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File: [cvs.NetBSD.org] / pkgsrc / chat / gajim / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.20, Tue Jun 4 22:15:45 2013 UTC (10 years, 10 months ago) by tron
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.19: +2 -2 lines

Try to fix the fallout caused by the fix for PR pkg/47882. Part 3:

Recursively bump package revisions again after the "freetype2" and
"fontconfig" handling was fixed.

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.20 2013/06/04 22:15:45 tron Exp $

DISTNAME=	gajim-0.15
CATEGORIES=	chat python
MASTER_SITES=	http://www.gajim.org/downloads/0.15/
EXTRACT_SUFX=	.tar.bz2

MAINTAINER=	vsevolod@highsecure.ru
HOMEPAGE=	http://www.gajim.org/
COMMENT=	Jabber client written in PyGTK
LICENSE=	gnu-gpl-v3

DEPENDS=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-expat-[0-9]*:../../textproc/py-expat
DEPENDS=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-dbus>=0.81:../../sysutils/py-dbus
DEPENDS=	${PYPKGPREFIX}-sqlite3-[0-9]*:../../databases/py-sqlite3

.include "options.mk"

USE_TOOLS+=	gmake intltool pkg-config msgfmt

.include "../../lang/python/application.mk"
.include "../../lang/python/extension.mk"
.include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/desktopdb.mk"
.include "../../x11/libXScrnSaver/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../x11/py-gtk2/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"