The NetBSD Project


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Current directory: [] / pkgsrc / devel / cvsd

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[DIR] files/        
[DIR] patches/        
[TXT] DESCR 18 years wiz Initial import of cvsd, a cvs pserver wrapper that chroots the pserver. Based o...
[TXT] MESSAGE 18 years wiz Initial import of cvsd, a cvs pserver wrapper that chroots the pserver. Based o...
[TXT] Makefile 1.27 12 months hauke Have the rc.d script respect PKG_SYSCONFDIR (what a concept!)
[TXT] PLIST 1.3 10 years jperkin Remove example rc.d scripts from PLISTs. These are now handled dynamically if I...
[TXT] distinfo 1.11 12 months hauke Add PREFIX/{,s}bin to PATH Not having an /etc/ is not an error (on so...

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