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py-mysqlclient: updated to 2.2.6 What's new in 2.2.6 * MariaDB Connector/C 3.4 and MairaDB 11.4 enabled SSL and CA verification by default. It affected 2.2.5 windows wheel. This release disables SSL and CA verification by default. * Add ``server_public_key_path`` option. It is needed to connect MySQL server with ``sha256_password`` or ``caching_sha2_password`` authentication plugin without secure connection. What's new in 2.2.5 * (Windows wheel) Update MariaDB Connector/C to 3.4.1. * (Windows wheel) Build wheels for Python 3.13.
py-mysqlclient: updated to 2.2.4 2.2.4 * Support ``ssl=True`` in ``connect()``. This makes better compatibility with PyMySQL and mysqlclient==2.2.1 with libmariadb. 2.2.3 * Fix ``Connection.kill()`` method that broken in 2.2.2. 2.2.2 * Support building with MySQL 8.3 * Deprecate ``db.shutdown()`` and ``db.kill()`` methods in docstring. This is because ``mysql_shutdown()`` and ``mysql_kill()`` were removed in MySQL 8.3. They will emit DeprecationWarning in the future but not for now. 2.2.1 * ``Connection.ping()`` avoid using ``MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT`` option until ``reconnect=True`` is specified. MySQL 8.0.33 start showing warning when the option is used. * Windows: Update MariaDB Connector/C to 3.3.8. * Windows: Build wheels for Python 3.12 2.2.0 * Use ``pkg-config`` instead of ``mysql_config`` * Raise ProgrammingError on -inf * Raise IntegrityError for ER_BAD_NULL. * Windows: Use MariaDB Connector/C 3.3.4 * Use pkg-config instead of mysql_config * Add collation option * Drop Python 3.7 support * Use pyproject.toml for build * Add Cursor.mogrify * Partial support of ssl_mode option with mariadbclient * Discard remaining results without creating Python objects * Fix executemany with binary prefix
py-mysqlclient: update to 2.1.1. ====================== What's new in 2.1.1 ====================== Release: 2022-06-22 * Fix qualname of exception classes. (#522) * Fix range check in ``MySQLdb._mysql.result.fetch_row()``. Invalid ``how`` argument caused SEGV. (#538) * Fix docstring of ``_mysql.connect``. (#540) * Windows: Binary wheels are updated. (#541) * Use MariaDB Connector/C 3.3.1. * Use cibuildwheel to build wheels. * Python 3.8-3.11 ====================== What's new in 2.1.0 ====================== Release: 2021-11-17 * Add ``multistatement=True`` option. You can disable multi statement. (#500). * Remove unnecessary bytes encoder which is remained for Django 1.11 compatibility (#490). * Deprecate ``passwd`` and ``db`` keyword. Use ``password`` and ``database`` instead. (#488). * Windows: Binary wheels are built with MariaDB Connector/C 3.2.4. (#508) * ``set_character_set()`` sends ``SET NAMES`` query always. This means all new connections send it too. This solves compatibility issues when server and client library are different version. (#509) * Remove ``escape()`` and ``escape_string()`` from ``MySQLdb`` package. (#511) * Add Python 3.10 support and drop Python 3.5 support. ====================== What's new in 2.0.3 ====================== Release: 2021-01-01 * Add ``-std=c99`` option to cflags by default for ancient compilers that doesn't accept C99 by default. * You can customize cflags and ldflags by setting ``MYSQLCLIENT_CFLAGS`` and ``MYSQLCLIENT_LDFLAGS``. It overrides ``mysql_config``. ====================== What's new in 2.0.2 ====================== Release: 2020-12-10 * Windows: Update MariaDB Connector/C to 3.1.11. * Optimize fetching many rows with DictCursor. ====================== What's new in 2.0.1 ====================== Release: 2020-07-03 * Fixed multithread safety issue in fetching row. * Removed obsolete members from Cursor. (e.g. `messages`, `_warnings`, `_last_executed`) ====================== What's new in 2.0.0 ====================== Release: 2020-07-02 * Dropped Python 2 support * Dropped Django 1.11 support * Add context manager interface to Connection which closes the connection on ``__exit__``. * Add ``ssl_mode`` option.
databases: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and SHA512 hashes The following distfiles could not be fetched (some may be only fetched conditionally): ./databases/cstore/distinfo D6.data.ros.gz ./databases/cstore/distinfo cstore0.2.tar.gz ./databases/cstore/distinfo data4.tar.gz
databases: Remove SHA1 distfile hashes
py-mysqlclient: updated to 1.4.6 What's new in 1.4.6 The cp1252 encoding is used when charset is "latin1".
py-mysqlclient: updated to 1.4.5 What's new in 1.4.5 * The ``auth_plugin`` option is added. What's new in 1.4.4 * ``charset`` option is passed to ``mysql_options(mysql, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, charset)`` before ``mysql_real_connect`` is called. This avoid extra ``SET NAMES <charset>`` query when creating connection. What's new in 1.4.3 * ``--static`` build supports ``libmariadbclient.a`` * Try ``mariadb_config`` when ``mysql_config`` is not found * Fixed warning happend in Python 3.8 * Fixed ``from MySQLdb import *``, while I don't recommend it. * Fixed SEGV ``MySQLdb.escape_string("1")`` when libmariadb is used and no connection is created. * Fixed many circular references are created in ``Cursor.executemany()``. What's new in 1.4.2 * Fix Django 1.11 compatibility. mysqlclient 1.5 will not support Django 1.11. It is not because mysqlclient will break backward compatibility, but Django used unsupported APIs and Django 1.11 don't fix bugs including compatibility issues. What's new in 1.4.1 * Fix dict parameter support What's new in 1.4.0 * Dropped Python 3.4 support. * Removed ``threadsafe`` and ``embedded`` build options. * Remove some deprecated cursor classes and methods. * ``_mysql`` and ``_mysql_exceptions`` modules are moved under ``MySQLdb`` package. * Remove ``errorhandler`` from Connection and Cursor classes. * Remove context manager API from Connection. It was for transaction. New context manager API for closing connection will be added in future version. * Remove ``waiter`` option from Connection. * Remove ``escape_sequence``, and ``escape_dict`` methods from Connection class. * Remove automatic MySQL warning checking. * Drop support for MySQL Connector/C with MySQL<5.1.12. * Remove ``_mysql.NULL`` constant. * Remove ``_mysql.thread_safe()`` function. * Support non-ASCII field name with non-UTF-8 connection encoding. * Optimize decoding speed of string and integer types. * Remove ``MySQLdb.constants.REFRESH`` module. * Remove support for old datetime format for MySQL < 4.1. * Fix wrong errno is raised when ``mysql_real_connect`` is failed. What's new in 1.3.14 * Support static linking of MariaDB Connector/C * Better converter for Decimal and Float * Add ``Connection._get_native_connection`` for XTA project * Fix SEGV on MariaDB Connector/C when some methods of ``Connection`` objects are called after ``Connection.close()`` is called. * Fix ``Connection.client_flag`` * Fix SSCursor may raise same exception twice * This removed ``Cursor._last_executed`` which was duplicate of ``Cursor._executed``. Both members are private. So this type of changes are not documented in changelog generally. But Django used the private member for ``last_executed_query`` implementation. If you use the method the method directly or indirectly, this version will break your application. See https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30013 * ``waiter`` option is now deprecated. * Fixed SSL support is not detected when built with MySQL < 5.1
py-mysqlclient: update to 1.3.13 Changes: - Support build with MySQL 8 - Fix decoding tiny/medium/long blobs (#215) - Remove broken row_seek() and row_tell() APIs (#220) - Reduce callproc roundtrip time (#223)
Import mysqlclient 1.3.12 as databases/py-mysqlclient. Based on https://github.com/joyent/pkgsrc/issues/77 by @wiedi This is a fork of MySQLdb. This project adds Python 3 support and bug fixes.