Fix deepcopy for Faker instances. v8.5.0 * Add ``image`` provider. v8.4.0 * Add license plates and language names for ``he_IL`` locale. v8.3.0 * Add colors for ``he_IL``. v8.2.1 * Add few more names in ``en_IN`` person provider. v8.2.0 * Add ``city_name()`` and cities to ``support .city()`` for ``th_TH``.
py-faker: updated to 8.1.4 v8.1.4: * Support distant past dates on Windows.
py-faker: updated to 8.1.3 v8.1.3 * Fixes 1439: Cast Path to a string for `pkgutil.iter_modules`). v8.1.2 * Fix company suffix typo for ``th_TH``. v8.1.1 * Remove ``gmail.co.uk`` from ``en_GB`` email Provider. v8.1.0 * Extend ``pl_PL`` Pesel To support greater range of dates. v8.0.0 * Fix CLI only giving 10 possible outputs. v7.0.1 * Fix faker module loader to use strings rather than Paths. v7.0.0 * Make sure `pyfloat` fails when asked to produce more digits than the system supports. v6.6.3 * Ensure ``pytuple`` returns the correct number of items.
py-faker: updated to 6.6.2 v6.6.2 * Fix ``ro_RO`` phone numbers generation. v6.6.1 * set ``uk_UA`` address street titles to proper language.
py-faker: updated to 6.6.0 v6.6.0 - 2021-03-09 Add address provider for ro_RO. Thanks @feketemihai. v6.5.2 - 2021-03-08 Fix a problem with pyfloat where it can return sys.epsilon when right_digits=N and positive=True. Thanks @tomage. v6.5.1 - 2021-03-08 Replace es_MX RFC name initials when they are forbidden words. Thanks @briferz. v6.5.0 - 2021-02-24 Add address provider for de_CH. Thanks @andre-dasilva. v6.4.1 - 2021-02-19 user_agent: bump platform versions. Thanks @gsilvan. v6.4.0 - 2021-02-19 Add cs_CZ lorem - word list. Thanks @jakubno. v6.3.0 - 2021-02-17 Add sk_SK automotive provider. Thanks @matusvalo. v6.2.0 - 2021-02-17 Add current_country, current_country_code and administrative_unit. Thanks @prescod. v6.1.1 - 2021-02-09 Add Taiwanese and Palestinian time zones. Thanks @prescod. v6.1.0 - 2021-02-09 Rename fr_QC to fr_CA. Thanks @prescod. v6.0.0 - 2021-02-03 Fix pyfloat returning zeros when positive=True. Thanks @sciencectn. v5.8.0 - 2021-01-26 Add currency names for th_TH. Thanks @bact. v5.7.0 - 2021-01-25 Add new currency provider pricetag().
py-faker: updated to 5.6.5 v5.6.5 * Update ``th_TH`` Lorem text provider's punctuations, reduce size of word list v5.6.4 * Synchronize ``cs_CZ`` and ``sk_SK`` address provider and split postcodes v5.6.3 * Enable parallel coveralls builds v5.6.2 * Fix coveralls
py-faker: updated to 5.6.1 5.6.1 * Fix transliteration for ``ru_RU`` ``person`` provider. Thanks @valestel. 5.6.0 * Add ``address``, ``bank``, ``geo`` and ``person`` provider for ``en_IE``. Thanks @NiL. * Add ``person`` provider for ``ga_IE``. Thanks @NiL. 5.5.1 * Fix lorem provider ``sentence`` method. 5.5.0 * Add elements caching and other optimizations. Thanks @prescod. * Add ``use_weighting`` parameter for improved performance. Thanks @prescod. 5.4.1 * Remove empty string from ``ar_AA`` Person Provider. 5.4.0 * Add ``da_DK`` address provider. Thanks @JoseNavy. 5.3.0 * ``json`` and ``fixed_width`` now allow for strings to be fixed or pinned to a static value by prepending ``@``. Thanks @johnbrandborg. 5.2.0 * Add ``en_IN`` address + phone number provider. Thanks @pulkitgupta2k. 5.1.0 * Add ``en_IN`` person provider. Thanks @pulkitgupta2k.
py-faker: updated to 5.0.2 5.0.2: * Remove invalid surname in `nl_NL`.
py-faker: updated to 5.0.1 5.0.1 * ``th_TH`` ``strftime``: normalize output for unsupported directive on ``musl``-based Linux. 5.0.0 * Drop support for Python 3.5. * Add support fro Python 3.9. 4.18.0 * Add ``date_time`` and ``bank`` providers for ``th_TH``. 4.17.1 * Correct spelling errors in city names for ``de_DE``. 4.17.0 * Add name pairs to get matched representation in ``ja_JP`` person provider. 4.16.0 * Add SSN, company name, address, and license plate providers for ``th_TH``. 4.15.0 * Add postcode format, country names, person prefix weights, and update phone number format for ``th_TH``. 4.14.2 * Fix generation of names ending with spaces. 4.14.1 * Add relative frequencies for japanese last names. 4.14.0 * Add Swiss bank provider locales. 4.13.0 * Split first names into male and female on ``pt_PT`` provider. 4.12.0 * Geo provider added for ``tr_TR`` locale. 4.11.0 * Add ``sk_SK`` Job provider. 4.10.0 * Add ``date_time`` provider for ``pt_PT``. 4.9.0 * Add ``.unique()`` for unique values. 4.8.0 * Add automotive provider for ``tr_TR``. 4.7.0 * Add province list and add 2 new district to ``ne_NP``. 4.6.0 * Add Currency provider for ``sv_SE``. 4.5.0 * Add ``pt_PT`` credit card provider. 4.4.0 * Added Company Provider for ``tr_TR`` locale. 4.3.0 * Add job providers for ``tr_TR``. 4.2.0 * Implement color provider for ``sk_SK`` locale. 4.1.8 * Fix ``hu_HU`` color provider inheritance. 4.1.7 * Bigger zipcode ranges for VA, TX and MD in ``en_US``. 4.1.6 * Add new style ``pt_PT`` automotive plates. 4.1.5 * Remove duplicate jobs from the ``pt_PT`` provider. 4.1.4 * Use "Belarus" instead of "Vitryssland" for ``sv_SE``. * Added bank provider for ``tr_TR`` locale. * Improve VAT generation for IT provider. * Use non-zero number for first digit of Swedish postal codes.
py-faker: updated to 4.1.3 4.1.3: * Add ``es_ES`` autonomous communities (Spanish regions). * Add JSON and Fixed Width argument group and parser support. * Update ``zh_CN`` ssn provider to support gender. * Fix typo in ``de_DE`` job provider. * ``or_IN`` Odia person's name added. * Remove ``datetime_safe`` shim subclass in favor of native Python ``datetime.datetime``.
py-faker: update to 4.1.2. `4.1.2 - 1&-August-2020 <https://github.com/joke2k/faker/compare/v4.1.1...v4.1.2>`__ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Extend Person Provider to support non-binary suffixes and prefixes. Thank you @crd. * Add ``safe_domain_name`` generator. Thanks @crd. * Fix max_value/positive ``pyfloat`` interaction. Thanks @coiax. * Update ``bban_format`` for ``fi_FI`` locale. Thanks @ALMP-SallaH. * Fix ``person.ja_JP`` kana and roman characters. Thanks @yameholo. * Add ``json`` and ``fixed_width`` generators. Thank you @johnbrandborg. * Add SWIFT code provider methods: ``swift``, ``swift8`` and ``swift11``. Thanks @malefice. * Add ``es_ES`` internet provider. Thanks @mondeja. * Update ``bban_format`` for ``fr_FR`` locale. Thanks @r3gis3r. * Update ``fr_FR`` ``job`` provider. Thanks @mondeja. * Add ``es_ES`` ``barcode`` provider. Thanks @mondeja. * Add parser argument support. Thanks @johnbrandborg.
*: reset maintainer for darcy
py-faker: updated to 4.1.1 4.1.1: * Add ``date_time`` providers for ``cs_CZ``, ``de_AT``, ``es_ES``, ``it_IT``, ``sk_SK``, ``tr_TR``. * Add prefix support to BarcodeProvider. * Fix company format for ``hy_AM`` provider. * Add .uk email providers and TLDs for ``en_GB``. * Add ``language_name`` generator. * Add ``pytimezone`` generator returning ``tzinfo`` objects. * Add ``es_ES`` currency provider.
py-faker: updated to 4.1.0 4.1.0: * Add ``pytest`` plugin. * Fix phone numbers for ``es_ES``. * Fix ``uuid`` provider to return a ``uuid4`` object when ``cast_to`` is set to ``None``. * Update names for ``es_ES`` person provider. * Add provider for ``sk_SK`` ``birth_number``. * Add ``day_of_week`` and ``month_name`` for ``de_DE`` provider.
py-faker: updated to 4.0.3 4.0.3: * Fixed ``MSISDN`` for ``pt_BR`` to return only mobile numbers. * Added Domain Generator Algorithm by date. * Fixed issue where ``pydict`` provider was not returning the correct number of elements. * Added support for Indian Aadhaar numbers. * Added ``company_vat`` for ``it_IT``. * Improved autodocumentation of providers. * Added provider for ``es_ES`` license plates. * Implemented ``__dir__`` method to Faker proxy for better autocompletion. * Uppercased HEX colors for all localized color providers. * Added bank provider for ``es_ES`` locale. * Added support for UK counties. * Added color provider for ``no_NO`` license plates. * Made ``value_types`` a keyword argument in ``python`` provider.
py-faker: updated to 4.0.2 4.0.2: * Add more data for ``ko_KR`` address provider. * Improved ``pt_PT`` locale for address and bank. * Add ``port_number`` method to internet provider. * Add color provider for ``fa_IR`` locale. * Add formatting options for ``pt_BR`` postcodes. * Add ``country_calling_code`` to ``phone_number`` provider. * Fix leap year issue. * Add ``AutomotiveProvider`` for ``fr_FR`` locale. * Fix ``cellphone_formats`` in ``pt_BR`` ``PhoneNumberProvider``.
py-faker: updated to 4.0.1 4.0.1: * Provider improvements for Russian locale: * added city suffixes, regions and country list * regions converted into states for now * street address formats and states expanded * lists for street titles changed * Fixed errors in Automotive Provider * Fixed errors in Address Provider * Bank Provider expanded: * BIC added) * Added list of banks * Improved Company Provider * Credit Card and Person Provider improvements * Currency Provider improvements * Date-Time Provider improvements * translit fix * Add Birth Number to czech locale. * Add persons provider for ``fr_QC``.
py-faker: updated to 4.0.0 4.0.0: Breaking change: Remove support for end-of-life Python 2.7. 3.0.1: NOTE: This is the last release to support Python 2.7.x. Add provider methods zip and tar for generating zip and tar files. Add en-CA postcode_in_province() method. Update Address and Automotive provider for Russian locale. Add provider methods for dsv files: csv, tsv, psv and generic dsv. Remove parenthesis from city name in de_DE address provider. Add NIP generator in pl_PL. Fix Faker.random_number intermittent exceptions. 3.0.0: Breaking change: Add support for multiple locale data generation. 2.0.5: Add Iranian credit card. Improve color provider. Add counties (concelhos) for locale pt_PT. Change NY zipcode range. Fix pyfloat out of min/max range.
py-faker: updated to 2.0.4 2.0.4: * Drop python 3.4. * Fix master card number generator. * Add provider for Finnish IBAN numbers. * Add color in Thai language. * Split first names into male/female for ``person/de_AT``. * Extend data for ``de_AT`` and ``it_IT`` person providers. * Add ``ta_IN`` support. * Add ``*_PH`` locales. * Add Thai lorem. * Add job in ``ja_JP``. * Optimize IPv4 address generation. * Increase bban_format length for ``en_GB``. * Fix occasional errors in ISBN provider. * Add more phone numbers to ``fa_IR`` locale. * Add support for token-based string generation. * Improve barcode provider. * Fix for pyfloat empty randrange. 2.0.3: * Use the provider's RNG instead of the random module in ``invalid_ssn``. * Fix ``randomize_nb_elements`` ``max`` argument. * Add ``de_DE`` jobs. * Add ``pt_PT`` automotive plates. * Add ``el_GR`` jobs. * Add police id for ``el_GR``. * Add jobs for for ``pt_PT``. 2.0.2: * Fix typos, misspellings. Add locations, names, dates in ``hi_IN`` providers. * Bump required version ``text-unidecode`` to 1.3. * Bug fix for ``pyfloat`` going over ``max_value``. 2.0.1: * Add nationalities for locale ``pt_PT``. * Add ``ios()`` and ``android()`` to ``user_agent`` provider. * Update ``zh_CN`` provinces. 2.0.0: * Breaking change: Only allow providers to use ``OrderedDict`` s, to avoid any more ``PYTHONHASHSEED`` problems.
py-faker: updated to 1.0.7 1.0.7: * Remove dead url from image_placeholder_services. * Fix missing first_names in Romanian person provider. * Add Catalan, adds doi/nie/nif/cif to Spain ssn. * Add texts to generate list of texts. * Add provider for pl_PL automotive and Polish pesel number. * Corrected behavior for pyfloat.
py-faker: updated to 1.0.6 1.0.6: Unknown changes
py-faker: updated to 1.0.5 1.0.5: * Add min and max values for pyfloat and pydecimal. * Add months and M to the syntax for start_date and end_date. * Add support for PyInstaller. * Add Dutch company names. * Fix some invalid French phone numbers starting with +33 8x. * Add Armenian locale hy_AM.
py-faker: updated to 1.0.4 1.0.4: * Fix erratic test. 1.0.3: * Fix AttributeError in user_Agent provider. * Update zh_TW person provider. * Add street data & remove street_prefixes from id_ID address provider. * Fix parsing of timedeltas in date_time provider. * Split name formats into formats_male and formats_female for de_DE provider. * Pin more-itertools to a version compatible with Python 2.7. * Fix fr_FR postcodes_format. * Fix hex code for yellowgreen color. * Add Brazilian RG (identity card). * Allow overriding of random generator class.
py-faker: updated to 1.0.2 1.0.2: * Fix state abbreviations for id_ID to be 2-letters. * Fix format for city_with_postcode on de_DE locale. * Update person providers for zh_CN. * Implement zipcode_in_state and aliases in en_US locale for generating a zipcode for a specified state. * Group first names by gender on zh_CN provider.
Needs py-test-runner.
py-faker: updated to 1.0.1 1.0.1: * Fixed number of digits in phone_number provider for no_NO. * Add categories to jp_JP company provider. * Add trunk prefix for ru_RU phone numbers.
py-faker: updated to 1.0.0 1.0.0: Breaking change: latlng, latitude and longitude no longer return coordinates that are close the locale's country. Use the local_latlng, local_latitude and local_longitude instead. Add location_on_land provider. 0.9.3: Add cellphone_number method for pt_BR. Fix urls generated by from image_url. Add job provider for th_TH. Add phone number provider for th_TH. Add bank provider for pl_PL locale. Add lorem provider for pl_PL locale. Add Postcode and City format for de_DE provider. Add vat_id to ssn providers for bg_BG, cs_CZ, de_AT, de_CH, de_de, dk_DK, el_CY, el_GR, en_GB, en_IE, es_ES, et_EE, fi_FI, fr_CH, fr_FR, hr_HR, hu_HU, it_IT, lb_LU, lt_LT, lv_LV, mt_MT, nl_BE, nl_NL, no_NO, pl_PL, pt_PT, ro_RO, sk_SK, sl_SI and sv_SE. Add postcode and city_with_postcode for cs_CZ. Add postcode and city_with_postcode for de_AT. Add license_plate for ru_RU. Remove incorrect phone number formats from en_US. Add job provider for bs_BA. Add hostname provider. Add license plates for sv_SE. Allow uuid4 to return a UUID object.
py-faker: updated to 0.9.2 0.9.2: * Add company names to pl_PL provider. * Add replacements for non-ascii characters in pt_BR. * Add some more placeholder image services. * Separate male name and female name formats in cs_CZ provider. * Add second level domains (mostly provinces) for cn top level domain. * Add fr_FR localization to lorem provider. * Lots of work on internal cleanup and optimizing the CI. * Add flake8 to the CI.
py-faker: updated to 0.9.1 0.9.1: Fix missing and misplaced comma's in many providers. Refactor IPv4 address generation to leverage ipaddress module. An en_NZ provider for addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Add unique argument to words() for returning unique words. Allow US territories to be excluded from state_abbr() for en_US provider. Add support for Python 3.7.
py-faker: updated to 0.9.0 0.9.0: .random_sample() now returns a list of unique elements instead of a set. .random_sample_unique() is removed in favor of .random_sample(). Added random_choices(), random_elements() and random_letters(). Added faker.utils.distribution.choices_distribution_unique(). words(), password(), uri_path and pystr() now use the new the random_choices() method. 0.8.18: Change blood group from 0 (zero) to O (capital letter O). Some locales do use 'zero', but O is more common and it is the medical standard. Fix alpha-2 country code for Haiti. Fix abbreviation for Nunavut. Standardized postcode in address providers. Now all locales are guaranteed to have a postcode method and may have a localized alias for it (eg: zipcode). Fix typo in pt_BR Person perovider. Fix timezone handling. Use tzinfo when provided in date_of_birth.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.17 0.8.17: Add ein, itin and refactored ssn Provider for en_US. Add job provier for zh_CN. Add date_of_birth provider. Add alpha-3 representation option for country-code provider.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.16 0.8.16: Fix test for CPF (Brazilian SSN). Fix Canadian SIN generation. Fix Norwegian SSN date portion. Add start_datetime argument for unix_time().
py-faker: updated to 0.8.15 0.8.15: * Change logging level to DEBUG.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.14 0.8.14: * Add possibility to make artificial ssn numbers for FI_fi. * Update ko_KR person data based on statistics. * Improved logging.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.13 0.8.13: Add no_NO bank provider. Add ipv4_network_class, ipv4_private, ipv4_public providers. Add address_class and private arguments to ipv4 provider. Add currency, currency_name, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency_code and cryptocurrency_name to currency provider. Add automotive provider for de_DE. Fix edgecases for Finnish ssn provider. Add job provider for pt_BR. Add unix_device and unix_partition to file provider. Add random_lowercase_letter and random_uppercase_letter to the base provider. Clarify CLI help.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.12 0.8.12: Fix issue with cx_Freeze. Add dutch nl_NL bank provider. Add distrito and freguesia to pt_PT address provider. Fix unicode issues with the person provider. Add en_SG person provider. Add street names to the Ukrainian address provider. Add de_AT address provider. Fix credit card prefixes. Fix capitalization in no_NO address provider. Fix deprecated syntax for raw strings. Add latitude and longitude to de_AT address provider. Fix incorrect value in list of middle name for locale ru_RU.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.11 0.8.11: * Add scheme selection for internet url provider. * Increase lower bound on AD date generation. * Add the ability to specify the min and max age for some ssn locales.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.10 0.8.10: * Pass python_requires argument to setuptools. * Remove some words from en_US lorem ipsum provider.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.9 0.8.9: Remove support for Python 3.3. Allow past dates within a second. Added phone number formatting to en_GB localisation to ensure no genuine phone numbers are generated. Added en_GB localisation for SSN (UK National Insurance Number). Added ro_RO person Provider. Added domain argument to email provider.
py-faker: updated to 0.8.8 0.8.8: * made seed_instance return self for chainability. * Add en_US locale for lorem. * fi_FI gender specific data added. * fi_FI address and job lists updated. * Add iban provider
py-faker: updated to 0.8.7 0.8.7: Corrected some issues with the Hungarian (hu_HU) providers, such as incorrectly capitalized company suffixes, street/road type names and place names. The Hungarian locale's providers.job.job provider now returns Hungarian job names, taken from the Hungarian National Statistical Office (KSH)'s 2008 survey nomenclature of employment (FEOR '08). Added he_IL locale. Fix possible infinite loop in random_sample_unique. Add aliases to make pt_BR address provider compatible with en_US. Fix ResourceWarning in setup.py. Update test requirements.
py-faker: update to 0.8.6 0.8.6: Replace unidecode dependency in favor of text-unidecode. Faker now requires text-unidecode.
py-faker: update to 0.8.5 0.8.5: * Add ASCII emails. * Add ``id_ID`` Providers. * Fix ``date_time.time_series() ``to ensure start and end bounds are inclusive. * Create a provider to Brazilian license plates. * Use a proper international format for Ukrainian phone numbers.
py-faker: update to 0.8.4 0.8.4: Move email_validator to test_requires and unpinned the version number. Date feature parity with datetime. Add MSISDN in the phone_number provider. Add Arabic locales. Fix datetime issue on Windows.
0.8.3: Fix release build. 0.8.2: Revert name change of faker.generator.random. Document the global shared random.Random and seed_instance().
0.8.1: Rolled back breaking change in randomize_nb_elements.
0.8.0: Add identity_card_number for pl_PL person provider. More descriptive error message when a formatter is not found. Add time_series provider. Add per-instance seeding via .seed_instance method. Fix tz_TW address provider.
0.7.18: Generate proper dates before 1970. Made it possible to seed .binary(). Add color names for hr_HR. Add implementation of ssn provider for the pl_PL locale. Add pt_BR colors localization. Create a method for codes of cryptocurrencies in the currency provider. Fix female name format typo in hu_HU person provider. Fix deprecated usage of print statement in README. Add gender-specific names for sv_SE person provider. Add an implementation of regon for pl_PL company provider. Addi an implementation of local_regon for pl_PL company provider. Replace deprecated getargspec on py3. Add new automotive provider. Add an implementation of company_vat for pl_PL company provider. Add Taiwan/Traditional character support for internet and lorem providers. Use random.choices when available for better performance. Refactor RGB color methods.
0.7.17: * Fix a timezone issue with the ``date_time_between_dates`` provider. 0.7.16: * fix timezone issues with ``date_time_between`` provider. * Add ``ext_word_list`` parameter to methods in the `Lorem` generator. Thanks @guinslym. 0.7.15: * fix start and end date for datetime provider methods. 0.7.14: * fix ``future_date``, `and ``past_date`` bounds.
Deal with lack of Python 3.x support in Python 2.7.
Add py-faker version 0.7.11. Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.