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Revision 1.7, Tue Aug 9 22:02:31 2005 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by jmmv
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +3 -3 lines

Update monotone and monotone-server to 0.22 (from 0.19):

Mon Aug  8 23:23:53 PDT 2005

        0.22 release.  new crypto library, bug fixes, ui improvements

        - switch from crypto++ to botan as underlying crypto library.
          this should not cause any user-visible changes; let us know
          if it does.  special thanks to Matt Johnston
          <matt@ucc.asn.au>, Kaushik Veeraraghavan
          <kaushikv@gmail.com>, Matthew Gregan
        - incompatible change to netsync permission hooks: the
          get_netsync_anonymous_read_permitted hook has been removed;
          instead, get_netsync_read_permitted will be called with a
          key name of nil.  server administrators should update/review
          their configuration
        - new option for merge and propagate: --lca.  Until we get a
          long-term solution to the various 3-way merge problems, this
          should be more convenient than using explicit_merge.
        - many small improvements to error messages, fixes of minor
          annoyances, netsync tickers more accurate, etc.

Sun Jul 17 16:48:26 PDT 2005

        0.21 release.  bug fixes, performance improvements, and ui

        - fixes a number of major performance bugs in 0.20's netsync
          implementation.  special thanks to Matt Johnston
        - fixes a number of major bugs in 0.20's (rewritten)
          cvs_import command.
        - configury kluges to work around g++ 4.0/boost 1.32
          incompatibilities.  special thanks to Christof Petig
          <christof@petig-baender.de>, Matthew Gregan
          <kinetik@orcon.net.nz>, Jordan Breeding
        - ui enhancements:
          - new netsync option "--exclude": branches are included if
            they match any of the given globs, unless they match any
            of the given --exclude globs.  special thanks to Timothy
            Brownawell <tbrownaw@gmail.com>.
          - new netsync option client "--set-default": makes it easy
            to change default server/branches.
          - "diff" now takes options "--context" and "--external", to
            output context diffs and to invoke an external diff
            program for full control over output formatting.  new
            option "--diff-args" pass arguments to external diff
            program; new hook "external_diff" allows further
            configuration.  special thanks to Vladimir Vukicevic
          - b: and t: selectors now match exactly, instead of matching
            as substrings.  globbing is supported for inexact
            matching.  special thanks to Brian Downing
            <bdowning@lavos.net>, Jordan Breeding
          - new command 'db kill_tag_locally'.  special thanks to Jordan
            Breeding <jordan.breeding@mac.com>.
        - now uses sqlite3 prepared statements.  special thanks to
          Derek Scherger <derek@echologic.com>.
        - 'db migrate' is now a complete no-op if there is no
          migration to do; automated scripts can now call it
          optimistically and cheaply to guarantee up-to-dateness.
        - new hash correctness tests.  special thanks to Kaushik
          Veeraraghavan <kaushikv@gmail.com>.

                - upgrading from 0.20: you must run 'monotone db
                  migrate' once against each of your databases, to add
                  new sql indexes.

Tue Jul  5 23:57:10 PDT 2005

        0.20 release.  features, ui improvements, performance
        improvements, and bug fixes.

        - major changes in netsync UI: serve/sync/push/pull now take a
          list of globs; clients can request arbitrary sets of
          branches, not just predefined "collections".  write
          permissions are now granted on a per-db level (they were
          before anyway).
                - where you used to say, e.g., "monotone pull
                  net.venge.monotone", you should instead say
                  "monotone pull net.venge.monotone*".  This may
                  require shell-quoting.
                - 'get_netsync_write_permitted' hooks must be changed
                  to take only one argument, the 'identity'.
                  'get_netsync_{read,anonymous_read}_permitted' hooks
                  now take a branch argument instead of a collection,
                  and will be called for each branch that a client
                - 0.19 clients cannot talk to 0.20 servers, and vice-versa.
                - special thanks to Timothy Brownawell
                  <tbrownaw@gmail.com>, Richard Levitte
        - other major changes:
                - cvs_import re-written; many bugs fixed.  now
                  supports tags.
        - many minor netsync changes:
                - netsync traffic is now cryptographically authenticated
                  against corruption and man-in-the-middle attacks.
                  special thanks to Ethan Blanton <elb@elitists.net>,
                  Matt Johnston <matt@ucc.asn.au>.
                - new hooks that are called when server receives data:
                  note_netsync_*_received.  special thanks to Timothy
                  Brownawell <tbrownaw@gmail.com>.
                - ancestry graphs that pass outside the given branch
                  are now synchronized correctly.  special thanks to
                  Timothy Brownawell <tbrownaw@gmail.com>.
        - UI improvements:
                - 'log' options changed: --depth has become --last;
                  new options --no-merges, --diffs, --brief.
                - 'status' has new option --brief.  special thanks to
                  Derek Scherger <derek@echologic.com>.
                - 'serve' has new option --pid-file.  special thanks
                  to Matthew Gregan <kinetik@orcon.net.nz>.
                - all commands taking restrictions now take option
                  --depth, to limit recursion through subdirectories.
                  special thanks to Joel Reed <joelwreed@comcast.com>.
                - merge command all take --author, --date now.
                - 'checkout', 'update' take --revision, instead of
                  using positional arguments.  special thanks to Derek
                  Scherger <derek@echologic.com>, Richard Levitte
                - 'commit' takes new --message-file option.
        - new features:
                - new commands: "db kill_branch_locally", "db
                  kill_revision_locally", useful for correcting some
                  mistakes.  special thanks to Brian Campbell
                  <brian.p.campbell@dartmouth.edu>, Sebastian Spaeth
                - new file attribute 'manual_merge', to prevent invocation of
                  merger on binary files.  hook added to guess correct
                  value at 'add' time.  special thanks to Riccardo
                  Ghetta <birrachiara@tin.it>.
                - new 'earlier than', 'later than' selectors.  special
                  thanks to Riccardo Ghetta <birrachiara@tin.it>.
        - new automate commands:
                - 'stdio', for efficient use by
                  front-ends.  special thanks to Timothy Brownawell
                - 'certs', for fetching certs on a revision in a
                  parseable (basic io-based) format.  special thanks
                  to Grahame Bowland <grahame@angrygoats.net>.
                - 'inventory' output changed incompatibly; should be
                  much more usable now, and stable.  special thanks to
                  Derek Scherger <derek@echologic.com>.
        - better memory/performance when handling large files.
          special thanks to Eric Anderson
          <anderse-monotone@cello.hpl.hp.com>, Timothy Brownawell
          <tbrownaw@gmail.com>, Matt Johnston <matt@ucc.asn.au>,
          Matthew Gregan <kinetik@orcon.net.nz>.
        - new text mode browser in contrib/mtbrowse.sh, by Henry
          Nestler <Henry@BigFoot.de>.
        - improved zsh completion in contrib/monotone.zsh_completion,
          by Joel Reed <joelwreed@comcast.com>.

                - upgrading from 0.19: database and working copies are
                  fully compatible.  netsync clients and servers need
                  to be upgraded together, as described above.  the
                  many ui changes may require script updates.

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2005/08/09 22:02:31 jmmv Exp $

DISTNAME=	monotone-server-0.22
DISTFILES=	# empty

HOMEPAGE=	http://www.venge.net/monotone/
COMMENT=	Simplifies the configuration of a dedicated Monotone server

DEPENDS+=	monotone>=0.22:../../devel/monotone


RCD_SCRIPTS=		monotone

PKG_SYSCONFSUBDIR=	monotone-server


EXAMPLEDIR=		${PREFIX}/share/examples/monotone-server
			${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/branches.conf \
			${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/hooks.conf \

PKG_USERS=		${MONOTONE_USER}:${MONOTONE_GROUP}::Monotone\\ dedicated\\ server:${VARBASE}/monotone:${SH}

SUBST_STAGE.vars=	do-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.vars=	"Configuring sources."
SUBST_SED.vars=		-e 's|@MONOTONE@|${PREFIX}/bin/monotone|g'
SUBST_SED.vars+=	-e 's|@SH@|${SH}|g'
SUBST_SED.vars+=	-e 's|@VARBASE@|${VARBASE}|g'



.for f in branches.conf hooks.conf monotone-server-init.sh
	${CP} ${FILESDIR}/${f} ${WRKSRC}
.undef f

	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/monotone-server-init.sh \
	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/branches.conf ${EXAMPLEDIR}/branches.conf
	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/hooks.conf ${EXAMPLEDIR}/hooks.conf

.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"